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Two Zimbabweans Arrested With Large Shipment Of Illicit Cigarettes In South Africa

4 months agoWed, 13 Nov 2024 05:18:39 GMT
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Two Zimbabweans Arrested With Large Shipment Of Illicit Cigarettes In South Africa

Police in Limpopo Province, South Africa, have arrested two foreign nationals, aged 25 and 31, for possessing illicit Remington Gold cigarettes valued at around R1 million.

Provincial police spokesperson Colonel Malesela Ledwaba confirmed that the arrests occurred on Monday. Said Ledwaba:

Information was reportedly received regarding a white truck with Gauteng province registration, suspected of smuggling cigarettes from Zimbabwe to Gauteng via Northam.

In response, a joint operation was launched, involving Northam SAPS, Koedoeskop Rural Safety, and private security.

The team identified the truck and made a tactical stop to search it. Said Ledwaba:

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A hidden compartment was found in the trailer, with a false panel concealing 170 boxes of illicit Remington Gold cigarettes with an estimated street value of R1.1 million.

The two foreign national male suspects were immediately arrested. They are expected to appear before Northam Magistrate’s Court soon, facing charges of possessing illicit cigarettes.

Police said the cigarettes, the truck, and its trailer were impounded.

More: Pindula News



Rhodesian Independence · 4 months ago
what did UDI do for the black native population - accelerated road and rail infrastructure development improved health care and education what has the present gvt done to its citizens- massive looting and racketeering and massive poverty,poor road network and a now decaying public health delivery system
Rhodesian Independence · 4 months ago
We Rhodesians are renowned for sanctions busting and if they were our nationals we would imprison them and ensure that they adopt a sanctions busting slant to their legal operations upon release.we would capacitated and rehabilitate them we were better than today's ZANU PF racketeering cabal and sycophants
Goodlife · 4 months ago
Rhodesia was super baba, ukawona anopikisa ayive asipo.
lala ut**** · 4 months ago
Unonyepa iwe. Life yaivava muRhodesia. Vaifara vaive varungu chete not blacks.
👀👀 · 4 months ago
smuggling ndeyekuti ukayiita ukapunyuka wotsvaga zvimwe zvekuita,coz ukabatwa unoenda,especially uchipinza kana kuburitsa zvinhu zvisingatenderwi,
Voltaire · 4 months ago
If kurwadziwa was a person
pm · 4 months ago
tose dzvamu takananga Botswana for legalisation.
Aluta · 4 months ago
Remington yakamboita sei, sei ichizonzi illicit?
me · 4 months ago
yakachipa ku hodha then it has to meet SA regulations plus customs ne nicotine content. So vanhu veku SA vanoda zvinobata just like us smuggling alcohol into Zim
Tapiwa Mahachi · 4 months ago

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