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HomeCrime and Courts

Three Armed Robbery Suspects Killed In Kadoma Shootout With Detectives

1 year agoThu, 07 Dec 2023 05:03:58 GMT
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Three Armed Robbery Suspects Killed In Kadoma Shootout With Detectives

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) statement on the fatal shooting of three armed robbery suspects in a shootout with the police in Kadoma:


The Zimbabwe Republic Police confirms the arrest of two foreign national armed robbery suspects after a shootout incident in which Peter Ngulube (38), Shylock Makoni (41) and Tendai Madiki (52) died at Tandara Shopping Centre, Ingezi, Kadoma.

On 05th December 2023, detectives from CID Homicide, Bulawayo acted on received information and arrested two foreign national suspects in Bulawayo.

The two suspects admitted to committing several armed robberies around Bulawayo and they revealed that they were in transit to Kadoma where they would meet their accomplices, Peter Ngulube, Shylock Makoni and Tendai Madiki intending to commit another robbery.

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The two suspects led the detectives to Tandara Shopping Centre, Ingezi Kadoma where they positively identified the three suspects who were driving a silver Toyota Raider D4D registration number AFR 4376 to the detectives.

On seeing the detectives, the suspects opened fire whilst speeding off and a shootout ensued.

The detectives searched the suspects’ motor vehicle and recovered an A.38 Smith and Wilson Revolver with one round, seven spent cartridges, two gas-operated pellet guns, a bolt cutter, a crowbar, a machete, a pepper spray, two balaclavas and three pairs of woollen gloves.

Two suspects, Peter Ngulube and Shylock Makoni were seriously injured and were rushed to Kadoma General Hospital where they were pronounced dead.

Tendai Madiki was shot when he tried to run away during indications in Muzvezve, Kadoma where detectives were recovering other weapons used to commit criminal acts by the suspects. The suspect was taken to Kadoma General Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

The suspects are also clearing two (02) stock theft cases which occurred at Chivuyini Village, Chief Sitaudze, Beitbridge, where two she-goats were stolen and another which occurred at Chogomere Village, Chief Matibe, Beitbridge where two goats were stolen.

Zimbabwe Republic Police wishes to thank the public for the continued supply of positive information in the fight against crime.

More: Pindula News



king · 1 year ago
Big issue with thieves is that they don't have Merci .armed robbers or non armed robbers. if you never been attacked by those guys, you will never understand how merciless they are. p.s: but in all police shootouts with armed robbers,police (zrp) doesn't indicate their own fatalities ???
gundamwenda · 1 year ago
mbavha ngaipfurwe ..haidi tsitsi
murder · 1 year ago
unouraira munhu kuti akaba mbudzi? kkkkkkk hayas
ccc · 1 year ago
chirungu chakunzvenga wanzwa zvembudzi chete SHAME
Gidza · 1 year ago
Hapana murder apa. Armed robbers firing at police to evade arrest. Shoot to kill inotobvumirwa if their is imminent danger to the police for being killed himself
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I think people don't know what 'indication' means that was used by reporter. Police indications are signs that can help police officers identify potential threats or attacks. These indications can be verbal or non-verbal. Non-verbal indications include things like clenched teeth, furrowed brow, pursed lips, bared teeth, wide, non-blinking eyes, wiping off imaginary lint, hair straightening, clothing adjustments that come at inappropriate times, and paying repeated visual attention to an officer’s gun. Verbal indications include things like threats, insults, and profanity!
Tintin · 1 year ago
as much as I don't support robbery I also don't support murder 🤔🤔🤔
ccc · 1 year ago
Ndini · 1 year ago
police man have families and are also human beings so diling with a person with a gun is risk please police shot to kill or your children will be opharns
cid · 1 year ago
"Tendai Madiki was shot wen he tried to run during indications" kuma indications Mbavha haiendi ine ma Cuffs here?🤔
Gidza · 1 year ago
Ma cuffs anotadzisa munhu kumhanya here. Anyway we are happy coz their would-be victims are now safe.
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yah ndi @Fugu pfee na Putin, vanga vakunyanya kuba too much marombe ayo. Humbavha itori shavi, ipapa boys iroro raitozvikudza kuti takapenga tiri nyanzvi ende hatibatwi but look at their fate now.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mbavha inongoda zvekuba pasina kushanda. Ungati vanhu vane Toyota Raider D4D woti vakaomerwa. Imota inodhura saka kujairira kungoda kurobber vanhu vasingadi kushanda.
🌚🌚🌚🌚🇱🇷🇺🇦 · 1 year ago
It's murder by police. There ought to be an independent body to investigate police crimes.
Police · 1 year ago
dhadza · 1 year ago
paitwa chakanaka neporisi tenda,
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Akuudza kuti Police haisiyo mbava kana kuti vakafa dzaive mbava ndiani? i police handititi. Iwe see pwere wombvuma zvose zvinoitwa ne police nokuti ZRP yakavimbika? ZRP painotaura kunyepa kuri pedo. Chokwadi uchiri kurenavo
· 1 year ago
@dhadza kutenda porisi nekuti yauraya vanhu?
ini · 1 year ago
aya ma crimes akuwedzera bcoz zvinhu zvanyanyisa kuoma. and if zvikaramba zvadaro munyika muchapedzisira musichagariki
Sekai · 1 year ago
That's a **** excuse. Everyone knows that things are hard, but that doesn't mean you have to resort to being an armed robber to survive. There are other things you can do to make a living.
ini · 1 year ago
wakoniwa kunzwisisa..iyo haisi excuse yeumbavha, ndirikuti kana zvinhu zvikawedzera kuoma, humbavha hunongowedzera..even worse next year matax akamirira vanhu segehena

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