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HomeCrime and Courts

Police Officer Steals US$24 000, Goat Thief Found Sleeping In Pen

11 months agoMon, 15 Apr 2024 16:49:42 GMT
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Police Officer Steals US$24 000, Goat Thief Found Sleeping In Pen

Tobias Pedzisayi, a member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP), was arrested on April 09, 2024, after he allegedly broke into an office and stole US$ 24,000.

Pedzisayi (34), who is stationed at Karoi was arraigned before the Karoi Magistrates’ Court facing charges of unlawful entry.

He was allegedly caught on CCTV camera breaking into the complainant’s office at around 1 AM on 03 March 2024. Said the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA):

In the CCTV footage, the accused person is allegedly seen breaking a safe using an unidentified object. He allegedly got away with USD24 000. The accused person also stole the CCTV camera which captured his activities.

The complainant found out about the infraction at around 0600hrs and made a report to the Police, leading to the accused person’s arrest on the 9th of April 2024.

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The accused person allegedly bought a residential stand, motorcycle and building material worth USD6 000 from the proceeds and all were recovered.

Pedzisayi will be back in court on 16 April 2024.

In another case, A 32-year-old man, Sipho Moyo from Pumula East, Bulawayo was brought before the Inyathi Magistrates’ Court facing attempted stock theft charges.

The court heard that on 08 March 2024, the complainant’s herd boy went to release goats from the pen.

Shockingly, the herdboy found Moyo sleeping inside the pen. Moyo was then apprehended by the villagers and a search was conducted leading to the recovery of two knives.

He was interviewed by the villagers and he said that he had come with his friend who is still at large. The friend had left him sleeping on the ground.

A report was then made to the Police leading to Moyo’s arrest. He was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment of which 6 months were suspended for 5 years. He will serve 6 months effectively.

More: Pindula News



ZRP · 11 months ago
muZimbabwe munhu wese imbavha asi nguva yekubatwa ndiyo inosiyana chete and vamwe vanongoba zvorova vamwe ndovanoita munyama
Sorojena · 11 months ago
It's very unfortunate for the poor policeman, anywhere I pity his slave salary, it gave him the incentive to steal. He wished to own a house 🏡 for his which he could not afford with his monkey nuts salary. That's the curse of the illegitimate governance of the day. There'll be nothing of this if people earn a living wage.
Mbavhasto · 11 months ago
@ chibage chezanu hameno kwaunogara Isu tinodealer navo mapurisa on a daily basis tinoziva chokwadi
Ndini · 11 months ago
officer mukazonzi rowai vanhu, munoti munyika mune nzara mokanda tsvimbo mubasket mawe **** mazvionaka. chibaby chezanu vaonaka kuti munyika hamuna zororo mbavha dzawe mapurisa . unonyadza nekumbembedza mateya ejongwe.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Nothing is unique there. He's just one greedy anf lazy officer. There are so many disciplined officers out there. It has nothing to do with the economy. Its just purely out of greed
. · 11 months ago
Poor salaries not greed , mwana ukarega kumu feeder zvakanaka he steals. From a paltry Usd 300 how can you expect one to survive, of course they end up stealing and extorting money from the public.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Spare the rod, spoil the child!!! Mbavha imbavha. Justification haina basa. Its no different from justifying rape muchiti munhu akange anyimwa bond3 kumba. Crime is crime
Ndini · 11 months ago
officer mukazonzi rowai vanhu, munoti munyika mune nzara mokanda tsvimbo mubasket mawe **** mazvionaka. chibaby chezanu vaonaka kuti munyika hamuna zororo mbavha dzawe mapurisa . unonyadza nekumbembedza mateya ejongwe.
dakar · 11 months ago
u were supposed to break that computor thing instead of breaking camera because information was already sent to the computor be4 u made ur decision.
PhD · 11 months ago
life as a man is difficult. no one acknowledges your presence if you're broke unemployed & ****less. a man's life is a lonely existence. you have to make in the world to earn any sort of comfort company and recognition. without material success a man is as good as dead. no woman wants to associate with you & men will insult you. I totally understand why sometimes men are driven to steal kill rape or commit suicide. it's a result of failure to manage frustration
BIBLE · 11 months ago
Uchadya cheziya. Don't justify laziness and failure
Nguwo tsvuku · 11 months ago
Ukandibira ndokuisa pamukonde
Mbavha dzinongoda kupengeswa. Ndomushonga mukuru. · 11 months ago
Variko vanogadzira ma Sasikamu aya
never · 11 months ago
shame too bad
psl · 11 months ago
*TelOne Threatens To Quit PSL Over Bad Officiating* Gweru based TelOne has threatened to surrender their Castle Lager Premier Soccer League franchise due to bad officiating. The Zifa Central Region Division One champions accuse match officials of ruining their recent two matches against Hwange and Yadah. TelOne wrote to the PSL on Monday complaining about the treatment they have received lately adding that their in-vestment in football is not proving a worthy corporate social responsibility project. “We would like to make an official complaint over consistent poor and biased officiating in our Hwange FC and Yadah FC matches. “Our recent match against Yadah FC has prompted us to write and start considering whether it is worth our salt to continue participating in the league for the remainder of the season and in the future,” read part of the letter. TelOne trailed 0-3 going into added time against Yadah on Sunday and managed two quick goals in a dramatic end to the game. And when referee Tichaona Tigere ended the match, TelOne felt the final whistle was premature. “We have had rightful penalties not given and players being booked for bad decisions. We have been quiet over the past Hwange match but our recent match against Yadah FC has forced us to break the silence over poor and deteriorating match officiating standards. “The conduct of the match officials for the Yadah match left a lot to be desired and if no action is taken to arrest this we will soon consider an abrupt end to our life in the Premier Soccer League to protect our corporate brand and the huge financial resources that TelOne is channelling into the game of football at the expense of other worthy corporate social responsibility projects. “The recent performance of Mr Tigere who surprisingly has been staffed to officiate our match against Yadah FC has left us convinced that the local game is critically suffering from biased officiating and subsequent integrity which is scary to current and would-be sponsors. “The match prematurely ended in the fifth minute of the nine additional times after we had scored two goals in the nine additional minutes and upon realising that we were forcing for a draw, he then decided to end the match prematurely.
· 11 months ago
Bhora remuno mahumbwe chaiwo zvripachena kut muzvima pembe akaisirwa Mari muma socks
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Ukaba unosungwa. Ndosaka chero ku America kune majeri azere mbavha. Hazvinei ne economy. My advise kune varikunzwa is that musaba muchiteerera zvinotaurwa nevazhinji pano. Those justifying thievery havagoni chero kuba teaspoon ye sugar. You'll rot in jail wega. Officer avo vane shavi rakaipa. He'll probably reform vamukati.
Sorojena · 11 months ago
Kuba aizimhosva, imhosva kana wavatwa. GOLDEN RULE : 𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙖𝙡...𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙙𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩.
Mdara Odza · 11 months ago
Police officers here in Zimbabwe are poorly paid hence they are resorting to stealing. On the other hand, the officer here is s.t.u.!.d beyond redemption, how can he buy items worth a combined US$ 10000 after stealing US$ 24000 when he earns around US$ 300 a-month? He was setting himself up to getting caught, he obviously was not going to explain how he acquired the money.
Okongo The Villager · 11 months ago
Kudos to cde CGP Matanga for a fatherly and humane approach to the issue of the constable who was being treated like a rabid jackal by his superiors,
𝙎𝙞𝙮𝙤𝙮𝙤 · 11 months ago
officer vane musoro, dai ndiri part of government ndaingovaoa hangu $50 000 vawane pekugara uye chifambiso. kushaya chete asi mupurisa uyo aneshuviro yezvinhu zvakanaka muupenyu
Thieves · 11 months ago
Makambozviona here this days kuti mapurisa ndiwo arikunyanyisa kuba Mari yakawandisa arikurura
Yoyoyo · 11 months ago
😁😁Wuto chete kana kuti fugue pfeee ndivo vanorara nembudzi nemadhongi kana imbwa
Isheanesu · 11 months ago
vembudzi avo vanopenga uno breaker masafer zvirikuita vamwe kwete zvembudzi izvo haxvina mari
Isheanesu · 11 months ago
officer avo mepo dzakavatsomawo asi ndizvozvo hakuna mari kuto lutta ndokuti mhuri isure
epl · 11 months ago
any information abt chele
Musvitoti · 11 months ago
Chele won 6-0
Mboro🍆💦 · 11 months ago
how does the standings look like
Chelsea number 9 ikoko · 11 months ago
Everton is slightly out of the relegation zone
Chibaba · 11 months ago
Uyo vekuwanikwa mudanga rembudzi aida kuba saka ndofunga muridzi vembudzi akagadzira mudanga make kuti zvipfuyo zvake zvisabiwe saka mbavha iyo yakatadza kubuda mudanga
Bishu · 11 months ago
Haasi mbavha he's an animal molester who was having a nap "after action satisfaction".
News Hawks · 11 months ago
Breaking News: Israel has hit Iranian military installation's in Tehran this evening, According to BBC IDF spokesperson said it was a retaliatory move against Irans weekend attack
Benjamin Netanyahu · 11 months ago
We'll never let Irans unprovoked attack on our sovereignty country go unpunished, I don't speak Shona zvangu but maya vanotofana Kuma ma chete
Dddd · 11 months ago
Nhema idzo yabhombwa kupi
SC · 11 months ago
God bless pumura old pumura
aaaa · 11 months ago
zbc terevizhun · 11 months ago
umwe muimbi asina kunyanya kuita mbiri uye ari mutambi we mitambo tema drama onyora gwaro refu achikumbira mota kuna muzvinabizinisi Chivhayo..
t · 11 months ago
hausikureva , kapfupi her iwe
kamukono ketsambarafuta👉👌💧 · 11 months ago
uyo wekurara mdanga anga ashaya pekuvata akat Bette krara nembudzi hangu...officer mune msoro henyu Mari yesalary ahisi kukwana zvinhu zvakaoma munyika
posani · 11 months ago
zvinhu zvacho here
Augustine chihurii wema roadblock · 11 months ago
officer anga atowana penjeni yake yavari kunyimwa nehurumende
Clemence · 11 months ago
Zimbos are at work guys......pindula ichapera zvigunwe nrkunyora nyaya dzinechekuita nekubiwa ummm
113010 · 11 months ago
officer makaedza asi mhepo dzakasimuka ndimi ma officer vanemusoro wanga watotenga stand yekugara better try next time.
access · 11 months ago
kkkkkk better try next time kkkkkkkk

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