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CID Chief Attacked And Disarmed Outside Bar In Harare

1 year agoTue, 03 Oct 2023 05:06:35 GMT
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CID Chief Attacked And Disarmed Outside Bar In Harare

The head of the police’s homicide division in Harare was assaulted and disarmed by patrons outside a nightclub early on Saturday.

According to a ZimLive report, Detective Inspector Alexander Jachi shot one of the attackers in the leg during the fracas that broke out in the parking lot.

The nightclub had closed at around 2 AM and patrons had just exited the place.

Three men were arrested following the attack on the detectives and were “assisting with investigations” according to the Police.

The scuffle started after Jachi, who was standing next to his vehicle, a beige Toyota Fortuner, refused to give way to a group of patrons who wanted to pass between him and another vehicle.

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This resulted in a verbal exchange before Jachi pulled out a pistol and fired some shots in the air before shooting one of the men.

The group pelted Jachi with bottles and bricks and also disarmed him.

ZRP spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi on Monday told ZimLive that Jachi was rushed to a local hospital and his condition was said to be stable.

Anti-riot police reportedly descended on the Jongwe Corner nightclub in Hatfield at around 10.30 PM on Sunday night and beat up patrons. Said Assistant Commissioner Nyathi:

The Zimbabwe Republic Police investigations team was on a follow-up of suspects after the attack on Detective Chief Inspector Jachi.

If there is anyone who was attacked or assaulted by police officers, the concerned persons are free to report for investigations to be conducted.

More: Pindula News



Gidza · 1 year ago
kana uchiti huori hwese huri kumapurisa it means hausati wakuzi huwori hwemuzimbbwe.May beYou are only familiar with corruption yemapurisa coz of what you do in life
chairman mao · 1 year ago
huori hwese huri kumapurisa,mapurisa haasungane nokuti umwe neumwe and dzake.asina mota irombe rokupedzisira.pablock unonzi Mira uko mo otaurirana,driver haana licence,mota ioverload,unroadworthy ,Haina mutero asi inoenda mberi nerwendo tsaona hadziperi ivo varimo muroad.ukapara mhosva Bata chikwama hakuna kwainoenda.Hatichina mapurisa inodya payakasungirirwa.
Gidza · 1 year ago
Corruption is done by 2 people - The giver and the receiver. Both are happy about it as they both benefit from it. Those who complain are just onlookers who are not involved and their complaining is not because they are upright citizens but its because they dont have a means to benefit from corruption as well
Rebel · 1 year ago
Cid officer provoked members of the public. He is a security threat being a Cid doesn't mean yu have right to do as you pleases you are not above the law.... Ngaaiswe mukati bopai munhu
Tambaoga. · 1 year ago
hu CID hwaityisa nguva munokwidibirwa vakomana.
Jèntèkùfà · 1 year ago
the mob should have castrated that bustard of a detective. ndiwo mapurisa anokwidibiira màhùrè asingabhadhari coz they think by virtue of being a cid they are above law.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Where is law and order here ? The police officer with a gun is not leading by example and what is he teaching the members of the public ?
xxc · 1 year ago
according to my own observation, Mr Jachi was totally wrong ,I think he was supposed to just give way to the patrons only 🚫 to misuse the powers
🌚🌚🌚🌚🇱🇷🇺🇦 · 1 year ago
Abuse of office. If he was kind enough what would have happened anywhere?
Patron · 1 year ago
The abuse of power is destructive.
Romio Zhuwaki · 1 year ago
Muvhevhi akazodiii cid ,
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
muvhevhi akanzi ayipenga😂😂😂
mk · 1 year ago
vanotora mutemo kuitawavo, regai arohwe
The Muvevis · 1 year ago
Another psychiatric case.
maparamuro · 1 year ago
soon the public will be forced to arm themselves legally or illegally because the situation is getting to the tipping point and once we get there it will there will be no return. Zim citizens are a peaceful lot but zanupf administration is changing them. The people who are supposed to maintain law are the number one law breakers.
@Maparamuro · 1 year ago
unonyepa iwe muno munotsva mbiti munodzi surrender pfuti imi vakomana be vebasa vajamuka RG akasimbisa mutemo muno
maparamuro · 1 year ago
Mugabe akabviswa negidi. armed robberies were not common in Zimbabwe, today they happen everyday. there are lots of guns, licenced and unlicenced. one day you will wake up the this reality
... · 1 year ago
Our police are a disgrace shame. One can only be ashamed to be in our police force.
Asazi · 1 year ago
they fail to shoot at thugs who are are doing as they please but shot an armed people defending themselves.
· 1 year ago
Very true you will discover that He is the one who poked those guys and even shot them or he was sent by someone to threaten innocent individuals, These so called CIDs always get away with crime nxaaaa
Anonymous · 1 year ago
· 1 year ago
Sometimes I blamw these so called CID thry act like Gods in public they can even park behind your car upon asking him to move he will tell ue he is CID as if being a CID means he can do as he wants. Fck them nxaaaaa.
Boss Jachi should be charge for attempted murder and for negligently discharging and brandishing a firearm in a manner that endangers public safety. Chokwadi ndechekuti Boss Jachi vanga varambwa neWhoo-re, nekuti vakakecha vonoramba kubhadhara kana vapedza. Muface wavakapfura ndiye anga atora bhebhi ravaida muvhawa. Vakomana ivava vane tsika yekusunga njapisi paTouch Line voti takusungira Loitering. Kuti tikusiye rara nesu. Vanhu vakarohwa vanomhan'ara kupi iwo mapurisa achikavhirana?

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