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HomeCrime and Courts

State Has No Witnesses - Sikhala

1 year agoThu, 14 Dec 2023 14:28:48 GMT
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State Has No Witnesses - Sikhala

Former Member of Parliament for Zengeza, Job Sikhala, on Wednesday, stood to defend himself on alleged violence incitement as his defence hearing commenced before Harare magistrate Tafadzwa Miti, reported ZimLive.

The former Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) lawmaker is jointly charged with Chitungwiza North MP, Godfrey Sithole (CCC).

Sikhala and Sithole are accused of inciting public violence in the Nyatsime area following the gruesome murder of CCC activist Moreblessing Ali in Nyatsime in May last year.

The state bases its evidence on a video image of Sikhala demanding justice for the slain activist.

Sikhala allegedly captured and published the video with local media.

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The two politicians had their application for discharge dismissed recently after the court ruled they had a case to answer.

On Wednesday, Sikhala accused prosecutors of incompetence in handling the case, saying no one from the publication testified when the state led evidence into his trial. He said:

They failed to produce any iota of evidence. I’ve been in a lot of cases in this court, but I have never come across such embarrassing evidence like the one that was produced by the State in this case.

I was expecting the State to prove through their witnesses the evidence that I had posted any video which they failed to do with their four witnesses.

Sikhala singled out Gift Mutara, the Investigating Officer in his case, saying he failed to produce evidence to prove the case. He said:

During his testimony and cross-examination, he was asked to produce that evidence and he said he did have it before this court.

Sikhala also rejected allegations that he ferried mourners to the Nyatsime area. He said:

The allegations that I supplied transport to people in Nyatsime are the lies the State has been peddling in this court.

That’s why we made an application for the entire outline to be expunged from the record because none of the witnesses could support it.

The trial will continue on 19 December 2023. Sikhala has been in remand prison since June 2022 and is being charged with inciting public violence to avenge Ali‘s murder.

Sikhala and Sithole are being represented by Harrison Nkomo, Jeremiah Bhamu and Oliver Marwa.

More: Pindula News



lamboos naume · 1 year ago
ummm iye adzikira weduwe,
crazy tee · 1 year ago
wasuwa bonde mrume uyu ngavamuburitsewo veduwee
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@Bvepfepfe, you can only lie to people like CCC supporters who believe in everything said by Chamisa. Hausi kuona kuti uri kunyepa here apa. Only the president can authorize the buying or donation of military equipment, and can he do so to topple himself? Ma supporters e si si si, heyo nyaya iyo ndimi majaira kunyeperwa
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 @Anonymous ziva zvekushaya data kwako kuchizvisùrira muriwo
Ini Zvangu · 1 year ago
Vanhu vanobvuma kunyeperwa ndeveZanu kwete veCCC. Vanopembedza hutongi hwe Mbavha, Mhondi, Nharadada, Mabhinya, Nhundzwatunzwa dzevanhu.
fugu pfee · 1 year ago
festive ino ndicharova chete pamusikana wangu. Zviya zvekuti anoita nhumbu I don't even care ini. Hanzi u only once saka bho ini
kambucha · 1 year ago
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
unobva wangozvibatisa wega kuti uri fake. 2 ees pana pfee. uri **** ini kwedu hati****
QUICK SERVICE · 1 year ago
wese akutura zvepolitics CCC zanu of ...2024 vachitaita yekungonzwa chete ...asi kupindakuchanetsa .... your days are numbered and fast approaching .... repent and confess today onwards ..ndini ndadaro....kwafiwa ende kuchachema ......kuchaita rufumasii Gore rino .....
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
😑😑😑😑😑😑😑 I hope Sikhala and Sithole will be free before this year ends. 😃😃GUYS INZWAI I HEARD FROM A Source, zvaanzi the Military trucks awunzwa ayo hehehe ndee for a planned Coup. I remember in 2017, n****na ma tanks achiuya from the airport when I used to stay in highlands, akanga akawanda. Chiwenga was behind it. Now Chiwenga is planning to remove ED nekuti atadza kuita basa, I believe my source is right. I don't think Valerio Sibanda is capable of staging a coup but Chiwenga can do it. Chiwenga has been planning it for years and he is pretending to be loyal to ED and acting like he isnt a threat but anonokerwa nekugara panyanga. Chiwenga doesnt want to wait for 5 years ari kutoda zvamanji manji. Ma tanks aye achashanda very soon when ED paanenge akavarairwa
Stalin 🇷🇺 · 1 year ago
Uzvibate.Life yako haishamisire
Clemence · 1 year ago
politics has turn out to become a sure way of getting rich in Zimbabwe and Africa as a whole but otherwise a dirt game on
Ex Zanla Combatant · 1 year ago
Haana kana mhosva. Muburitseyi kana abuda in his place moisa mbavha dzeZanu anaGeorge Charamba, Obedia Moyo, Obert Mpofu, Priscilla Mupfumira. Mozochengeta vacant place yaTshabangu. Haaaa uyo achafa achisekerera hake. Mirayi muone.
Ex-Zipra · 1 year ago
Ko Mwene Shweee wamusiyoreyi?
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Talk to Tshabangu he knows what to do
free wiwa · 1 year ago
Lobengula · 1 year ago
I spent 30 years as court interpreter and worked mostly worked with magistrate who trained at Domboshava .They were the best ever in comparision to university trained graduates. They were fearless in their execution of duty. I remember doing Michael Banana's case when it was taboo to find the anyone related to zanu of heavy weights was a taboo. The current crop of magistrate who trained at UZ and other universities are timid as they think they work for zanu pf.They can not tell the difference of a state case and no state case.They are sham magistrate who insist to take a matter to defence case hoping the accused ,in the case of Job Sikhala will nail himself.

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