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School Expels Female Grade Seven Learner For Wearing Long Hair

1 year agoFri, 09 Feb 2024 16:51:50 GMT
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School Expels Female Grade Seven Learner For Wearing Long Hair

The Chogugudza Primary School school head in Domboshava was forced to reverse his decision to expel a female Grade 7 learner for refusing to shave her long hair in line with the school’s policy after the intervention of human rights lawyers.

According to the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR), the 12-year-old pupil is a member of the African Apostolic Faith Mission church, whose doctrine states that female members must not shave their hair as a means of expressing their beliefs and religion.

ZLHR lawyer, Kelvin Kabaya wrote to the school authorities advising them that by expelling, the juvenile, they had violated her right to freedom of thought, opinion, religion and belief, and her right to education guaranteed in the Constitution.

Kabaya gave Chogugudza Primary School 24 hours to reverse the decision to expel the Grade 7 learner for wearing long hair. The school promptly readmitted her and she is now attending lessons. Below is an account of the matter shared by ZLHR:

We are satisfied to be retreating for the weekend after assisting a 12-year-old pupil to be re-admitted and be able to attend lessons at Chogugudza Primary School after she had been chased away for wearing long hair, a practice, which was deemed to be against the school’s regulations.

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The school head at Chogugudza Primary School in Domboshava identified as T Phiri, had on 9 January barred the minor child from attending her school lessons because she had not shaved her natural hair.

Furthermore and on several occasions, the school authorities continued to bar the pupil from attending her school lessons for the same reason of wearing long hair.

This was notwithstanding the fact that she is currently reading for her Grade Seven final examinations scheduled for the end of the year.

Prior to implementing this drastic measure, the pupil, who is enrolled as a Grade 7 student, had attended her school lessons without any hindrances from the school administration.

The minor child’s parents then engaged [Kelvin Kabaya] of the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights who on 5 February wrote a letter to the school authorities complaining about their conduct in denying the pupil entry into the school premises because of her religious beliefs, which require her to wear long hair.

In the letter, which was also copied to the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, Kabaya lamented that attempts by the pupil’s parents to engage the school authorities and allow the 12-year-old child to attend lessons had been futile as they insisted that she should shave her natural hair as a pre-condition to being accepted back to school hence she has not been attending lessons since then.

In the attempts to engage the school authorities, the parents specifically highlighted some pertinent issues stating that the pupil and her family were devout members of the African Apostolic Faith Mission church, and in terms of the doctrine of the church, female members must not shave their hair as a means of expressing their beliefs and religion, alone and together with other members of the church.

Kabaya charged that the school authorities’ conduct of barring the pupil from attending her lessons was a clear violation of several of her constitutional rights, more particularly, the right to freedom of thought, opinion, religion and belief guaranteed in section 60(1)(a) of the Constitution, the freedom to practice and propagate and give expression to their thought, opinion, religion or belief, whether in public or in private and whether alone or together with others provided for in section 60(1)(b) of the Constitution.

The human rights lawyer also protested that the authorities had violated the pupil’s right to education guaranteed in section 75 of the Constitution and that her fundamental right not to be discriminated against by imposition of onerous terms and conditions and by being excluded or expelled from school, on the grounds of her opinion or religious belief as provided for under section 4(2)(b) of the Education Amendment Act, 2020 had also been breached.

Kabaya then gave the school authorities a 24-hour ultimatum to admit the minor child back to school and to allow her to attend lessons in an ordinary manner, failure of which he would institute legal action against them.

After the delivery of the letter, the school authorities immediately allowed the pupil to attend lessons after Phiri relented on his hard-line stance.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mwana uyu achange achingosusukudzwa hake kuti apedze chikoro without being questioned even if she does anything wrong coz no teacher wants to associate with a pupil who derives laws and powers from the courts. Mwana anodzidzisika only if s/he and the family respond positively to the school rules. Zvakangonakawo kutevedzera mitemo yechikoro. Rights should have limits coz these are the same children who will give society countless problems. Mwana akadai sare kusungisa wake mubereki coz she has seen how to get what she calls 'justice'
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Hapana teacher anopa mwana attention muclass kana vabereki vake vapikisana nechiro. Mitemo yemuno mimwe verengai musiye pabepa. Vaita mistake yekusungisa chikoro. And haunga fananidzi hunhu hwevarungu nehwedu. Zimbabwe is a country with most disciplined cultures. Machurch maexotic boards akaunzwa nevarungu. Mwana anopuwa freedon apedza chikoro kusvika pamwero unotenderwa nenyika tedu o or A level. Kana muvillage chaimo mune mitemo yemo isinei neyenyika. Uyo mwana avhirirwa nzira yekufoira.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
First of all kuchikoro kunoenderwa kunodzidza and handione kuti kuchengeta hair kunotadzisa vana kudzidza sei. Some of the school rules are **** and useless...for example uniform tonzwisisa kuti it shows kuti mwana anodzidza kupi and it makes it easy to identify...that's a good one ko what about kugerwa..kunobatsirei
Gomodombo · 1 year ago
Talegalizeer mbanjeeee
Outcast · 1 year ago
Human Rights lawyer chaabudirira kuita mwana iyeyu an outcast in the School. Victory in the courts is not always victory in praxis. Reality on the ground remains: She is a glorified misfit.
Bp · 1 year ago
Human Rights lawyer chaabudirira kuita mwana iyeyu an outcast in the School. Victory in the courts is not always victory in praxis. Reality on the ground remains: She is a glorified misfit.
. @# · 1 year ago
Unopomerwa sei chirwere iwe uri protected? Akambovaviwa nemhiripiri yaasina kudya ndiani?
gm · 1 year ago
saka rasta rakubvumirwa
Tambaoga · 1 year ago
eh ndoGender balance.iye musikana akosheyi vevamwe vachirambidzwa.Chikoro chese boys dread mumusoro saGwisai😂.
beautiful · 1 year ago
beaut Iri mubvudzi makamboona varungu vakagerwa here isu maAfricans tisu tinodzi tigererwe vangu vanotorukwa vakomana vogerwa
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Yes ..
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Achauya nema drugs nekuti makasekerera $ sign
Chinoz · 1 year ago
wangu mukomana akutoenda kuchikoro ne $ sign mumusoro
💅Rudo · 1 year ago
Iye T Phiri ari kuda kuzviita ani. Akanganwa kuti mubva kure. Ngayenda anoita headmaster kuMalawi mhani pane kuti netsera vana vedu.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mmmm tikwanirei imi mwana ngatedzere mitemo yekuchikoro
MutongiGava · 1 year ago
Hypocrites. If it was you wainzwa seyi Lucky it did not go to court were we would use the rulling as precedent for all schools nezwenyu zvacho zvamunenge mavaka mega
??? · 1 year ago
Hapana apo ngaaende ku st Noah kwaJohanne marange uko, haakupindi nemitemo yake iyoyo
zim · 1 year ago
itai zvikoro zvenyu mega zvinoita mutemo wechitendero chenyu
NinjaNed Zimbabwe · 1 year ago
In as much these policies are being followe, l think they have a negative impact on the children. We are breading a stubborn generation isingatsiurike etc and most of them dont make good grades
NinjaNed Zimbabwe · 1 year ago
Very true
Reign · 1 year ago
utu tuvanhu twaamakupa marights ndo the same tunozotinetsa kumabhawa twakuti handeyi kushort munongondipa chero yamunayo mateachers hachisina basa naye chero akarovha they don't care malawyer munozozviwanza discipline is the art
Lloyd m Chifurira · 1 year ago
vachazvidemba Mwana Ava hire. kana achida zvebvudzi refu ngaaende kutyoro chekuchurch kwavo. head angotyao hake.
Mupositori · 1 year ago
Munomanikidza vapositori kuenda kuzvipatara wani mune fever koshesai zvitendero zvevamwe
Prolege · 1 year ago
Hakuna freedom yokuramba kurapiwa uchipomera vamwe chirwere vachifa. Your freedom must not infringe on those of others.
Joza · 1 year ago
Imi mapostori it's high time you started building your own schools. Itaivo your own mission schools. Vana Chivhayo ngavavake zvikoro nezvipatara. Naiyo Zanu yamunovhotera ngaikuvakirei. That's the best way you can benefit from endorsing their grand looting.
ctzn · 1 year ago
· 1 year ago
Kana vasingadi kutevedzera mutemo wechikoro ngavav**** Chavo chnoda mavhudzi makuru
Prolege · 1 year ago
Chero headmaster akavaka chake chinonzi hachidiwi vhudzi, vane vhudzi vanotoenderako izvozvo. The school can also pay out a lot money through legal suits. Uyu ndiwo unonzi mutemo vakuru. Vana jahman vanogona kutoita dread futi ipapo. Too bad. I just pray that they will not accept ganja kuvana vachiti it's a religious mantle like anointing water and stickers.
Tambaoga · 1 year ago
i think chikoro ichocho iproblem.before admiting vana pekutangisisa paye vabereki pavanenge vachitsvaga nzvimbo dze Ecd vanofanira kuvataurira school policy.kana vasingabvumirani nazvo there other school anotendera kurukwa or long hair.
Justice · 1 year ago
School policy is null and void if it contravenes the law and the national constitution.
endtime · 1 year ago
chikoro ndechekunodzidza kugera musoro isarudzo yemunhu kwete yahead master
Rass1 · 1 year ago
I hv observed that pupils. who are rebellious with the aid of courts or parents generally don't do well academically. Even those parents that refuse to hv their children disciplined at sch also don't do well.I hv observed that link.Its always best to abide by sch regulations.
??? · 1 year ago
Also schools has rules and regulations which needs to be followed by every student, coz ndichauya ne makhakhi eku GRJ n**** ndezve church
Justice · 1 year ago
Kusvika bumbiro romutemo wedu rachinja unemvumo yacho. Whereas we're destroying our children. Mutemo ngauite address limit yemarights evana vechikoro, starting with the constitution.
sorry · 1 year ago
Saka choya havageriwo hr vanhu avo 😏😏
... · 1 year ago
Iwe wakagera?
Public Hair · 1 year ago
Kkkk hezvoness, saka mu bedroom munongoridzwa dzimbo dze Bhundu Boys chete chete🤣🤣🤣
Mu2k · 1 year ago
Asi nziyo dze bhundu boys ndokuti kudii
Ian Smith · 1 year ago
The constitution is the supreme law of the land and all policies must be in line with the constitution .Sending children home to get fees from parents,shutting children out, withholding results or certificates is a criminal office which calls for a fine of USD 250 or six months in prison.It falls under the children's act and falls under child abuse. It's only that the police are not arresting school heads who violet the children's right. The parent is the one with contract with the school as children at law have no capacity to enter into a contract.
Alheit · 1 year ago
Mwana uyu nevabereki vacho ma**** hazvishamisi kuti mwana iyeye akatopiwa kamwe kamudhara muchurch kuita mukadzi haapasi chikoro uyo teachers will sideline her .Achadzidziswa naana human rights lawyer

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