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OpenMutsvangwa Claims Mnangagwa Secured Release Of His Son, Neville, From Prison

ZANU PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa said it was President Emmerson Mnangagwa who facilitated the release of his son, Neville, following his arrest last year.
Neville was detained for illegal foreign currency trading during a raid at his home in Mt. Pleasant, Harare, on May 8, 2024.
He was also charged with money laundering and violating the Bank Use Promotion and Suppression of Money Laundering Act.
Neville was granted bail by High Court Judge Justice Rodgers Manyangadze on May 31, 2024. He and his co-accused, Ellias Majachani and Simbarashe Tichingana, were each required to pay US$1,000 and surrender their passports.
At the time of Neville’s arrest, Mnangagwa was out of the country, and Mutsvangwa attributed the arrest to Acting President Constantino Chiwenga.
On 8 May 2024, Mnangagwa was in Nairobi, Kenya, for the Africa Fertiliser and Soil Health Summit.
Speaking at a press conference in Harare on Thursday, Mutsvangwa claimed that Mnangagwa was not responsible for his son’s arrest. He said:
President Emmerson Mnangagwa was not behind the arrest of my son, as some people claim. It is President Mnangagwa who released him from jail.
Mutsvangwa’s remarks suggest that President Mnangagwa influences the judiciary. Critics argue that there is a selective application of the law, with some individuals accused of corruption being briefly arrested and then released—a “catch and release” approach—while others languish in remand prison for over a year, only to be acquitted of the charges they faced.