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Drug Smuggler Walks Away From Police

11 months agoTue, 09 Apr 2024 09:08:38 GMT
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Drug Smuggler Walks Away From Police

Despite the vigilant presence of numerous security officials, a suspected drug dealer intercepted at Beitbridge Border Post managed to evade capture after being found with marijuana and prohibited cough syrups.

The Southern Eye reports that Zimbabwe’s security officials, infamous for soliciting bribes from ordinary travellers, cross-border transporters, bus operators, and shipping agents, have been unable to explain the suspect’s disappearance.

This incident occurred last Thursday, and certain stakeholders speculate that the suspect may have bribed the security officers to regain his freedom.

The acting commanding officer of Beitbridge police district Superintendent Philisani Ndebele told Southern Eye last week that “The driver disappeared from the scene”.

However, some stakeholders in Beitbridge said the incident exposed widespread corruption involving police officers, customs and excise officers, private security guards and officers from the President’s Department at the border post. One Beitbridge resident was quoted as saying:

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There are two explanations, that the officers are at the border for something else rather than the country’s security or they colluded with the suspect.

Ask anyone, there is a heavy presence of security officers from different departments whose sole purpose is to check and arrest smuggling and illegal movement of people across the border. How do you explain that a suspect simply walks away?

Eyewitnesses told Southern Eye that the vehicle, a Toyota Quantum minibus headed for Bulawayo, was stopped for a routine check-up in the “Malume” section of the border which handles small-scale cross-border transporters.

The keen noses of sniffer dogs exposed the suspect, prompting customs and excise officials to focus on inspecting the vehicle’s trailer. Simultaneously, the driver and his crew made a hasty exit.

Inside the vehicle, authorities discovered prohibited Benylin cough syrups containing codeine, which are illicitly traded on the drug market. Additionally, the vehicle carried approximately 24 kilogrammes of mbanje.

Investigations by Southern Eye established that the same vehicle was intercepted recently with at least 74 kilogrammes of dagga. Said an eyewitness:

He simply walked away after realising something was wrong. Proper handling of the case should have had the driver secured and a search of his vehicle done in his presence.

How do officials explain his disappearance when they are employed to secure such people? What is their purpose?

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) later issued a statement confirming the interception of the contraband but did not mention any arrests.

More: Pindula News



Z3 · 11 months ago
And also fearing for their safety in police custody, as they could also disappear from the police like the driver
Z3 · 11 months ago
Pari zvino the drugs have been given to the owner after the police failed to confirm whether they were hard drugs or not, kkkkkkk
Mdara Odza · 11 months ago
These police officers are poor and they earn a meager salary hence easily swayed into accepting bribes
Gweshegweshe · 11 months ago
Had that been the primary cause, we wouldn't be witnessing the existence of corrupt people in the developed world. Corruption is a mentality. It has nothing to do with your salary. Greed is the driving factor. Stiffer penalties must be put in place in order to t****ughly deter public officers from accepting bribes... Our penalties are lenient
Mdara Odza · 11 months ago
That is the primary cause, have you ever asked your not-so-intelligent self why there are lower incidents of police bribery
Gweshegweshe · 11 months ago
@odza there wouldn't be grand corruption if salaries were a determinant. Greed is inborn.It goes back to issues of SR. The incidence of such tendencies befalls directly or indirectly on the actors. It goes back to your education. Include such areas in every curriculum pse to Te.
Gweshegweshe · 11 months ago
I was part of the loss control team at Zimra. You'd be surprised that people involved in petty corruption were well remunerated. At one point an officer was dismissed for accepting a R10 bribe yet he was earning close to $1200usd including overtime per month.... Its a mentality odza. You might be educated but on this one you're wrong
masigede · 11 months ago
bvunzai isu tinogara tichiritambuka border,vatori serious nemari dzemusana ,&iwewewo ukavapa mari yavarikudaka,zvako zvinee zvakabhadhara
Anonymous · 11 months ago
This is circus,pure circus.How could that be reported to have happened?Next time if the security goes on like this something disastrous will happen like letting in armed people in this country.
Dddd · 11 months ago
Gara watora mari usati waiswa kumachonyonyo kunotonyorwa nebhagidhi rechibage. Zvotozikanwa kuti kuborder kunoitwa mari sakavachichinjana hanzi kuti mwana wese abenefite mashefu emasecurity forces vanozviziva unotonzwa umwe achiti vangu vagarisa vasati vayendawo kuborder same same nekuchiyadzwa
Sorojena · 11 months ago
Beitbridge border post is a money spinning venue for the state security organizations manning the port of entry. Entering the Malume zone shed you'll have no doubt that corruption is now official hazvibvunzwe. Kutori netuvanhu tunonzvi ma*Bheghi emashefu, who are in facts bribe collecting agents.
bud · 11 months ago
iiuiiiiìiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii haaaaaaa ndiyo rhodizha hre iyi
#$ · 11 months ago
This is not new, a lot has been happening at all border posts and this involves very senior Gvt officials some are even abusing the name of HE The President to smuggle their loot.
· 11 months ago
chewhite chiri muma satchets chiyi icho
Dddd · 11 months ago
🤪 · 11 months ago
Asi manje dziri white here, or it just packaging but is this a real picture or it's just a used when they talk of drugs only
Bvepfepfe · 11 months ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Huwori wacho unotosekesa. Ana fugu pfeee nana Wuto vatozvijaira izvi, mapurisa anongoda mari chete
Wuto · 11 months ago
Fùck you Bvepfepfe handitambe newe 💩🤬
Ginimbi the Great · 11 months ago
I just paid them all a few ZiGs and I was off the hook as they are all poorly paid. recently they got a $20 salary increment which broke international records. I pay my herdboys 🦬 🐄🐮 much better than your government
Blot · 11 months ago
damn lie few days back Pundula rwported that,there was,a tip off now police are usinh sniffer dogs kikikiki tjoe
· 11 months ago
vakapihwa mari ndevamwe vakazobata mota ndevamwe
wangu · 11 months ago
nikion ere o anisi chokadi ere icho
Augustine Chihurii wema Roadblock · 11 months ago
mamwe madrugs ndeeVene kunyanya blaz ve Congo Dust vaye vanoita yese yese
Asi Congo ka · 11 months ago
Irina I pane mamwe madruggs awa anosakadza chiso Congo ne mamwe ma enhancers are for pleasurable moments and you become younger energetic and athletic as it is I'm jogging coz that zeal has reborn in me at 60 here vakomana MADAME kusiya vakati tasa munhandare Ndi his ika vanoda imwe one fo the road, hanzi ndinoita confidence ma bosses vanondipa imwe respect zvavaive vasingazviite Ini hangu ndongova House keeper Vana variku Holiday havo ma neighbours totandadzana but kuita anga settings dzacho hadzisi bhoo, Kuto mirira madame, ende ka hava ha nonoki kuuya kumba, pamwe vaisvikowana ndakudzinyutura hope zve basa zviye Congo chikwapuro kune vari aged sesu makamechana kwete kuvana vadiki wese mwana mwana, its a test against evil one , so once you pass that test I'm sure you score great kunamusikavanhu Ndopakutenda vazvinzisisa otherwise ndinganonokere madame service for the road
Raine_.ZW · 11 months ago
CAR Catch And Release

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