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Woman Dies After Third-Floor Jump During Marital Dispute

3 weeks agoWed, 19 Feb 2025 08:07:01 GMT
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Woman Dies After Third-Floor Jump During Marital Dispute

A 33-year-old woman named Siphiwe Ndlovu died in hospital after allegedly being assaulted by her husband and subsequently jumping from the third-floor window of their apartment at Burombo Flats in Bulawayo on Saturday night.

Witnesses claimed that the couple had been struggling financially, a situation that may have led to repeated instances of gender-based violence in their home.

Ndlovu succumbed to her injuries at Mpilo Central Hospital on Sunday, a day after her fall. Her husband, Meluleki Ndlovu, 44, has since been arrested and is facing murder charges. He was due to appear in court on Tuesday.

According to a neighbour of the couple who spoke to CITE on the condition of anonymity, a heated argument was heard from the couple’s flat around 10 PM.

Meluleki was reportedly confronting his wife over a phone number he had found on her phone. Said the source:

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The argument started around 10 PM. The husband demanded answers about a number he had seen on his wife’s phone.

An hour later, she fell from the window of their flat, landing on the ground below. She broke her leg and sustained other injuries. She was taken to hospital, but sadly, she died yesterday afternoon.

Acting Bulawayo Police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Nomalanga Msebele confirmed the incident. She said:

Police confirm the arrest of Meluleki Ndlovu a male adult aged 44 of Burombo flats Bulawayo in connection with a murder case of his wife Siphiwe Ndlovu a female adult aged 33.

According to Msebele, Meluleki assaulted Siphiwe inside their locked flat. To escape, she stepped onto a sofa and jumped out of the window. She added:

She fell and landed on her stomach whilst still holding keys to the house in her right hand. She sustained a fractured right leg, swollen stomach and was bleeding from the nose and mouth.

A neighbour who saw her falling took the keys from the now deceased’s hand and unlocked the door for the accused to come out.

Upon realising that the now deceased was injured, the accused person called an ambulance and took her to Mpilo Central Hospital where she was admitted in a serious condition.

The deceased’s aunt, Patience Phiri, told the Chronicle that the family faced financial hardship, as both the husband and wife were unemployed. She said:

Meluleki was self-employed and transported client goods in a push cart around the Renkini Bus Terminus area and my niece occasionally did piece jobs such as doing laundry and cleaning other people’s houses.

The family struggled financially and to add to that the husband drank heavily. The financial situation in their home could have been the reason Meluleki beat his wife a lot.

Phiri added that the couple had been together for about 10 years and had a nine-year-old daughter. She said:

My niece was naked when she fell from that window and I’m here to pack some clothes so that we can dress her body at the mortuary.

The funeral wake will be held at our family home in Mzilikazi and family members have started gathering there.

She was killed like an animal and we will make sure that her death is avenged.



fig · 3 weeks ago
zwitorinani kugara urisingle panekurorwa nebenzi woguma wazwiuraya
milking honey 💰 money · 3 weeks ago
Unholy woman keep jumping 3rd floors or even try the 4th storie maybe our thoughts may settle down tanzwa nema suspition keep coming home after 8pm and claim to be so tired from working . Jumping from a 3 storie buildind with keys in your pulm and also naked ,meaning they were in bed when she was questioned and could not give answers only to resourte to fleeing from hubby through the window ,kkk muchapera henyu ma**** apa ndichi jegha mabanana pamsika xa tish
· 3 weeks ago
Vakadzi kana mafunga kudhura tangai mabva pavarume venyu moitira kwamakabva , izvo zvekunyengwa muchizodzoka pamurume siyai tsika iyoyo munofira mahara.
🇯🇲DENLAW SECURITY SYSTEMS🇯🇲 CCTV,ALARMS (0780646992)#(0777373902) · 3 weeks ago
saka apa muri kureva kuti mukadzi uyu akasundwa here akadonha nepa window kana murume akunzi murder apo, witness uyo akaona munhu achidonha kwete kuti akaona munhu achisundwa uye akanzwa noise yavo yekusawirirana mumba mavo wakaita a good lawyer unobuda mujeri chibaba
Anonymous · 3 weeks ago
)))))) Hot girls are waiting for you on --
MR Chocolate 🍫 J · 3 weeks ago
this guy with his site fun4 always posting it everyway..
AbX · 3 weeks ago
· 3 weeks ago
Those of you who have a background In Military intelligence,are familiar with these kind of questions.can you guess what time of the day this is,just by looking at the picture,above? 1The clues are look at the direction the satellite dish is facing,if this picture is in a Bulawayo setting,on "IS20"direction. 2.look at the shadow of the building during the time of the day and the season,look at the vegetation.3.look at the direction shadow of the satellite dishes on the shoulder of the building" loaf of bread"use the shadow tip method to estimate the minute hand of your"pseudo"time. 4.Draw a straight line ,between the two dish shadows, in the center where the points meet,use the watch method of the southern hemisphere.Point the watches twelve o'clock mark towards the direction of the sun where you think the sun is facing to determine the hour . 5.Wind direction of the reeds may be helpful.In the southern hemisphere the wind flows from west to east.6.the last clue is that,this building is on a sewage slope,in the. southernhemisphere,growth is more lush on the side of the tree facing the north.This also indicates that there is a small stream near by,could be a sewagelike ,stream,or maybe a waste disposal stream from nearby factories. in conclusion,this picture was most probably taken on a clear summer afternoon,between 13:40 and 14.40pm.This building is facing in the direction of 20DegreesSouth 28Degrees to the east, facing the direction of the Bulawayo city center.The sun is slightly overhead facing towards the direction of the shadow of the satellite dishes on the shoulders of the building.This looks to me like an accurate picture of the Burombo flates.
· 3 weeks ago
how to got the degrees,13:40pm+14:40 pm my estimate time when the picture was taken,you get 28 which is 28degrees which is the Direction to the east which means is where the building bis facing..So .IS20 antennas are facing the east so its accurate.
· 3 weeks ago
This is the reason why lilith refused to get married to Adam.Eve accepted the marriage and later regretted it .Lilith sayed she wants to be free and independent , marriage makes you a property of your husband.Asherah later divorced Yahweh because of the same reason.Maria Magdalena also turned down Jesus' proposal. If you value your independence and freedom as a woman, remain single.Some of the greatest woman and never got married, because of this issue,You will end up enslaved by your husband .Man are evil ,they are not worth the risk.Learn from me ,a retired prostitute.
bounty hunter · 3 weeks ago
may l have the source where you got this information about lilith
HiLLBiLLIES VOLkSWAGEN 0774857233 · 3 weeks ago
Go and repent my sister
Anonymous · 3 weeks ago
100% agree especially our lot here , they are the worse!
screwdriver · 3 weeks ago
Mataura **** apa hakuna zvakadaro musanyepere vanhu imi vakuru imi
Talent · 3 weeks ago
Why always blame women.This lady woeked so hard kuwachira,kutsvairora mumwe mukadzi hazvisi nyore iwe ine yako imba.This man overreacted ko if # yanga iri yeclient anoda kuitirwa basa .Apo mhuri hausi kugona kuchengeta.Lets workup ladies kana zvadii you better leave nokuti ndomagumiro adzo murume since akundikana anenge ane kufunga kuri maybe uri kuh.ura .
ZimSketch · 3 weeks ago
she jumped??? so why murder charges. Women must learn to talk less and reason much before answering their spouses
Anonymous · 3 weeks ago
Vakasikwa vaka daro avambochinji, ukango pinda muburi rake chete watova mwana mucheche kumukadzi wose. Mhosva ndeyekuti warionerei. Kana usina kuriona unenge uchipfugamirwa hanzi maswerasei Tembo.
screwdriver · 3 weeks ago
point i agree with you
👀👀 · 3 weeks ago
point of correction,not all woman,
4567 · 3 weeks ago
Podho · 3 weeks ago
Marriage is not sour..marriage iri must marry your best friend guys.nzwisisana neumwe wako wiriranai seshamwari communication ndobhoma....nyatsoitsemura kana uri murume..kana uri mukadzi mupe yese maside ese..tell each other kuti sha dai wadai munamo..hatimbozama kudai...spice things up..murume anouya kumba achimhanya everyday..
HiLLBiLLIES VOLkSWAGEN 0774857233 · 3 weeks ago
@Podho, dai waiziva kuti muno muzimbabwe hapana mukadzi asina chikomba
$$$ madollars · 3 weeks ago
maburi evanhu aritsemurwa kunze uko.ukasarova zvine mutsindo vekwako unopinda mahwan..
kudzai · 3 weeks ago
marriage is now a sour thing ...
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 3 weeks ago
Marriage dzakapera panguva yana Bob not iyezvino 🤣🤣🤣
murabada we mbo ro · 3 weeks ago
how do you know kuti she jumped.zvonetsa izvi anoziva mufi nemurume wemufi
collins · 3 weeks ago
sad incident, but i do not understand why the husband was arrested for murder????? she jumped
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Oncemore · 3 weeks ago
Ichokwadi, vakadzi ve anhu varikudhisha. 90% yevakadzi vevanhu variku tsemurwa zvekuti heki
𝕊𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕣 · 3 weeks ago
how sad 😭... ndapotsa ndaisa 😂 instead of 😭 ndangona misodzi
nhubu · 3 weeks ago
kugarahunzwanana vadikani
Nangara · 3 weeks ago
Mabaa eghukha
Oncemore · 3 weeks ago
I think women should talk less with their spouses, especially when there is a misunderstanding. In this case the husband suspected that his wife was having an affair with another man
😎 · 3 weeks ago
How do you know, may be munhu ange achi avoidhiwa dhiri bva rapinda vat
Mai Muzeketwa Chiurai · 3 weeks ago
😎 · 3 weeks ago
Shame, that was a escape is an attempt to get flee a monster, that's totally abuse, Poor woman MHSRIEP
Valerie M.J. Vee bae ✨️💜💜 · 3 weeks ago
pasi neZanu pf dai pasina zve poverty yanetsa iyi
Osama · 3 weeks ago
I think His Excellence CDE Geza is preparing something good for us kkkk
😎 · 3 weeks ago
Inga zvenyu moda ma bombshell, pane ma bomber chaiwo
😎 · 3 weeks ago
Inga henyu motongwa ne ma shells of a bomb Isu toda riri bomber chairo

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