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Village Heads Risk Dismissal, Prosecution For "Sabhuku Land Deals"

1 year agoSun, 28 Jan 2024 04:53:32 GMT
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Village Heads Risk Dismissal, Prosecution For "Sabhuku Land Deals"

The Government has warned chiefs, headmen and village heads that those who are selling State land to desperate land seekers face dismissal and prosecution.

Four village heads from Dema in Mashonaland East Province have since been convicted after appearing in court for selling stands in undesignated places.

The parcelling out and selling of State land has become rampant, not only in Dema but countrywide, especially close to growth points and peri-urban areas.

The Director of Communication and Advocacy in the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works Gabriel Masvora told The Sunday News that the Government is conducting capacity-building workshops within the country’s eight rural provinces to conscientise traditional leaders on their role and ensure they do not overstep their mandate.

He said the issue of land distribution in exchange for bribes was one of the major objectives of the workshops due to an unprecedented increase in “Sabhuku deals”. Said Masvora:

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The sale of State land is illegal. The duties of a village head are spelt out in Section 12 of the Traditional Leaders Act 29:17 and do not include land allocation.

The land is allocated by the rural district council concerned after the submission of names of those who want communal land to the council and a resolution is then made.

Our ministry carried out capacity-building workshops from May 2022 to April 2023 at all the eight rural provinces in every district and the meetings were attended by chiefs, headmen and village heads.

The duties of each traditional leader were explained and illegalities were spelt out. Chiefs and headmen supervise village heads, and where the rampant sale of land occurs, they are empowered by the law to recommend dismissal.

We continue to engage the Council of Chiefs which is an assembly of elected traditional leaders and the provincial assembly chairpersons to continue to raise awareness of the illegality of land sales and the consequences thereof.

Several village heads have been convicted of illegal land sales in the country with the recent example of Dema village heads convicted on 8 January 2024.

Zimbabwe Council of Chiefs president Chief Mtshane Khumalo said that traditional leaders are aware that State land should not be sold and those engaging in illicit land deals should be arrested.

Early this month, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) said police will arrest land barons and anyone illegally selling land in the country, regardless of their status.

ZRP spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi urged members of the public to verify the status of any land before being settled or made to pay for purported allocation or development.

He said the public should report criminal activities by land barons at any nearest Police Station or National Complaints Desk number on (0242) 703631 ог WhatsApp number 0712 800 197.

More: Pindula News



worried citizen · 1 year ago
Mamama masabhuku handi mainyora vanhu pamaelection veccc sungwai kkkk
Black boy · 1 year ago
three days munhu ari mujeri hanzi makatenga stolen land apa mwana wechikiro haana kana stand hazvina kana proof zvikundirwadza I want to sue this guys.
Black boy · 1 year ago
kwaziko vatishungurudza vakufamba vachisunga vanhu mudzimba even uri muroja vakungosvika pamba ma black boots haabvunze kungotora munhu ari pamba ende mhosva yacho hauudzwe, my little sis was arrested and forced to pay $30 find kuti abude akatorovha kuxul is this fair, ndozvavari kutumwa here vemutemo tibatireiwo.
Mazuva · 1 year ago
Get human rights lawyers to reverse that fine and sue for unlawful arrest
@registered voter · 1 year ago
who said that money for diamonds 15billion was from one year 🤔even if mari yacho iri ye 15 yearz fact remains kuti it vanished. Makuda kungwarira ma sabhuku anodya ma$ 100 ko ini enyu mune ma acres mangani e land. At least Sabhuku ukamupa cash anobva akupa munda wako ipapo ipapo than ku council 10years uripa waiting list. In towns shamwari dzenyu vakugarisa vanhu muma wetlands
Joza · 1 year ago
Why was government not acting all along? The Dema land was in the adverts daily. This is Zanu Pf inspired corruption. If you don't pay sabhuku you don't get land anywhere in Zimbabwe. If you go through ministry of lands, their officials demand payment. Was the government on leave when people were being settled for 20 years and more? The Zanu Pf regime needs to be totally disbanded if Zimbabwe is to be free of corruption.
Kongaring Kongara · 1 year ago
This will go on like that since time imemorial,people are desperate for grounds around growth points.But clashing with the authorities will happen and maSabhuku anopedzesera ave mujeri nenyaya yekutengesa land.
Njovhera · 1 year ago
Makuzvitaura nhasi nekuti Temba Mliswa ave sabhuku why
04 · 1 year ago
mbudziinodya payakasungirirwa.masabhuku munovashandisa zvisingaiti panguva yekuda kuvhoterwa .ma elections apera manje mavakuti munhu mujeri nekuda kweka piece kemunda kaapa muzukuru wake .how much are they paid .pese pese moda kukwana kwana .paita diamond kana gold muripo .ikozvino mava kumamisha moda land yemadzitete guru edu .makajaidzwa stereki
Ordek · 1 year ago
@04 taura hako
Passion Java · 1 year ago
😋 Nyika imwe neimwe inovakwa igotongwa nevene vayo
Our government does not tolerate corruption. Its position is clear on that matter
Rudo💅 · 1 year ago
l agree with you hurumende yedu haidi zvinhu zvine hutsotsi mukati.Sakani Paine anti corruption.Sabhuku mujeri!👮
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Government yacho ndiyo ineCorruption yese
hodzekoo · 1 year ago
speaking wat they dou in a way trying to blind fold us whu doesn't know dt ds government is the most corrupt on ds planet. 16Billion US nt mabond yakanzi yatsakatikaa.. imikaa pengai mushe nekda zanu kwenyu ikokuu modaa kt nyepereiko kn chivhayo . wadyajena looting millions on broad day light.. vachitora maloarns mumabank pasna anodzorera pedzee mabank Opera marii after all tisu taiienda kunochengetesa mari ikoko tikawanei.. woisa maUS in your bank account fumei mangwana zvonzii bond rakwira over night gedyee gedye 1as tu 1 neUS haaa dhemetiii mhaniii
mampentsha · 1 year ago
"*Dingilizwe Tshuma, former legislator for Entumbane-Njube constituency in Bulawayo as chair; Albert Mhlanga (former Pumula MP and deputy); Sengezo Tshabangu (secretary-general); Khaliphani Phugeni (information); Sikhululekile Moyo (interim chairperson for women); Nomvula Mguni (ex-proportional representation MP), Mbuso Siso (treasurer) and Benoni Ncube (youth).*" the 9 criminals(izigelekeqe) from Bulawayo who are behind the recalls of CCC MPs and Councillors.
Registered Voter · 1 year ago
vanhu we 15 billion made by the late president RG Mugabe was a mistake made when saying a speech. The video is there pa YouTube. People don't do their own research on news it's very worrying. Plus facts can't justify the amount because in the history of Diamond sales that money haisati yamboitika in a year for all traders saka a small country can't have made 15 billion. Vanga kinda Saudi Arabia ine oil. Zvimwe fungal wo

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