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HomeCrime and Courts

Man Shot Dead After Attempting To Free Detained Friend

1 year agoThu, 28 Dec 2023 10:31:08 GMT
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Man Shot Dead After Attempting To Free Detained Friend

A police officer from Mkoba, Gweru in Zimbabwe has been charged with murder after fatally shooting a man named Bongani Ndlovu who intended to free his detained friend. The incident occurred on Boxing Day when the officer, identified as 19-year-old Kudakwashe Gurajena, and his colleagues were on patrol. They encountered a rowdy group attempting to free a friend who had been arrested for disorderly conduct, ZimLive reported citing a police memo.

According to the memo, Ndlovu aggressively confronted the officer and his colleagues, throwing stones and demanding the release of his friend. Ndlovu allegedly snatched handcuffs and keys from an officer, threatening to stab him with an Okapi knife.

Reinforcement was called, but Ndlovu managed to escape. However, he returned to the police station later armed with the same knife, persisting in his violent attempt to free his friend. The officers surrounded Ndlovu and instructed him to surrender.

Ignoring their commands, Ndlovu charged towards two officers. One of them tripped and dropped his rifle. Gurajena, in response to the imminent threat, picked up the firearm and fired, fatally shooting Ndlovu in the neck. Read the memo in part:

While the accused and his team were escorting Tafadzwa Ndlela and other accused persons to the police station, the now deceased started throwing stones at the police officers ordering them to release his friends.

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The stones hit P/Cst Musazulwa on the right lower leg and P/Cst Masango on the right hip. They sustained a swollen leg and a swollen hip respectively.

The now deceased who was armed with an okapi knife snatched handcuffs and keys from P/Cst Masango threatening to stab him.

Police called for reinforcement from Mkoba police station, when it arrived Bongani Ndhlovu ran away and the police officers failed to apprehend him. A report of Assault was made at ZRP Mkoba RRB 5816501 refers.

Bongani Ndlovu continued his violent attempt to free his friend at Mkoba police station. He arrived at the station and shouted, demanding the release of his friend while threatening to harm one of the police officers with a knife he was holding.

The police officers, including Sergeant Ncube, Sergeant Mushai, Constable Motsi, Constable Shava, Constable Svova, Constable Mafios, Police Constable Gurajena, Police Constable Gobvu, and Police Constable Musazulwa, were instructed to surround Ndlovu and arrest him.

Sergeant Ncube was armed with an F/N rifle with five rounds, and Constable Shava had a Mosberg rifle with one round. When Ndlovu saw the officers approaching, he started running, and the police pursued him.

At a location near Bata dam, Sergeant Mushai fired three warning shots in the air, urging Ndlovu to surrender and lie down. However, Ndlovu ignored the instructions, charging towards Constable Shava and Police Constable Gurajena with the knife in his hand.

Constable Shava tripped and fell, dropping his rifle. Ndlovu continued to approach them, threatening to harm one of the officers. Gurajena quickly picked up the fallen rifle and fired a single shot at Ndlovu, hitting him in the neck. Ndlovu died instantly.

The scene was attended by officers from ZRP Mkoba, C.I.D Mkoba, and C.I.D Scenes of Crime Gweru. Ndlovu’s body was found lying on its back, facing west, with bloodstains on his white sweater. An Okapi knife was found near his left hand.

The body was taken to Gweru Provincial Hospital, where a doctor certified Ndlovu’s death. It was then transferred to the mortuary for a postmortem examination.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ngano iyi ine maburi magwanza chaiwo......."Munhu akapondwa nemapurisa" Full stop...!
Crago · 1 year ago
effects of drugs/ mutoriro on this guy
@ndini · 1 year ago
pakuti this is not South Africa apo I totally agree with you 100%.
vekuNorton · 1 year ago
murder izita remhosva asi hazvireve kuti p/cst avo vachapinda mujeri.
@Vhedza · 1 year ago
Yaa kana zvamubata zvinogona kumuurayisa!
Ndini · 1 year ago
Any one trying to fight police in uniform should be shot ipapo ipapo this is not south Africa ZRP. please shoot them all and come back alone
Dwayne Johnson · 1 year ago
That movie i would call it , "Deadly end..."
Tina · 1 year ago
He shot the victim several times, that is where he went wrong, otherwise he was supposed to defend himself
Tsuronzuma · 1 year ago
Akadashurwa ne chifefe, one shot inogona kuva ne 9 or more pellets.
spookie · 1 year ago
akadii kupfura gumbo
cid · 1 year ago
9mapurisa vane pfuti 2 failing to apprehend one suspect mu camp mavo🤔after ambovatiza pavakatanga kudeedza back up 🤣🤣not only that ambenge abvuta ma handcuffs (as if ma handcuffs nema key zvinenge zviri panhu one) Ngaataure nyaya yake mfana uyu 😂 Mapurisa ma 19 years most probably akabva ku training this year ndovane dzangu vaye.
Tsuronzuma · 1 year ago
ndi ndini ndamubata haasi mupurisa uyo
Chief Nemauyu · 1 year ago
a gun knows no monyaz.
chips · 1 year ago
iyi nyaya watova mubikirwa uyu cover up yezvakaitika
Bishu · 1 year ago
Created narrative. More than ten police officers against one. Murder and cover up. Kana trained commando aibatwa nevanhu hobho
☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ · 1 year ago
cde have you ever served in the military? if not then don't talk about commandos. have you ever met people who are used to extreme violence? if not then don't talk about commandos.
flatfish · 1 year ago
Sska pfuti dzinopihwa police ndedzei kana wakunzi murder after defending yourself and the lives of others,plz balance me
Dzimbahwe · 1 year ago
Yaaaa bvunzawo wangu
😎 · 1 year ago
Midlands now loaded with deadlier crimes what going on
Ghetto Prophet · 1 year ago
Kufira yabhururu kkk
gm · 1 year ago
kudakuzviita gamba, kufarisa
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Kufira mumwe munhu
Mvura · 1 year ago
Akapusa zvekuti. 🤣🤣🤣
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 taura hako coz Blazo vachangoramba vari mujeri. Maybe he wanted to know kwaakavigwa mari nema phone avaibira vanhu
Anonymous · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Taura hako kupusa zvakunoita. Kufira halas kkk
Kaiser Sozés · 1 year ago
what suprises me is what's so special about this holiday kuti ipihwe curfew, like really is it the first?🤷
@kaiser sozes · 1 year ago
Maverenga nyaya mukanzwa zvakanaka here mukuru?Zve curfew zvataurwa papi nhaiwe🤔those guys have been arrested for "disorderly conduct," which is very different from "curfew".Good example ye curfew if usinganyatsokunzwisisa ndeiya yemu lock down wen Yu are told kuti Yu are allowed to move between this time up till this time😂
Law is Stubborn · 1 year ago
if it was the court of public opinion officer vanga vasina mhosva
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Haa i standard procedure chete yekumucharger ne murder but painotongwa officer vanongowanika vasina mhosva,
· 1 year ago
Waiting for more detailed comments...
Gerry · 1 year ago
The story already does not add up. After the police chased this guy and shot in the air near the Bata dam while he was running away. When did he decide to turn back and pursue the police?
Colonel Terry Childer · 1 year ago
The guy had death wishes. He pushed the police to the extreme and this was purely an act of self defence bt the police. The deceased did not only commit the obstruction of justice but it was an act of terrorism and deserves nothing but death
mampentsha · 1 year ago
wavepo? did you witness this incident? taurai zvanunoziva. this account being given by the police has yet to be tested in a court of law. till then, Mirai kutaura zvamuri kutaura izvo.

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