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Reactions To Job Sikhala And Godfrey Sithole's Conviction For Incitement Of Public Violence

1 year agoWed, 24 Jan 2024 15:07:33 GMT
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Reactions To Job Sikhala And Godfrey Sithole's Conviction For Incitement Of Public Violence

The recent conviction of Job Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole for incitement of public violence has generated diverse reactions. The duo was found guilty when it appeared before Harare magistrate Tafadzwa Miti on January 24, 2024. Pre-sentencing hearing has been scheduled for January 29 for Sikhala and Sithole’s lawyers to persuade he court to issue a less severe sentence. 

The National Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe (NPA) confirmed Job Sikhala’s conviction and announced the subsequent hearing. In a brief statement issued shortly after the conviction, the NPA said:

Job Sikhala has been convicted of inciting public violence. The case has been postponed to Monday the 29th of January 2024 for a pre-sentencing hearing at the Harare Magistrates Court.

Morgen Komichi, a senior official in the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), called for public attendance on the sentencing day, highlighting the significant support Sikhala received during the trial.

Journalist Hopewell Chin’ono said he was not surprised by the verdict, viewing it as political persecution by the current regime. He said:

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As expected, the regime has convicted Job Sikhala of inciting public violence! His defence lawyers will argue their mitigation points on the 29th of January. This is just persecution of political opponents by this deplorable regime! It also means that Job Sikhala will remain in jail until the day of sentencing when he will know whether he will be released on account of bail time served or whether the regime will continue persecuting him. 

Clifton, a Twitter user, shared a similar sentiment, claiming that the magistrate, Tafadzwa Miti, had previously referred to Sikhala as an incorrigible criminal, despite the fact that he had not been convicted before. Clifton said:

I’m not surprised that Tafadzwa Miti who is basically a Zanupf activist masquerading as a magistrate decided that Job Sikhala was guilty. This is the same person who once called Sikhala an incorrigible criminal and yet he had never been convicted of any crime.

Another Twitter user, Benard Marima, suggested executive interference, speculating that Sikhala’s comments criticiing President Mnangagwa’s family had influenced the judges’ decision to keep him in jail. Marima said:

The biggest issue here is that Job Sikhala said “Zimbabwe doesn’t belong to Mnangagwa’s mom,it belongs to all Zimbabweans,That video was played to mnangagwa and he was so furious. So all thoz judges as instructed they have no choice bt to keep skhala in jail. Zvinotaurwa

Public reactions on social media showcased a mix of empathy, frustration, and calls for justice. Many expressed sympathy for Sikhala and his family, emphasizing the need for change in the country. Some users questioned the fairness of the justice system and its treatment of political opponents, while others saw the conviction as an attack on democracy and human rights. The case has drawn attention to the issue of politicians being criminalized in Zimbabwe, with calls to free political prisoners and ensure a fair justice system.

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🚩 · 1 year ago
As long as Zanu Pf is allowed to keep on rigging elections, don't expect the judiciary would be on the side of justice.Wither Zimbabwe
mhandu · 1 year ago
gundundebvu usadaro jobaidakurwiraiweneninemhuriyakoasixvakashayasimba wamukaseihakonemukadxiwako
Gweshegweshe · 1 year ago
Magamba akafa. Kana achida kuita gamba achapinda mu coffin first. Musamusimbise
Chiurai · 1 year ago
Kuti mupurwa futi
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐 Zanu Pf is punishing Job Sikhala to intimidate and cause fear, they don't want Zimbabweans to rise up against their corrupt regime. If Zimbabweans unite in their numbers just like they did during CCC rallies and March against ED and Zanu it will be clear. Soldiers will never murder the masses. 1 million March, the police will never be able arrest a 1 million March population. If people come together and rise up Enough is Enough
· 1 year ago
Tazvinzwa ishe Anosungirira kiti bhero ndiiyani? This regime will jail the first person who tries to organise that 1-million-man march. just like they have done with Job and Ngarivhume. Ndiko kutonga kwaro Mupurwa.
Valentines at Home · 1 year ago
Madinga mukurasika papi? You cannot keep a person in detention for that long then pronounce that he is not guilty. The state would have to compensate him mari refu if he were pronounced not guilty. POLITICS IS ABOUT DEALS. 1.THE BRIEF: Detain Job for as long as possible, alienate him from Nerison by feeding him with selected information through false intelligence and moles such as Hopewell etc.Get him angry and make him feel that his cdes in CCC have abandoned him.Strike a deal with him, release and unleash him on CCC. Sikhala will now be released and his first assignment is to bury CCC. 2. CHAMISA: This Job is a threat to my leadership, ngaavharirwe afire mujeri, good riddance of bad rubbish. Job will be sentenced to 2 years with some months suspended on account of good behaviour etc.But remember he has been in detention for that long and that will be taken into account during sentencing. So ladies and gentlemen, Job is now a free man ready to pounce on and finish off Chamisa. THIS IS HOW THE SCRIPT WILL GO. Thank you
XXX · 1 year ago
Some Bush Lawyers among our midist know what exactly is going on. Advocate Job Sikhala spent over a year unlawfully detained. It would not sound well, at international level, to find Sikhala not guilty, Job Sikhala has been found guilty to exonerate the ZANU PF Government from being accused for locking up Job Sikhala for too long without trial. EHE ICHO !!!!!
Nowsee · 1 year ago
it's a waste of time to cry for justice now while majority failed to vote wisely,we are all now facing the pains of heavy tax and everyone is going under the knife including those who ate free huku inn.
Number one chinhu chinondishamisa sei tisingaone mapoliticians pano pasocial media .... i think munyika ino hatina mapoliticians ano supporter kodzero dzevanhu especially our useless opposition members hapana chavaziva basa ravo kuuya nguva dzema elections vachitsvaga mavotes edu nokuti vanenge vachida kuenda kuparliament kunotamba nekuridza ngoma
Zimbabwe haichisina independent judiciary uye majudges edu ave chiseko chenyika nepasi rose
Mdara Odza · 1 year ago
Mnangagwa now has a firmer grip on the Judiciary than Mugabe had during his time, we now have Magistrates, some High Court and Supreme Court judges and the entire Constitutional Court judges who are on Mnangagwa's payroll, once your case lands on their benches, it's game over; they will rule to please their clueless master
@Vhedza · 1 year ago
If your facts are correct then it should be the same to anyone paid by an individual.
chabvonga · 1 year ago
ngasungwe ndokuti asafurira vana kuita mhirizhonga akabuda haazvipamhe futi
Chaka · 1 year ago
The other fact is, ey kept Job in custody fr to long. How are ey going to compensate him. The world is watching. Even ey know Sikhala is innocent, they have to at all cost create a false crime to persecute him. Apart from that, no one is supposed to proclaim freedom.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Chirungu charamba wangu. Wanga uchida kutii. Pa sentence vanogona kumut 10yrs nekut akaurayisa vanhu nekupiswa kwe property, ne wasting court's time. Vozoti minus mwedzi yaakagara mu remand.
EPHRAIM SUMANJE · 1 year ago
Ndezvepanopasi kudenga hazvipo
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
kudenga zviriko .... uchazviona pauchapinda gehena rako
Anonymous · 1 year ago
This conviction was never reached from the blue. Facts were presented and argued. Even his lawyers know that. So do not please yourselves trying to say this and that. Next time to you all, usaite che hardy chisina basa woda kuita senge ndiwe bhuru renyika, unosiya mhuri nemukadzi wakandwa mukati. Emulate Nero, anoziva pekutangira nepekugumira because anoziva zvinonyudza. Anyway tough luck Jobo.
Justice · 1 year ago
This was to be expected. Otherwise how was the system going to justify keeping Job in custody for so long without trial?
Sajeni Chimedza · 1 year ago
rinamanyanga hariputirwi vazukuru vangu. Job haana mhosva
Gaffer · 1 year ago
Vazhinji vagere mudzimba asi vari vasungwa nema economic hardships. Its not funny kutaura fair.... Chamisa is quiet coz ma1, these guys are desperate. Tshabangu since he's the SG of CCC akuti nekusungwa kwema official e ccc. The best he can do is to recall mps and rub salt on the wounds of the people of Zimbabwe. I'm not tribal but Tshabangu ne team renyu GOD is watching
vex · 1 year ago
I'm not tribal but but mnanagwa ne team renyu God is watching
Gaffer · 1 year ago
Vazhinji vagere mudzimba asi vari vasungwa nema economic hardships. Its not funny kutaura fair.... Chamisa is quiet coz ma1, these guys are desperate. Tshabangu since he's the SG of CCC akuti nekusungwa kwema official e ccc. The best he can do is to recall mps and rub salt on the wounds of the people of Zimbabwe. I'm not tribal but Tshabangu ne team renyu GOD is watching
Gaffer · 1 year ago
Vazhinji vagere mudzimba asi vari vasungwa nema economic hardships. Its not funny kutaura fair.... Chamisa is quiet coz ma1, these guys are desperate. Tshabangu since he's the SG of CCC akuti nekusungwa kwema official e ccc. The best he can do is to recall mps and rub salt on the wounds of the people of Zimbabwe. I'm not tribal but Tshabangu ne team renyu GOD is watching
Citizen · 1 year ago
Our judges and magistrates are a disgrace shame on them
mampentsha · 1 year ago
"I’m not surprised that Tafadzwa Miti who is basically a Zanupf activist masquerading as a magistrate decided that Job Sikhala was guilty. This is the same person who once called Sikhala an incorrigible criminal and yet he had never been convicted of any crime." the said statement by the trial magistrate, if true, is a ground for reversal of conviction and sentence if appealed. it shows the trial magistrate was biased prejudiced against the accused right from the beginning.
Mai Ro · 1 year ago
...zvinosuruvarisa chaizvo kuti chihurumende chehudzvanyiriri chavamunangagwa chirikuramba chichienderera mberi nekutyora pamwe nrkumbunyikidza kodzero dzevagari vemuno munyika. vaSikhala ndivo vaive gweta remhuri yekwa Ali mus**** mekunge mhondi dzezanupf dzaponda nekuuraya moreblessing. iyezvino pachinzvimbo chekuti mhondi dzose dzakaponda vanhu kubva 2018 dzimiswe pamberi pematare, tirikuona varwiri vekodzero dzeveruzhinji variivo vari kumbunyikidzwa nekushungurudzwa nehurmende yava mnangagwa. pasi rose rinofanirwa kubatana mukus****podza nekunyadzisa hurumende yechigananga yavamunangagwa iyi...
😎 · 1 year ago
As long as you continue to speak ill demeaning the current government, nothing will ever no matter or whether, rulue to your favour,. Respect is the only key to a freedom, so if you can't be respectful you are actually denying your freedom
@tumagirazi tutema · 1 year ago
Personally I can't respect this bunch of thieves, murderers, liars , fornicators, two faced hypocrites.
Then that suppression, repression depression would honour you forever munyori · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Giree ndiye aitaura nonsense oregwa, zvino Jobho akafunga kuti a enzana na Giree akazohwanda mu ceiling musina kumbopinda Giree. Aidei akadzidza ipapo zvino i****.

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