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HomeCrime and Courts

Village Head Mobilises Villagers Against Police Officers

8 months agoTue, 09 Jul 2024 05:46:46 GMT
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Village Head Mobilises Villagers Against Police Officers

In Gokwe, Midlands Province, a village head reportedly mobilised villagers to prevent police officers from arresting his wife and two other individuals who were illegally cultivating mbanje (dagga/marijuana).

According to The Herald, the police had to resort to firing warning shots to disperse the crowd and apprehend Brian Kuruwa (36), Talkmore Muzondiwa (30), and Shylet Magigani (32) – all from Kuruwa Village under Chief Nemangwe’s jurisdiction. The trio had been illegally growing dagga along the banks of the Svisvi River.

The three accused persons have since appeared before a Gokwe magistrate, who convicted them of illegal marijuana cultivation and possession.

Kuruwa was sentenced to a total of four years imprisonment, with one year suspended on the condition of good behaviour.

Muzondiwa received a 24-month prison term, with eight months suspended, while Magigani was sentenced to three years’ incarceration.

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The court was informed that during the arrest operation, Muzondiwa’s husband, Joseph Kuruwa (43), who serves as the village head, managed to flee from his home and subsequently mobilized other villagers to confront the police.

In response, the law enforcement officers were forced to fire warning shots to subdue the unruly crowd and apprehend the suspects.

Officer Commanding Midlands Police (Operations), Assistant Commissioner Martin Matambo told The Herald that police recovered 6,500 plants and 170kg of processed dagga.

He said police were alerted that some villagers were dealing in dangerous drugs and cultivating dagga in places along Svisvi River banks which are not easily accessible since it is mountainous.

Police officers went there and found Kuruwa busy watering the dagga plot. Said Asst. Comm. Matambo:

He was arrested and 67 plants of dagga were uprooted from his plot. Subsequent investigations led the police to Muzondiwa’s residence where they recovered a sack of dried dagga.

He said Magigani was also found at her homestead where they recovered three sacks of dagga from her bedroom hut.

It remains unclear whether the village head, Joseph Kuruwa, was arrested for his actions. However, his alleged mobilisation of villagers to interfere with the police operation is likely to result in him facing charges of obstructing the course of justice, as defined under Section 184 of Zimbabwe’s Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act.

More: Pindula News



maboss · 8 months ago
ngavasungwe mbanje dzaparadza nyika
🥳 · 8 months ago
iiscunkie hre Sabhuku mutepewo
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Maporisa Aya anenge anoziva zvaanoita ngaachienda Kuna chivayo
Wasu · 8 months ago
Mbanje kumaruzevha siyai varime, kutadza kusunga maDrug Lords akupinda mapiritsi nezvese zvinodhaka muno, vanozivikamwa but inyaya yekuti who do you know and who protects you Chivhayo nyaya dzake mapedza here makusonana nevanhu vanotengesa mbanje $1, $1, $1 kuti vararame
elder d · 8 months ago
Peter tosh - legalise it. Dr Dre - Chronic. BeenieMan - Pass de dutchie.
Bob the late Marley · 8 months ago
Ganja is, “a gateway to understanding. It opens up the mind so as to be cognisant of the connection between oneself and Jah. It is a meditative tool meant to bring about self-realisation and mystical experiences. What it is not about is 'getting stoned"- Peace, Love and Respect
kwachu · 8 months ago
mukavapa mabasa havamborima ganja iyo
Chipoko cha Bob Marley · 8 months ago
Fist off big up to the man Joseph for mobilizing the community against Babylon.....yes I, enough respect. Second and most importantly legalize Marijuana....the herb is the healing of the nation
Chibaba · 8 months ago
Pamberi nekurova chambaaa tiite zvivindi zvekuzoratidzira come 10 August
👀👀 · 8 months ago
zimbabwe yamaichemera nhasi yaita mamvemve,vakadaro vaMapfumo
Do4 · 8 months ago
After all is said ,Where is Chivhayo....all this other news is no news until Chivhayo is apprehended.
Onnie theman · 8 months ago
Siyai vanhu vatsvage kurarama ciz economy yedu ndozvainotoda
methinks · 8 months ago
6500 plants at 50centimetre spacing thats almost 3ha of irrigated mbanje
theLastAntKing · 8 months ago
In USA now they are decriminalizing marijuana because of it healthy benefits. Even there in Zimbabwe they have put in place exorbitant licensing fees for marijuana cultivation such that the less privileged will not benefit. From pics they had healthy plants
yo fav girly · 8 months ago
just before elections in RSA...
· 8 months ago
Hey, I thought government had legalised growing weed! Henrietta Rushwaya 8s growing 10 hectares. Inini ndichiri mudiki, growing just one hectare under Irrigation kunaMazowe supplying makorokoza wanhi? Some of my best customers are soldiers, CIO and Da Porisi. 😅
...,. · 8 months ago
why are we not getting any reports about the dagga that is being grown legally and the names of those who got the permits and the volumes produced and the money benefit to the country? it is always the poor growers who cannot have access to the permits to grow it legally though they have experience. it is the poor growers who cannot afford lawyers who end up in jail.
nherera · 8 months ago
command agriculture nothing illegal here command demonstration
hoyo · 8 months ago
stay off the weedddddda
Yoyzi · 8 months ago
Saja tikabhema totokwanisa kubvisa Zanu PF we have found a solution to Zimbabwean cowardice bhemai mubvise Zanu PF mbanje inoita ukwanise kunzvenga mabara at 45 degrees
· 8 months ago
Vachitadza kusunga mbavha ana Chivharo vosunga ava vari kuzvirimira havo mbanje dzavo kuti vararamise mhuri dzavo , kunedzimwe nyika mbanje dzavakubvumirwa nekuti dzinorapa zvimwe zvirwere
yo fav girly · 8 months ago
lol it's normal bruhh last month there was an armed robbery this side at a local fueling station about a kilometer from the police camp. Shots were fired by the gang and all police did was send a Whatsapp message in the community group that there were armed robbers. They attended the scene when the robbers had left. Apparently they also had powerful guns than those of the police.
🧐 · 8 months ago
Inorapa zvirwere zvipi
dj TECH 🇿🇼 · 8 months ago
inorapa all stress related disorders ,PTSD,OBD, SKITSOFRENIA (spelling ma1) plus inopa iditation, meditation ended inonhuwirira kudarika fodya(mogo)
· 8 months ago
Zim-Sketch · 8 months ago
hey, we enjoy weed, it's high time you let us smoke
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 8 months ago
Ok tazviona kuti ndimi team reguja
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Village head in on it, cuff the busted
qwerty · 8 months ago
Malume Jafta · 8 months ago
heeyiii kkk, kusungwa kani🤣
Francis January · 8 months ago
Aitsvaga kurarama

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