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HomeCrime and Courts

CCC Candidate, Patrick Cheza, Fights For His Farm In The Supreme Court

1 year agoTue, 12 Mar 2024 10:04:14 GMT
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CCC Candidate, Patrick Cheza, Fights For His Farm In The Supreme Court

Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) candidate for Chirumhanzi South Constituency in the 2023 harmonised elections, Patrick Cheza has appealed to the Supreme Court against a ruling by the High Court giving the Government permission to evict him from his farm.

The Mirror reported that Cheza is the only one among 61 farmers allocated the land who is being evicted.

The prominent Gweru businessman is represented by Nyasha Maguranyanga of Mutendi, Mudisi and Shumba. In his appeal at the Supreme Court, Cheza said:

1. The court a quo erred in holding that the Appellant’s confirmation of land occupation did not confer a prima facie right to the farm In question whereas the same legally confer a right of land occupation in favour of the Appellant.

2. The court a quo erred in making a finding that the Appellant had no right to be consulted and heard by the 19 Respondent before being evicted from the farm in question as an illegal settler, whereas the Appellant at law is entitled to be consulted and heard before any adverse decision is taken against him.

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3. The Court a quo erred at law in making a finding that Appellant’s eviction from the farm was legal whereas the same was unconstitutional.

Cheza is being evicted from his 250-hectare farm by the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Development.

According to The Mirror, Cheza was allocated the farm which is located near Mvuma under the land redistribution programme. He is now losing investments worth US$200 000.

His farm is said to be one of the most developed under the scheme with greenhouses, boreholes, solar power systems, 105 herd of cattle, 56 high-breed goats, and sheep and 50 full-time workers.

The farm is already being subdivided into smaller plots and the beneficiaries are members of the Joint Operations Command (JOC).

Cheza’s appeal was thrown out by High Court Judge, Justice Mawadze who said the courts have no power over the matter and told him to plead with the Minister.

Justice Mawadze however, conceded in his opening remarks that land issues in Zimbabwe are very emotive and vexing.

The Minister of Lands’s Permanent Secretary Obert Jiri was reported as saying Cheza will not be compensated for developments he made on the farm.

More: Pindula News



Zvenyika · 1 year ago
kg... kufunga ibasa . wakatouraiwa pfungwa neZanu zvekutadza kuziva kt need unekodzero ... anyway for your own info hakuna munhu anebrain dzinotora mushe asingade nyika yake iyo yekt ccc haidi ivhu I campaign strategy inoufzwa imi vasina 6th Sense inodaidzwa kut common sense, period.
Gweshegweshe · 1 year ago
Ane dzungu wamunoti cheza. He must lose everything including mukadzi nevana. Anofamba achitsika mhepo. Kuvhaira kunge achatsenga mvura ikabuda masvisvinwa
.... · 1 year ago
vane dzungu hamuvaone sei? munotadza kuona varikuzviita vene venyika ngenyi? Chinonzi dzungu kutora nyika yese woiita personal property. Kune vane 30 farms, vanozviita varidzi vezvicherwa zvese munyika, kana pakaita kagomba kanoburitsa 2 grammes dzegold pamwedzi vanokatora kuita kavo. Ndiro rinonzi dzungu iroro
holy 10 · 1 year ago
this is sad news indeed hopefully the Supreme Court will uphold the rule of law without fear or favour .
Mhofu · 1 year ago
Ngaadzingwe anopihwa farm KuUSA, Prof Ncube vari ziii vanoziva kuti unofanira kudya wakanyarara zvinhu zvekuba vakapihwawo purazi
Chibaba · 1 year ago
Ipai munhu farm rake inga ana ED naMugabe vane over 30 farms wani
chimusuri · 1 year ago
@mhofu and KG Cheza is zimbabwean has right to land.zvkt akatuka nhingi zvopinda papi pafarm rake.munhu ngaatukwe kana achiita zvisina basa
chimusuri · 1 year ago
ko madiii kutorera vamwe vane mapurazi hobho e.g his excellence.Zanu so.hapana zvatakarwira..
🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 · 1 year ago
Chihurumende chembavha chihurumende chehudzvanyiriri chihurumende chisina mutemo. Kune minda yakawanda isirikushanda nekuti vakapiwa Havana zvikwanisiro kuti vashandise minda iyoyo. Uyu munda urikushandiswa munhu onzi obva nekuti aiita we opposition. Saka kunonzi kusununguka kwacho kuti papi kana tave kumanikidzwa ku supporter chimusangano chembavha nemhondi? Not yet uhuru fo sho
jaa · 1 year ago
iwe zvinhu zvembavha unozvidii. unidirectional mapurazi embavha. dzokera kuruzevhaka.
🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 · 1 year ago
Mbavha vanhu vezanu and they do not own Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe ndeyedu those saka kana uchiti zvinhu zvembavha uchireva ivhu renyika urikurakidza kuzungaira
Anonymous · 1 year ago
It's sad Lord have mercy on him.
Bob · 1 year ago
It's because he doesn't support the ruling party with its corrupt government
dhadza · 1 year ago
corrupt gvt ndiyo yakakupa saka vakurida iwe.

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