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HomeCrime and Courts

Court Acquits 7 Women Arrested For Prostitution, Highlights Absence Of The Sex Workers' Clients

9 months agoWed, 15 May 2024 14:33:35 GMT
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Court Acquits 7 Women Arrested For Prostitution, Highlights Absence Of The Sex Workers' Clients

The Masvingo Magistrates Court has acquitted seven women who were arrested and prosecuted for soliciting for prostitution at Mucheke bus terminus on 17 April 2024.

In its ruling, the court said that prosecutors had failed to bring to court some witnesses, who should have been offering their services to the women allegedly soliciting for sex.

According to the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, the accused were Tanaka Dzoro (18), Martha Chirume (22), Sharon Mapurisa (21), Fortunate Chauraya (28), Stabile Mpandile (20), Cynthia Chihota (35) and Natasha Siziba (21).

In a statement, the ZLHR said the case exposes the ill-treatment of women as second-class citizens in Zimbabwe.

The 7 women were arrested by the Police who charged them with soliciting for prostitution as defined in section 81 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act. Said the ZLHR:

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During trial, which commenced on 22 April at Masvingo Magistrates Court, prosecutors alleged that Dzoro, Chirume, Mapurisa, Chauraya, Mpandile, Chihota and Siziba, were arrested by ZRP officers from Chikato Police Station, who included Sergeant Dube and Constable Dzingira when they were indecently dressed while soliciting for sex.

The prosecutors claimed that the 7 women, who were represented by Collen Maboke of the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, had no right to act in the manner that they allegedly did.

However, Masvingo Magistrate Mudzingo on 29 April acquitted Dzoro, Chirume, Mapurisa, Chauraya, Mpandile, Chihota & Siziba at the close of the prosecution case after finding them not guilty of committing the alleged offence of soliciting.

Magistrate Mudzingo ruled that there were several inconsistencies in the testimony of ZRP officers, who testified as state witnesses during trial & that prosecutors had failed to bring to court some witnesses, who should have been offering their services to the women allegedly soliciting for sex.

In intervening to assist the 7 women, ZLHR felt that their arrest by ZRP officers, was discriminatory as it only targeted women because of their gender.

More: Pindula News



Freedom · 9 months ago
@Coni zvavakuda kuti urohwe beans 5 times
Khan · 9 months ago
@ x what do you mean brainwashed???...Modern day prostitution is done on OnlyFans where both the prostitute and the john are protected
😋 · 9 months ago
These women were arrested due to the way they were dressed, which is dicriminatory. sometimes its liberating putting on a birthsuit. those **** cops next time should just get lulu and go home.
coni · 9 months ago
uripi ndipe hush
Bomora zvekuti · 9 months ago
@coni....huya ndikukwenye pachoya
Coni · 9 months ago
ndonzwa kusosoniwa pachoya
masigede · 9 months ago
ndazviona kuti uri Wezhira Wezhara Wezheve nekukonewa kwako zviperengo. arisei magwadyava
tt · 9 months ago
tt the original · 9 months ago
stop using my name you fake tt
gandanga · 9 months ago
ko cst Dzingira makabva rinhi kupurazi kuproject kwamaiva uko
Ndini ndailula navo · 9 months ago
It's humiliation to expose myself like that and shld I get fr that but to lost my picnic girls they are hot 🔥 come back guys
****wo · 9 months ago
zibhurambi rangu · 9 months ago
mukutya kuposta because Muri vamwe vanoita solicit for bhaudhi from magarinya
Tkt · 9 months ago
🤣🤣🤣 haa iwewe so. 😂😂😂 🙌🙌🙌🙌
zibhurambi rangu · 9 months ago
munomatambuzireiko magarinyA Iwo Ari tete Sisi Amai kule wemumwe munhu mashefu mu ZANU PF vanoitawo magarinya avo futi hire akatanga Ari office garinya rabhobho
zibhurambi rangu · 9 months ago
ehe riri too bhigi harikwane makondomu magarinya anoriketa ndataura ne anglicised Shona kuwachisa tevhzim software yachona
Resident · 9 months ago
Painzi ma**** for E D mairidza muridzo nhasi moti isanction
Khan · 9 months ago
Another effect of sanctions cast upon the land by the great Satan.... If there had been no Sanctions these women would have been on OnlyFans getting money instead of old fashioned prostitution....While I do not advocate for degenerative behavior I understand that you cannot deny people their sovereign right of expression.... That's the bottom line because Khan said so... Bulwark of People United and Free
x · 9 months ago
don't be brainwashed to this extend
👮 · 9 months ago
Saka police yashaya maV11 here, they should have requested for cctv shorts from nearby shops or buildings.
Tkt · 9 months ago
CCTV at a bus stop? 🚏 even though, is it a crime to chose the profession of opening one's legs ? Why then is it not a crime for those men who willy nilly insert their pen|ses everywhere?
Antman · 9 months ago
Crime is when you engage with them in public, if you take your **** moenda indoors its not evn a crime

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