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HomeCrime and Courts

Police Officers In Unmarked Car Open Fire At Vehicle, Killing Passenger In Mwenezi

6 days agoFri, 21 Mar 2025 00:36:33 GMT
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Police Officers In Unmarked Car Open Fire At Vehicle, Killing Passenger In Mwenezi

A passenger was shot and killed by police officers in Mwenezi after the vehicle he was in allegedly sped off when waved down near Rutenga along the Masvingo-Beitbridge Highway on Tuesday.

This area is known for robberies and carjackings.

The deceased, 21-year-old Shadreck Madzore, was sitting at the back of a pick-up truck when he was reportedly hit by two bullets fired from an unmarked Toyota Probox car used by the police.

After a high-speed chase, both vehicles stopped at the tollgate, where police discovered that Madzore had been shot dead.

The deceased’s relatives told NewsDay that police arrested the truck driver and another passenger, accusing them of being robbers. However, they were later released without any charges.

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Inspector Kudakwashe Dhewa, the spokesperson for the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) in Masvingo Province, said he had not yet received the report at the time of writing.

Samson Madzore, the deceased’s uncle, accused the police of overreacting and misusing their firearms. He said:

The car which is mine had a puncture at that detour. We heard that soon after replacing the wheel, they (the driver and his passengers) proceeded, but were flagged by a Toyota Probox car without plates.

Fearing robbers, they did not stop. My driver sped off with the other car in hot pursuit.

The occupants of the car opened fire and hit Shadreck twice and that is the statement made to police in our presence.

Reports say that last week, a haulage truck driver was assaulted and robbed of cash and valuables in the same area.

Given this recent incident, it’s possible that the driver of the vehicle in which Shadreck Madzore was a passenger feared the police vehicle might belong to armed robbers since it was unmarked and had no number plates.

More: NewsDay



The Voice · 2 days ago
Its high time ther be a force to control and arrest Police Officers ,its clear they cant do their job to protect and to serve the People
Anonymous · 4 days ago
Maputisa muzimbabwe imbabva chaizvo. This is typically an armed robery gone wrong. Had they succeeded in stopping the driver, robbed him and his passengers they would have gone back home to their police camp and that would have statistically been one of the unsolved armed robery cases in that area.
gaza · 4 days ago
porisi ndodzatove bvavha manje havazotaure havo chokwadi but every group riri kusungwa nenyaya dzekuba kuuraya dzine mupurisa mukati
Anonymous · 5 days ago
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𝙎𝙞𝙮𝙤𝙮𝙤 · 5 days ago
Zimbabwe is cursed, every day we receive death report. it's obvious kuti every day kunoita a fatal accident, rimwe day mwari vapindirawo koswera kusina accident mapurisa obva ashandisa pfuti to make death a daily basis.... hazvina kunaka izvi negative nedzimwe nzira dziri normal and well explained kwete pfuti. we don't expect such while we are not in war. just suspecting someone and without any tip off from anyone, ndarwadziwa😭😭😭 you can't test your guns shedding an innocent blood aaah nooo nooooo!
kruschev · 5 days ago
from the highest to the lowest the police are now trigger happy people its now a ruthless and murderous organisation
sad emoji1
Mutamba · 5 days ago
VaMutamba muri baba vangu by blood if muchiona article ino pliz put your house in order,tinonyarirepi nhai?Why do police use unmarked vehicles ,udzai kazembe kazembe kt u need 1000 cars for a start 100 for each province,ma single cab e patrol kwete emashefu and one thing,Police cars dzinobvaruka easily and hadzitori kana gore,craft a policy concerning police drivers kwete kut watora watora.. maita basa Nzou ndini mwana wenyu Mutamba Mutamba
citizen · 5 days ago
ln 1999 in Masvingo ndakarohwa neMotokari opposite Masvingo Central Police in the CBD.Ndaive ndiine bicycle after given right of way by a certain car.Ford Seira red in color came and hit was driven nemwana waDispo panguva iyoyo.These guys were drunk.Nekuti ndaive mudiki,mupurisa akauya paScene akati hanzi huyai muCentral.Hapana chakamboitwavo,ndakasiiwa ndiri mune kamwe karoom.After sometime ndakazongobuda ndega nokuti zuva rakanga rasvika,kwakutoenda kumba.Ndakabatsirwa neumwe murume akandiona ndave kutadza kufamba.Chakazongoita kutorerwa bhasikoro rangu.Vakangorova dhongi zvavo,kana chakauya.Ndakanyora O level ndave mutenda.Nanhasi uno gumbo neChest zvinondirwadza kukaita makore kana kutonhoresa.Chinondirwadza nanhasi ndechekuti ndakarohwa nemota yemukuru wemapurisa,mupurisa akatumwa wacho akabata nyaya in favour of his boss.Vana vacho were bragging about their father's position ndichitonzwa and hakunavo kwakazomboenda nyaya.Mapurisa eZRP kubva kare ,zvavari nhasi ndizvo vaive.Bhaibheri rinoti zvaro kufa kwemunhu nekwedhongi zvakafanana.Ndinorwadziwa asi ndiri mupenyu.ZRP ZRP itaiwo zvinhu kwazvo.
Ediots · 5 days ago
the police officers must be held accountable. the minister of hone affairs as well.
SIR AFRICAN · 5 days ago
Ndo paunonzwa mumwe achiti shoot to kill policy iri right but it can be used to kill innocent people like in this case. When you read the criminal code it says a person can be arrested on reasonable suspicion, not just suspicion but REASONABLE otherwise kana pasina reasonable suspicion made munopera kusungwa.
𝙎𝙞𝙮𝙤𝙮𝙤 · 5 days ago
police must use labelled cars inorder to be seen well. zvekushandisa private cars vachiuraya vanhu vasina mhosva is totally wrong. there was no need to open fire as they were just suspecting the victims to be robbers. why didn't they call for tollgate to close for easy catching of the suspects. after all police is denying people to demonstrate. aaah nooo nooooo!
Anonymous · 5 days ago
Maybe the truck driver actually thought he was about to be robbed by robbers posing as police officers.
Anonymous · 5 days ago
Mapurisa aya ngaasungwe. I could have reacted the same thinking an attempt to rob me is in progress! How do we tell people in a toyota probox identifying themselvs as policemen are genuine policemen? Probox is well kmown as a mushikaskika car, just as honda fit. Tjis is murder!!!
General valerio Sibanda · 5 days ago
mapurisa muri**** dzevanhu ndimi murikurobber vanhu why maishandisa moto isina maplates zvigananda zvevanhu
🤦🏽‍♂️ · 5 days ago
Extra judicial killings are now becoming a cause for concern...if suspicion leads to execution then who will police the police?? Especially kuHomicide uko
gumlaz · 5 days ago
he tine maprofessional police officer so is this how you call professional officer vachiita zvekuvanda muprivate car vobva vangopfura pasina kana kuitwa ma investigations is this what you call professional officer's zrp imbotipai ma sereous zuro ndizuro umwe officer akapfura umwe wake kana vanhu ava vasna kutrainner musavape pfuti nxaaaa zrp o zibenzi re police
SIR AFRICAN · 5 days ago
A couple of years back I approached a certain officer in charge of a police station and revealed to me how he had failed to rein his police officers who were arresting people then phone their relative or wives asking them to bring money to the station to bail their arrested relatives. He said the fines would be paid but no reciept were issued to them.The so called suspects were arrested just to extort money from them.
Xxx · 5 days ago
Why did the police officers fire at people who did not have firearms.
sad emoji1
S. Class · 5 days ago
The same ne nyaya ya officer vakapfurwa ku bulawayo munhu wavaimhanyisa ainge asiri armed but the police where firing at him.
QMan to Man🏳️‍🌈🤝🇿🇼 🦮 · 5 days ago
b · 5 days ago
Worried Citizen · 5 days ago
Whose gonna protect us, imagine police officers are becoming our nightmares now. This country is slowly dying. RIP to the innocent soul
Mulla · 5 days ago
Since when did police officers start using unmarked vehicles on road blocks, something doesn't add up?
tv tee · 5 days ago
mapurisa ava ktotyisa kudarika mbavha ktaura chokwad
theLastAntKing · 5 days ago
mapurisa ava kufanira kurambidzwa zvachose kushandisa mota dzavo pabasa re state. Kana vari veshoka ngavafambe nekuti state haina mota. Ava ngavasungwe, dai vaishandisa Mahendra driver waikoniwa kumira here? Ndosaka vanhu varikuzoti zvikunzi na Geza mawanda mu Road its true
🦅 🐆 🦁 ɢᴀᴍᴇ-ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇʀ · 5 days ago
Why is the police using unmarked vehicles? Ndo varikukonzeresa, they must be banned from using unmarked vehicles. Mupurisa anofanira kubuda pachena ozivikanwa kuti here is a police officer akapfeka uniform yebasa. Hapana munhu anomirira unmarked vehicles infamed for abductions.
milking honey 💰 money · 5 days ago
Vakomana here uyo mamupfuura 2 shots akafa arikuback kwemota driver wemota omira neimwe passenger mova bvunziridza 2 minutes mova regedza nekuti havana mhosva saka maererano ekunyorwa kwaitwa nyaya iyi akakanganisa apo ndiani . ini ndinoti ZRP yauraya munhu asina mhaka pasina kana mhaka varidzi vemunhu muno fanira kuripwa nemhondi idzi kasingaperi . how many times just in a short space off time has the police killed infact murdered innocent souls ngavabatwewo voitwa zvimwechete izvozvo ZRP ndimi makauraya mwana saka mbavha ndedzipi ukooo
black beard · 5 days ago
vanenge vakabhema mbanje chete
Key 🔐 · 5 days ago
Shame apa muchinda wacho akapfurwa ndomuziva taitonamata tose zvrikuitika munyika muno zvnonzwisa hasha
GEN-Z · 5 days ago
police force is now operating like rebels they should use marked vehicles to avoid killing citizens in the name of neutralizing robbers💯
Cyrus the Virus · 5 days ago
why shoot at people whilst you are in an unmarked vehicle this is gross incompetence dai ngozi ikakukakai mese
kwachu · 5 days ago
All these police actions shall come to an end , it's everyday the police this the police that they have contributed to a lot of accidents many a people have lost lives because of an institution that is responsible of protecting lives intead but only God knows . l pray the end is near.
gaza · 5 days ago
ma pro box dzagara imota dzana bhavha pamwe porisi racho ndorukuto bata ngunzu ipapo
Alphandega · 5 days ago
gross incompetent mapurisa aya they are using these guys for suppression and abuse and murdering of wc haisiyo basa ye service gun
Motorola · 5 days ago
RIP Shadreck may justice be done
The High Priest · 6 days ago
That is murder, the culprit must also rot in jail, why not using a police vehicle, worse more unmarked probox, shirt blood thirsty zrp
SIR AFRICAN · 6 days ago
That is murder with actual intent you cannot fire at a vehicle without warning shots. I hope they catch the guy who murdered the innocent man and throw away the keys to his cell. kana munguva ye hondo hatina kumbozviona zvakadaro kuti mapurisa behave like cowboys in western movies.May be they thought it was Bombshell Geza.
. · 6 days ago
shame....tts unfortunate ..haaa ini zrp ndaitadza..kanzuru kange better

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