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US$720k Armed Robbery: Two Security Guards Plead Guilty

1 year agoTue, 12 Mar 2024 08:15:14 GMT
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US$720k Armed Robbery: Two Security Guards Plead Guilty

Two security guards who were part of the response team at Quest Financial Services in Belgravia during the US$720 000 robbery on 25 February, on Monday, 11 March pleaded guilty to the theft of US$53 000.

They will be back in court this Tuesday for sentencing.

As reported by The Herald, Cornelius Muchikange (35) and Nesbert Kachungwe (35) of J and P Security Company appeared before Harare magistrate Ethel Chichera.

They were charged for illegally pocketing US$53 000 which had been dropped by robbers fleeing from the crime scene.

The two guards shared the money, with Muchikange buying a Nissan Sylphy sedan for US$3 700 and a residential stand for US$6 000 in Eastview, Harare.

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He also used US$2 500 to pay lobola to his in-laws.

Kachungwe bought a Nissan AD van for US$6 100 using his share of the spoils as well as building materials valued US$1 000.

The complainant in this matter is Daniel Mandizvidza (54), the head of operations at Quest Financial Services.

Prosecutor Zebediah Bofu told the court that on 25 February, at around 1.30 AM, 12 robbers who were armed with a pistol, a drill, an iron bar, a bolt cutter and explosives approached Mandizvidza after breaking down the door to his bedroom in one of the buildings at his workplace.

They tied him before ransacking several offices.

The suspects used detonators to blast open a safe in the operations manager’s office and stole cash amounting to US$720 000, 120 Euros, 10 500 rand which they loaded into plastic bags and a cardboard box.

The robbers were disturbed by the arrival of reaction teams from Safeguard Security Company and J and P Security Service.

The court heard that the duo parked at the front of the premises.

It was further alleged that during their escape, the robbers left a grinder, some fuse detonators, a bag with two laptops and dropped cash amounting to US$5 000 in the premises before escaping using the back of the premises.

Whilst outside the premises, one of the plastic bags the robbers were carrying was torn and all the cash dropped to the ground.

The robbers fled without picking up the money.

Muchikange and Kachungwe found the cash amounting to approximately US$53 000 and shared it.

On 08 March, detectives from CID Homicide Harare received information that the pair had stolen the cash which was dropped by robbers at the crime scene and arrested the two in central Harare.

On 07 March, Muchikange was allegedly approached by six male adults purporting to be police officers and they took the remainder of the money he had which amounted to US$15 000.

The same fake CID officers stole US$7 000 from Kachungwe.

Of the stolen US$53 000, only US$15 700 was recovered.

More: Pindula News



me · 1 year ago
it's like a movie
Khaliphani Phugeni · 1 year ago
Guys ka. mukadzi wangu ane mazi gar o mahombe & anonaka heyyy!
laugh emoji2
sad emoji1
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Sooo,unomutorerwa Blaz ne ma kudo!!!!
Tessa · 9 months ago
Pastor · 1 year ago
Good day my blessed brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus ? Are you at peace? Be happy always and try to live a righteous lifestyle and if possible live peacefully with everyone. Today I invite you to pray thanking God for this your present time, day and your generation. Give thanks to God for all those people around you especially your loved ones. Give thanks to God for your present existence. Have you ever asked yourself why you're are alive now? Imagine this my fellow brothers and sisters, now is the time to represent your genealogy ,that is your family lineage since the beginning of mankind, wow! Today, now it's your turn to change lives of your family bloodline to better if not best. God appointed you and your present family members to maintain the blessings of multiplication and increase. Abundance in Jesus Christ Amen. It's your turn to make right from wrong. To create a better space for the coming generation. To attain God blessed riches in abundance. To heal the broken hearts of your family members, I mean to uplift the weak amongst your brothers and sisters. That is why you're a family, love each other ,Amen. Do not listen to those wolves in sheep's clothing who preach violence and hate. How can a man of God say your mother, father, sister or brother is a Witch or Wizard? Nooo! The God that we worship is a God of Love, peace and order, amen. Love your neighbor as you love yourself.. Be at peace always and praise God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit wherever you are and by so doing the wicked will flee. If my brothers really feared God almighty they could be free today. The Commandments of God clearly says, "Thou shalt not steal. These brothers were trusted to the point of being employed as guards to maintain security, but they thought otherwise. Tempted by Satan. Now their family members are deeply affected by the actions of their loved ones. Our actions will judge us both in Earth and in Heaven. Make right choices and decisions so that you may live longer in the face of Earth. God loves you in Jesus Christ name and the Holy Spirit Amen.
??? · 1 year ago
God is mysterious. Ukaitirwa miracle you do not question. Zvekunyanya kumuziva kwevafundisi kunondinetesa. He's unknowable, he's beyond our simple preaching. Ukawana manna nhonga
for the why · 1 year ago
@ Pastor you are prraching s false dictrine by daying that those who tell people that tour relative is bewitching you are wrong. you are therefore teaching that there is no are denying the fact that witcraft exists and you are blind to it. research widely and i encourage you to open your eyes and ask bhozhongora , to start with. not having been a victim of witchcraft is not proof of its non -existance.witches haves relatives i.e. brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, aunties and uncles.
???? · 1 year ago
Vakanhonga. Kupiwa mukana. Kuzoda flashy life. Guard ane mota after robbery. Kuzvimhangariraka uku. Stupedoo.
kkk · 1 year ago
Lol...that's what I thought myself when I read this article..they should've kept aow profile.They might have gotten away with it.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mari inovava kana munhu ainayo yakawanda.Munhu haagarisike,anovhakuma vhakuma soo zvekuti anooneka kuti itoripo cash paari saka haanetsi kuzvishambadza.
??? · 1 year ago
Panwe Mwari anokupa in indirect ways. Iwe woridza pito sebenzi rinoridza pito rakahwanda
😏 · 1 year ago
midziyo ichatorwa ne State ko mukadzi akaroorwa achatorwawo here.. kuda kuzivawo hangu
Scud · 1 year ago
Yes anotorwa neyimwe boyfriend
ZRP · 1 year ago
Yah achatorwa naFugu fee
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ndiko kunonzi kurara or kupusa kwe masecurity guards. Instead of lying low vasingasevenzese mari iyoyo. Avo kumhanya kutotenga motikari hanzi mumwe akabva aenda kunotora. Iwe usina kana basikoro chairo wobva wanotenga motikari. Dayi bakapika makore akawanda punishment not to use the money wisely
Joshua Nkomo · 1 year ago
Damn that's a lot of moneyy
Chibaba · 1 year ago
Saka ma robberies aya haasati abatwa kaaa
Chibaba · 1 year ago
Read again you dummyhead. this article was written in simple English.

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