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HomeCrime and Courts

Mai Titi Daughter’s Ex-boyfriend Begs Police Commissioner To Clear His Name

10 months agoThu, 25 Apr 2024 12:31:24 GMT
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Mai Titi Daughter’s Ex-boyfriend Begs Police Commissioner To Clear His Name

The man accused of leaking the nudes of Mai Titi’s daughter, Felicia Muzeya, also known as Fifi, has written to the head of the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP), Commissioner General Godwin Matanga, asking him to clear his name.

Through his lawyer, Amir Mhaka (20), denies the nudes were ever sent to him by Fifi (19), saying his arrest was malicious.

In a letter seen by ZimLive and addressed to Matanga, Mhaka’s lawyer Admire Rubaya said several things have come to light since his arrest which require the police to further investigate.

Rubaya said investigations should start with Fifi for admitting to the crime of recording, keeping and distributing the intimate images.

Mhaka also denied receiving the nude images or distributing them and has submitted his cellphone to the police for cyber examination in a bid to prove his innocence.

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He argues that Fifi’s cell phone will answer all the contentious questions including who she sent the images to.

Rubaya avered that it is only after Fifi’s mobile is examined that it can be established whether she indeed sent the images to Mhaka or not. He said:

He (Mhaka) further asserts that instead of just examining his mobile handset only, the Police Cyber experts should also examine the complainant’s mobile phone to ascertain if there is any trace of evidence that she once sent those alleged leaked photos to the accused person.

Our client is of the firm view that there are people who might have accessed the complainant’s nude pictures and not him.

In the letter to Matanga, Mhaka also alleged that several bloggers online have claimed that the teenage girl has an OnlyFans account.

OnlyFans is a British subscription-based video-on-demand service and social media network that allows content creators to upload videos, mainly pornography. The intimate content posted on the site is on a pay-per-view basis. Said Rubaya:

There is also a possibility of the complainant herself publishing her own nude pictures for some other reasons which might include for popularity purposes. These are probable possibilities that should be investigated.

It has also come to our client’s attention that there are bloggers who have claimed that the complainant had subscribed to a pornographic site known as Onlyfans wherein alleged content creators upload their content to the site and their fans follow them for a fee.

If it is true that she was one of the content creators on that pornographic site there is a real possibility that that’s where her nude pictures might have been extracted by some of her followers resulting in the leakage.

We humbly implore and entrust you to consider this possibility in your investigations.

The letter also says when Mhaka was arrested, Mai Titi accused one Patricia Jeke or Patricia Jack of leaking her daughter’s pictures.

Rubaya asserted that this casts doubt and warrants further investigation, given that even the complainants themselves are uncertain about the source of the leaked images.

On his initial appearance, Mhaka asked the police to arrest his ex-girlfriend for capturing and keeping nude pictures on her mobile phone.

Mhaka is due to appear in court for his routine remand this week.

More: Pindula News



pee · 10 months ago
mmm yeah loard have messy.
rg · 10 months ago
Ka mhuri aka Kanongoda attention chete hapana zvimwe ,pamberi me ZiG
samee o · 10 months ago
svi rai mwana vanhu
Bling 4 · 10 months ago
morefire 🔥 · 10 months ago
nyaya dzenyu dzinonetsa ko iwe mface zvawaimbobhadharwa gara zviya yanga iri Mari yei
John ZiG · 10 months ago
still where is proof of payment. team iri mhuri yose matsots.i , mahur.e who tarnish the image of all females
some o · 10 months ago
tipe MHe che tiiwone mwana iwe unogona iwe cz ukutiyevedza
nice girl · 10 months ago
I miss my bvu bvu bvumbururu yendege where are you darling I miss you my love
terminator · 10 months ago
akujeri nenyaya yerape
mandrose · 10 months ago
Kamhuri aka ndekemajoki ega ega kubva Kuna mai Vacho chaivo
Scud · 10 months ago
Siyayi vana vanakirane.
Gunvosta · 10 months ago
kanotengesa ma nudes on a ****ographic site nxaaaa kabenzi kemunhu mufana uyo haana mhosva kakandei mujeri sezvakamboitwa mai vacho nxaaaa
gandanga · 10 months ago
isvo svi 2K ukanyatsosvikwira chaiko unonzwa hope dzichiuya .....uchisvipidugura chaiko
fugu pfeee · 10 months ago
vana ava havanyare kunetsana nezvinonyadzisa
Havana hunhu · 10 months ago
Ndozvakaita vana va 2000.nodkuzere ng0chani futi ikoko
debt collector · 10 months ago
Mai titi,leave the kids alone. they are teenagers,always teenagers like dishing and eating"cakess" and "honey" ngavatambe vose kuti vajairane🏃🏻‍♀️🏃
Nyaya dze nudity hadzina kana basa · 10 months ago
Ama 2000s munofunga kuti makarembedza zvisingawanike pane vamwe vanhu. Mukadzi wese wamunoona ane B3che and perhaps rake rinonaka kupfuura rako. Chinoitisa attraction inyaya yekuzvibata kwako. Kana wafumuka wafanana ne**** inoyerera (sewage iya) munhu wese anenge achingoti takazviona. Vapfana ava vane dzungu. That is their main challenge. Reasoning dzavo ndedze dombo. Very irresponsible. Kusweroita zvekutorana ma picture makashama muchitadza kudzidza. Ipapa hazvishamisi kuti ma 5 O levels hana kukwana. M**** dzevanhu ma 2000s

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