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Zimbabwean Human Rights Lawyers Condemn Arrests Of Ugandan And Czech Citizens

6 months agoWed, 28 Aug 2024 14:25:21 GMT
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Zimbabwean Human Rights Lawyers Condemn Arrests Of Ugandan And Czech Citizens

The Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) has condemned the actions of the country’s law enforcement following the arrest of Tom Ssekamwa, a 24-year-old Ugandan citizen, and Lukas Slavia, a 37-year-old citizen of the Czech Republic, in Masvingo earlier this month.

In a statement released on Wednesday afternoon, the ZLHR condemned the arrests, describing the charges of criminal nuisance and violations of the Censorship and Entertainment Control Act as baseless.

Both Slavia and Ssekamwa were acquitted by the courts. Slavia was “escorted” out of Zimbabwe by immigration authorities from Masvingo Remand Prison to Robert Mugabe International Airport on August 24, while Ssekamwa awaits a similar outcome. Reads the statement:

Zimbabwean authorities have been left abashed after a Masvingo court ended the 3-week detention of 2 tourists, who were arrested by ZRP early in August, by acquitting them of spurious charges of criminal nuisance and contravening the country’s Censorship and Entertainment Control Act.

Tom Ssekamwa, a 24-year-old Ugandan citizen, had been on trial at Masvingo Magistrates Court, after he was arrested on 1 August by ZRP officers and charged with contravening section 26(1)(a) of the Censorship and Entertainment Control Act.

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During trial, which was presided over by Masvingo Magistrate Isaac Chikura, prosecutors claimed and accused the Ugandan national of unlawfully being in possession of an artificial penis, Dulex real feel 50ml tub and climax for men in his bag, an article which prosecutors said is prohibited from being possessed by anyone.

Apart from answering to charges of contravening section 26(1)(a) of the Censorship & Entertainment Control Act, Ssekamwa was also charged with criminal nuisance as defined in section 46 of Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act.

Prosecutors alleged that the Ugandan citizen unlawfully held in his possession an artificial Dulex real feel 50ml tub ad climax for men in his bag, which are all prohibited items.

They claimed that ZRP officers, who conducted a search on Ssekamwa’s room at Backpackers Rest Budget in Masvingo recovered the alleged offensive items in his bag and stated that the tourist’s conduct was unlawful.

But on Monday 26 August 2024, Magistrate Chikura acquitted Ssekamwa after ruling that he had not committed any offence as had been alleged by ZRP officers and prosecutors.

Magistrate Chikura ruled that prosecutors had failed to follow mandatory procedures provided in the Censorship and Entertainment Control Act, which required the state to obtain a Certificate of Authority to Prosecute issued by the Prosecutor-General or the Deputy Prosecutor-General in terms of the law.

The Magistrate stated that the state should have first satisfied the requirement that there is an existence of a government gazette, which gazetted artificial penis as a prohibited item in Zimbabwe.

Earlier on, Magistrate Chikura on Friday 23 August also acquitted Lukas Slavia, a 37-year-old Czech Republic citizen, who had been on trial after he was arrested together with Ssekamwa on 1 August by ZRP officers and charged with publishing or communicating false statements prejudicial to the state as defined in section 31(a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act or alternatively with criminal nuisance as defined in section 46 of the Criminal Law (Codification & Reform) Act.

During trial, prosecutors told Magistrate Chikura that the Czech national, recorded a video clip of some mourners while stating and lamenting water shortages and electricity outages in Masvingo province.

Prosecutors later dropped charges of publishing or communicating false statements prejudicial to the state and proceeded with his trial on criminal nuisance charges.

But Slavia, who was represented by Knowledge Mabvuure of the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR), was acquitted by Magistrate Chikura on 23 August, who ruled that the alleged video clip recorded by the tourist was not offensive and did not constitute a criminal act but was just a factual narration of issues obtaining on the ground.

Slavia, Magistrate Chikura ruled, did not interfere with the public, when he allegedly recorded the video clip.

On 24 August, Slavia was “escorted” out of Zimbabwe by immigration authorities from Masvingo Remand Prison to Robert Mugabe International Airport, for him to leave the country.

The same fate awaits Ssekamwa too, who on Wednesday 28 August, was being driven from Masvingo Remand Prison to Robert Mugabe International Airport, for him to leave Zimbabwe.

More: Pindula News



Z · 6 months ago
ndidzo news dzenyu chete everyday kana development irikuitwa hamuitarise, asi kuswera kungotaura zvedondo chete, shame
. · 6 months ago
mediocre everytime more like shooting oneself in the foot clueless police
gg · 6 months ago
We're these in Zimbabwe unlawfully? I they were lawfully accredited as bona fide tourists, then why deporting them when they had cases to answer? It would have been better for the Immigration officials to allow and extend their tourism expeditions because it is us, as a country, who inconvenienced by erroneously arresting them.
Oncemore · 6 months ago
We don't need s.e.x. Toys in Zimbabwe because we have surplus women. Take them to Asia
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 6 months ago
Human rights kudii. Police inosunga. Court yosunungura. Zvese zvakaitwa. Vanhu kana vachida kuita mapurisa ngavaende vanomhanya neku roller ku training qnd get attested
bhoo zvekut · 6 months ago
I lyk wat pple are doing nowadays on this platform,not replying mamwe macomments anonyorwa maziparagraph asme1..
some ordar · 6 months ago
zvoitwa nemha ta idzo
Erudite · 6 months ago
Who cares whether some alleged tourist from the backwaters of Europe had a bad experience in Zimbabwe...That Czechia citizen deserved to be taken down a peg or two after playing pretend Spielberg...As for the s.e.x toy aficionado who was trying to bring his liberal s.e.x ideas on the lands of Zimbabwe will think twice about doing again... Erudite out
· 6 months ago
Fascist sadistic pig
Erudite · 6 months ago
Careful now before you burst an aneurysm...In the grand scheme of things tourists from Czechia and Uganda are not the blue chip market Zimbabwe is looking for...Their contribution is minimal and can be replaced by countries with citizens with more disposable income...😂😂😂😂😂 " fascist sadist pig" I am sure you must be a riot at the local drug joint... Erudite out
· 6 months ago
Fascist pig wallowing in your own poep. A sewer rat sitting in sewage and adding to it.
· 6 months ago
Fascist pig. You're nothing but a sewer rat sitting in sewage and adding to it.
Erudite · 6 months ago
A nameless and amoral ghoul trying to gain traction by spewing redundant insults in the year of 2024 is just plain sad...You are nothing to me but a drink coaster in a jewellery case ..Be gone you subhuman who has an insatiable appetite for sewage...Are you a plumber or something 😂😂😂😂😂😂... Erudite out
🤪 · 6 months ago
Hakuna achiri fair kwese hama dzedu dzokandirwa hochi kumzansie uko, kumwe vanobvuraudzwa nema tyre anofuta moto kumwe vachirepewa asi mapurisa eko hapana zvaanoita but kubata ma foreigners door to door
ciroc 🍸 · 6 months ago
sure kungira munhu kuti aitirey chivhombi getsi chekufadza nyama yake
Visitor · 6 months ago
The same ill treatment they gave them will moveothers nations to ill treat our brothers and sisters as well. Zvimwe tinozvi tangira tonga
wydad · 6 months ago
...,. · 6 months ago
looks like the police will always lose where politics is not involved
Zeus mfana · 6 months ago
Sent by zanu pf ****s now their ve tarnished countries image being over zealous arresting innocent tourists, many visitors will think twice abt coming to zim wht a wasted opportunity shame on u zanu pf
Mhofu · 6 months ago
Real tourists they will continue coming kwete zvima hired backpackers izvo being hired by the opposition and being represented by Zimbabwe Human Rights Lawyers on US Embassy payroll
· 6 months ago
@ Mhofu you don't understand tourism. Already Czech Embassy has already sent a note to their citizens to avoid Zimbabwe as the plague. Other embassies noting what happened to the Czech and Ugandan tourists, are very likely to dissuade their citizens from visiting Zimbabwe
? · 6 months ago
Zvemuno vapedza here?
don't end corruption please · 6 months ago
zvinonyadzisa zvinoitwa ne police yeZimbabwe… zvskutoita seimwe movie soo.. apa vamwe vachiti zim is open for business… business ripi muchiita matakanana iwaya
Big Dude · 6 months ago
Police action was very unprofessional. To know that they acted under instructions, you won't hear of their reprimand
Mhofu · 6 months ago
Kutengesa or to be in possession of artificial penis is prohibited by Zimbabwean laws. He just got acquitted on a technicality yekuti haana kuiburitsa pavanhu chete
Sir African · 6 months ago
Shallow minded reasong
· 6 months ago
If possession of that dildo was prohibited by Zimbabwean law, then why was he acquitted? chiZANU chenyu ngachizive pekuperera. It's your Constitutional Right to be, but don't assume that all of us are as as you are.
laugh emoji1
· 6 months ago
@Mhofu, if the Zimbabwean Law says its illegal to be in possession of the dildo, why was he acquitted? Nothing about technicalities there. it's your Constitutional Right to be, but don't take it for granted that we are all as as you are. chiZANU chenyu ngachizive pekuperera. Sometimes it's permitted to think, although that prerogative is totally missing from ZANOIDS

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