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Adela Construction Denies Fetching And Selling Sewage Water

1 year agoWed, 17 Jan 2024 05:00:59 GMT
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Adela Construction Denies Fetching And Selling Sewage Water

A local construction company called Adela Contracting has denied accusations that the company was fetching and selling sewage water in Harare. In a statement seen by Pindula News, Adela Contracting stated that they do not distribute water for profit and have never been involved in such a business. They clarified that their main business is supplying and hiring plant equipment for construction purposes. The company said it was contracted to work on road construction in a specific area, where they diverted rainwater from a stream to facilitate the roadworks. They emphasized that the water collected was not sewage water and was used for road compaction only. Read the statement:


On or about the 15th of January 2024, a video was captured by a lady whose identity has not yet been established/disclosed. In the video, allegations were made to the effect that Adela Contracting (Private) Limited was extracting sewage water and distributing the same for purposes of profit to residents. The video captured the information of the company on the water bowser, as well as persons purporting to work for Adela. This video was published on various social media platforms, namely WhatsApp and Facebook. As of the 16th of January 2024, certain news publications and tabloids had also circulated the video, specifically Zimeye and Doc Dave.

We wish to clarify to the public the following:

1. Adela Contracting is a reputable plant-hire company in Zimbabwe.

2. Our core business is the supply and hire of plant equipment.

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3. We do not distribute water for purposes of profit to private individuals or corporates, and our company have never ventured in such business.

4. Adela Contracting was contracted by Runt Dutoit Property Developers, to supply plant and equipment for the purposes of road construction in the Kambanji area, Greystone Park, between Gaydon Drive and Maranzi.

5. In the area in which the video was taken runs a stream of fresh water that crosses Outspan Drive.

6. The mandate of the private company was the diversion of the stream and drainage of any surplus water that would interfere with the roadworks.

7. Due to the heavy rains that have been experienced over the past few weeks, a pool of rainwater had accumulated by stream which pool needed to be diverted.

8. The water bowser captured in the video was draining water from the pool to enable further development of the road.

9. The drained water was used for road compaction.

10. We would like to emphasize that this water is NOT sewage water.

11. Furthermore, the area itself does NOT have any sewer lines such that sewage water can be found in the locality.

12. For emphasis, the water collected in the video was NOT distributed to residents or any person whatsoever outside the locality.


The matter has been reported to the relevant authorities and efforts are underway to establish the source of this information. We urge the public to desist from continued circulation of this alarmingly false and defamatory piece of information.
Issued by order of the Board.

The Standards Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ) ensures that mineral water is safe to drink through its Product Mark Certification scheme. This scheme allows products produced under approved supervision and control to be licensed and marked as compliant with the required standards. SAZ has certified various products including freezers, textiles, foods, and more. They have specific certification schemes for natural mineral water, spring water, and packaged drinking water.

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Pipiro · 1 year ago
@porongi haurevi nhema
Pipiro · 1 year ago
@porongi haurevi nhema
Pipiro · 1 year ago
@porongi haurevi nhema
porongi · 1 year ago
that's the reason why we are poor, including myself tinopedza time tochiongorora zvisinei nesu a Bowser from a construction company collecting dirty water , what's wrong with that handiti ndeyekudira pasi here ,the truth is this lady was hired by a rival construction company to record a video so as to tarnish the image of them
enk · 1 year ago
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🤣🤣🤣 · 1 year ago
Harare linathatha i **** straight
Wazimbwa Bere · 1 year ago
If Adela was contracted by Runt Dutoit, why is Adela commenting on behalf of Runt Dutoit? These are meant to be Runt Dutoit operations. They should have referred the matter to the company irrespective of their vehicles being involved. How come Adela are so informed about the most minute details of another company's operations? Why is Runt Dutoit silent, if it exists at all? Panhuhwa gonzo apo. I smell a rat. The lady could be right after all.
😭😭😭 · 1 year ago
Mvura haitengwe muchinyanya chera wega yaunoziva kuti iri safe vanhu ari kutsvaga Mari
Ko iyo sewage Water · 1 year ago
Handiti ino reclaimewa, Jozi water is 85%reclaimed kwava nema machine tubules, e reverse Osmosis plants that purifies reclaim water to be drinkable and that is the reason why we are having so many bottled water business these years, even companies that have nothing to do with water in their works, now subsidies their operations with these water reticulation plants and that company can not be spared The fact that they collect water with a bowser for their construction purpose is just a lame excuse cause the same bowser can be used in septic tank discharges
moks · 1 year ago
What about if the woman is correct and the company is doing damage control?
Saw it on FB. that lady had no base · 1 year ago
People should investigate before they comment
shot reipapo · 1 year ago
big up to the woman for showing that we are not in heaven yet ende kuratidza kuti denga dzvene riri pamusoro pedu ende chaedza chedu hausi mutemo I kana ma authorities zviriko kusvika tapinda mushaweko jerusarema riri kudenga ndiwo musha wedu ende Jesu Kristo ndiwo mwenje wedu zvaana road compaction ndezvepano pasi hanzi paishandiswa type ipi ye vhati ndaseka hangu ghetto bwoy risingadhibhe nyangwe rirare pa waterbed hamuizivi ana fugu pfeee
. · 1 year ago
Moms ine dzungu zvayo iyoyo🙌🏿
Tryme · 1 year ago
the company has to trace the woman and the source of where the video came from, they should sue this lady. Kukonewa kuisa order Mumba make oswera achi recorder video without evidence. people should be sued for just recording videos and speculating things.
me · 1 year ago
@Tryme you are shallow minded. The lady was doing a social service to the nation and you may not successful sue her because the act alone is suspecious.
junkyard · 1 year ago
junk food.
contaminated water · 1 year ago
murikunwa mvura yakarungwa nhai asi ikuitisa matama
Ghetto Prophet · 1 year ago
Go in hotels in Harare cbd and check tape water in vacant rooms uone **** richibuda especially vasat va cleaner
🚩 · 1 year ago
Thanks for your information. Let's learn to deserminate correct information on social media. Vanhu vasangorotomoka, such info is damaging to this reputable company.
45u · 1 year ago
There is no smoke without fire. That information is just for public consumption as the are fighting to restore credibility. If their equipment is hired out it's for the person who hired the truck to dispute the social media story. We do not want people who behave like Zanu who jump into the fry to defend a matter that does not have anything to do with them. · 1 year ago
ko ndovadii zvavo inga ZINWA ikungounza mvura ye green

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