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Zimbabwe Faces Potential HIV Prevention Setback As International Condom Funding Expires

8 months agoMon, 24 Jun 2024 07:25:49 GMT
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Zimbabwe Faces Potential HIV Prevention Setback As International Condom Funding Expires

The international funding for condoms in Zimbabwe is coming to an end in 2025, a development that may reverse the gains made by the country in the fight against the prevention of HIV and AIDS.

Speaking at the second quarter HIV Prevention Partnership Forum organised by Safaids in Harare last week, the National HIV Prevention Coordinator in the Ministry of Health and Child Care Gertrude Ncube, said (via The Sunday News):

There is actually donor fatigue for condom funding, so as a country, we are saying should we risk all the gains made through our condom programming because there is no funding.

We need to look at how best we mobilise even our domestic funding to support condom procurement.

Ncube said that the country has been too dependent on condom support from partners such as PEPFAR through USAID for both the Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council and the public sector. She said:

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PEPFAR has already told us that from 2026, there will not be any condom funding.

Deputy Director HIV and STI Programme Dr Tsitsi Apollo said the country has to look for alternative funding sources for programmes such as Public Private Partnerships. She said:

Do we know what will happen from 2027 and beyond after the funding expires considering what is happening globally and the funding being given to countries?

If Zimbabwe gets to that upper-middle income bracket we are less likely to receive external funding because the Global Fund uses a certain allocation formula to fund countries based on their economies.

National Aids Council (NAC) Director Programmes Raymond Yekeye said the AIDS Levy was not enough to meet the council’s requirements. He said:

It’s the whole HIV response program that is at a critical stage on how it is going to be sustained and how it is going to be funded, there is a need to develop a sustainability roadmap for the HIV response.

The levy is probably 25 to 30 percent of our requirements for the HIV response and that is why we are discussing other financing mechanisms such as the National Health Insurance Scheme because the levy on its own will not be able to sustain.

The AIDS Levy is a tax introduced by the government in 1999 to raise funds for the national HIV/AIDS response.

The levy is charged as a 3% tax on all income, including salaries, pensions, and investment earnings.

The funds collected from the AIDS Levy are channelled towards NAC, which is responsible for coordinating Zimbabwe’s multi-sectoral HIV/AIDS programmes and initiatives.

More: Pindula News



gokoko · 8 months ago
haizi nyaya tinadzo mbinga dzedu simbi dzamudhata Sir Chivhayo
44yrs · 8 months ago
Saka taitengeserwa **** rekupiwa here yooo Satan haana tsitsi
[ 👀 ] (👃 /👂 ( 👄 ) 🚬: /X\ · 8 months ago
Nac ne Ema are ill funded, makes them not to perform according ly
Bob · 8 months ago
Pedzezvo moti America yakatipa maSanctions muri **** dzevanhu hamutendi 24years muchibata Aids levy mari munayo mazimbavha evanhu
eb · 8 months ago
This gives me a serious surprise all along we used to receive a donation from USAID meaning since 1999 we must have enough reserves since the Aids levy was not used for the purchase of ****s. Henceforth ,there are saying there is inadequate funds to buy ****s ,hey,hey zacc is needed to To do audit
...,. · 8 months ago
for many years the american president's fund has managed to keep those who cannot afford to buy protection life, health and no unwanted or unplanned babies. usaid has given a lot of marginalized people food and other requirements in times of need. our leaders go all over the world looking for assistance of some form. are we so cursed that we have to rely on aid for almost everything?
coni · 8 months ago
yoyoyo siyana neni ndakakuudza kakawandisa kuti ini anditombokude kana kazero price yacho inenge yakwidzwa ndeyako here you don't afford any thigh vendor enda Kuna Khan
. · 8 months ago
Crying for the same donors
zimgold · 8 months ago
Patoita business-ka apa,, recycle those used and sell them. Ask the Chinese how to do that
Ghetto Prophet · 8 months ago
Home grown solution needed, ask Mthuli to increase 1% tax or impose Touting fee
Vimbai · 8 months ago
Haa anoturikidzwa hanaki,, 1, 1 pakufamba
Zim-Sketch · 8 months ago
upper middle income my foot.... we are actually going back to stone age. global fund is our life stream in health sector of Zim.
Nhongo · 8 months ago
Hanzi AIDS yaakurapika wani ,so where's the worry...🤷‍♂️
**** · 8 months ago
ko ndiani achiri kushandisa **** mukore uno
ewz · 8 months ago
some of the comments kungoratidza pachena kt amwe edu tumbwa twevanhu
🥸 · 8 months ago
😅 · 8 months ago
pane amboona kuti pataurwa zve economy here apo 😹😹😹 economy yedu yaichakwanise condóm zvaro haaa mapepa ema freezits akupinda munhamo manje
Yoyoyo · 8 months ago
😁😁 coni akuto hodha ake for her own business saka achakwidza price
. · 8 months ago
Vene mganopemha mari yemaBedroom Gumboots from Russia, Belarus, North Korea neChina, his fair weather friends
... · 8 months ago
vavakuda kutibira mari apa.
Nyoro · 8 months ago
Tagara tiri ve****

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