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Mberengwa Woman Sentenced To 26 Months In Prison For Infanticide

4 months agoSat, 09 Nov 2024 10:17:22 GMT
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Mberengwa Woman Sentenced To 26 Months In Prison For Infanticide

Talent Priveledge Sibanda (27), from Madhuve Village, Mberengwa, was sentenced to an effective 26 months in prison for killing her newborn baby about two weeks ago.

According to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), Sibanda was arraigned before the Zvishavane Magistrates’ Court facing infanticide charges.

Sometime in June 2023, Sibanda separated from her husband, but they later reunited in February 2024 while she was pregnant by another man.

On October 27, 2024, around 7 PM, Sibanda gave birth to a baby girl while she was alone. She then strangled the infant and buried the body in a pit in a nearby field, just a few meters from her home.

The matter came to light when Sibanda’s niece noticed that she was no longer pregnant and reported the incident to the police, leading to Sibanda’s arrest.

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During the investigation, Sibanda revealed to the authorities the location where she had buried the child.

The court sentenced Sibanda to 36 months of imprisonment, but 10 months of the sentence were suspended for 5 years on the condition of good behaviour. As a result, Sibanda will serve an effective 26 months in prison.

More: Pindula News



.... · 4 months ago
But to tell the truth ini ndaibereka ndega mumba ndine vana 5 asi vaviri ndakazvibatsira ndenga mumba mwana akutodabkubuda.
..... · 4 months ago
Taura zvako skelemu zvinorwadza
The Erudite · 4 months ago
Vote The Erudite for President 2028...Erudite out
The Erudite · 4 months ago
It seems I inspire you so much you have gone to the length of impersonating my entire identity....It is creepy ... Just use your actual username for once instead of hiding behind the hallowed username.... Erudite out
@Man to Man · 4 months ago
sayan sooo
Joe Brownn · 4 months ago
They should have slapped her wth a 10 year jail term.
kwachu · 4 months ago
in South Africa a case like that carries a life sentance ,to hell with the killer mhmh
@Man to Man · 4 months ago
have mercy
Anonymous · 4 months ago
south africa yes bcz kana mwana azvarwa vanochengeta manje nyika inotongwa nerombe iro unomuchengeta neyi
7@$h!0n🎤 · 4 months ago
haaa pakashaker
coconut · 4 months ago
munhu mukati
kkkk · 4 months ago
yoo zwaka homa god knows
Bhudhi Gwadzayi · 4 months ago
woman 4ED
nherera · 4 months ago
vakadzi va Tshabangu
mculi nthube · 4 months ago
Who in their right mind reunites with a woman who went and got pregnant by another man? That's the principal reason she killed that infant, to please and keep her husband.
🌄🧱🍓🎊💞🎂🏆🍑🌽🍕👙 · 4 months ago
if someone murdered someone,can he or she serves for 26 months?
The Erudite · 4 months ago
Absolutely,it's within the bounds of the law for such cases...Erudite out
The Erudite · 4 months ago
F.u.ck off you newt ....come up with your unique username instead of trying to deceive the masses....You lack the witty prose of yours truly and the worst part your grammar is so rudimentary it hurts and nobody serious would ever mistake this for my musings...But then again we live in a country where ordinary level pass rate hovers around 30%... Erudite out
??? · 4 months ago
Nangananga nema church muchisiya political parties nekuti ma 4ED akawandisa plus ndoo ema 2500 acho
The Erudite · 4 months ago
This article is horribly framed for purposes of stirring up a reaction in those that enjoy being offended by the slightest of things....That young lady could have had a case of post partum depression yet the out of touch ghouls in the justice system have no regard for that....This is the result of living in a patriarchal society 😒...Cases like these only enforce my sentiments that abortion should be legalized... Erudite out
Sol Regem · 4 months ago
Well, I don't think your favourite party is gonna legalise abortion any time soon. This cannot be the stop gap measure to deal with this problem, she should have put up the child for adoption, at least she wouldn't be treated as a criminal by the conservative justice system championed by Zanu PF.
The Erudite · 4 months ago
Your comment belongs in the trash,don't bring political gimmicks in sensitive issues...Erudite out
The Erudite · 4 months ago
As usual you have to make everything partisan so as to raise a pathetic point.... Championing black excellence and supporting Zanu PF do not have to go hand in hand....Like I said that could have been a case of post partum depression which could have simply been averted by having a safe abortion.... Adoption is not a viable option especially here in Zimbabwe due to the archaic beliefs present in the majority of Zimbabweans....The justice system is not controlled by Zanu PF it is a partial entity free from party influence as enshrined in the hallowed constitution.... Erudite out
Sol Regem · 4 months ago
What's pathetic about that, isn't Zanu PF the reason why abortion isn't allowed? Nothing in this country is free of Zanu PF control especially key State Institutions like the Judiciary, they have hijacked everything but then again Zanu PF can never be wrong in your eyes despite it having accomplished absolutely nothing of importance besides introducing useless currencies 😂😂. Zanu PF is the one which is pathetic whether you acknowledge it or not but the truth won't change and you know it.
The Erudite · 4 months ago
That is the problem with you conspiracy theorists who suffer from ZANU PF derangement syndrome.... You have made it into a convenient scapegoat to cover up for your own inadequacies and flaws...You do realize how laws are formulated right , this is a democracy where laws are made by elected officials and not by a singular party....This is the party that has ushered in an era of economic prosperity without the help of the alleged superpower and her Western allies....Can you not see the bullish stock market and positive economic metrics....It is not my fault that doom and gloom is what gains traction at opposition inc....The judiciary is an impartial organization any sane individual knows that... Erudite out
Professor L · 4 months ago
this deserves to be categorised in the same group as murder.Whether it's an infant or not,the mother should be charged with murder,and a hefty sentence given to her,not that lighter one.
Rodex · 4 months ago
The same sentence be granted kunana mbuya nyamukuta vacho , there was foul play coz munhu haasunungiki ega .
Rodex · 4 months ago
Murderer she is , kuuraya an innocent soul mave kuti infanticide why .
??? · 4 months ago
kkk dai Ari mu face wairongerwa ma calendar ake anokwana
𝙎𝙞𝙮𝙤𝙮𝙤 · 4 months ago
pane evidence yekuti akauraya mwana wake here or? sometimes mwana anofara nenhova kana zvimeewo. kufirwa nemwana kana pakuzvara munhu anogona kuita mental illness. handis kumureverera hangu asi zvinhu zvinowanikwa. hakuna munhu angauraya means wake achida maybe that woman was crazy
· 4 months ago
Usataura kunge chana chidoko zveiwe kukura kwako hausati wambohwa vana Mai vanourays vana vavo
tired cadre · 4 months ago
aifanirwa kusv.irwa futi obuda mujere aine mwana avane gore ne6 mnthss
Dambudzo · 4 months ago
Murder is murder nomatter how old is the person
tavez.com · 4 months ago
yaah life in prison chte
Skelemu · 4 months ago
All those who does infanticide , their wombs requires surgical removal so that theyare barren for good.

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