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HomeCrime and Courts

Operation Tame The Traffic Jungle: Over 12 200 Mushika-shika Operators Arrested

1 year agoSat, 23 Sep 2023 14:05:55 GMT
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Operation Tame The Traffic Jungle: Over 12 200 Mushika-shika Operators Arrested

Since the start of Operation Tame the Traffic Jungle on 12 September 2023, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has arrested more than 12,200 mushika-shika operators.

“Mushika-shika” is a term commonly used in Zimbabwe to refer to informal public transportation, particularly unlicensed minibuses or vans that operate outside of formal transport systems. In a statement seen by Pindula News, police said:

The ZRP reports that a total of 34 123 arrests have been effected during the on-going operation, “Tame the Traffic Jungle”. 1 006 arrests have been made on vehicles without route permits while 12 291 arrests have been made on illegal pirate taxis (mushikashika). 333 motorists have been arrested for reckless driving, while 2 298 people have been arrested for touting. Meanwhile, 891 vehicles have been impounded for moving on the roads with no registration plates.

The operation aims to address the widespread disregard for traffic laws, particularly in major cities and towns. Police Spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi previously stated that instances such as driving against traffic flow, running red lights, and reckless lane violations have contributed to chaos and congestion. 

Nyathi also said the Police will enforce the law impartially. He said unregistered vehicles, including those with temporary plates, will be confiscated. Nyathi said the Central Vehicle Registry has sufficient number plates, so there is no excuse for vehicle owners not to register within two weeks after importation. He said the Police will address heavy vehicles that violate regulations by traversing residential areas instead of designated routes outlined by national rules and local by-laws.

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Tawanayasha · 1 year ago
Sunngai vanu zvanyanya
Freegodo · 1 year ago
So ma dragon akusungawo here asina ma plates
... · 1 year ago
mavaona vanhu ve CCC pa picture apo! zvakaoma mufunge.
doug · 1 year ago
If the pirate taxis and the mushikashikas were a problem to government they should have capitalised zupco which by now should be having a projected 5000 or more buses. There is not enough public transport as the illegal pirate taxis and mushikashikas carry much much more people into and out of their different destinations. Without those vehicles it would be difficult if not impossible to get anywhere. With the demand, it would take one waiting for up to three or four days to get legal transport into town, and another three or four days to get legal transport home. The transport and local government ministries should not pretend that all is well for those who use public transport. If it was not for pirate taxis and mushikashikas a number of companies will have closed due to people coming late and also being absent. I have said it is not a problem to government, it is also not a problem to the pirate taxis and mushikashikas, leaving it a big problem for the commuting public. When these operations are held the law of supply and demand makes fares go up. One is forced to take money for the children's food and other necessities to add on to the transport budget. Even when arrested, the pirate taxis and mushikashikas will be having some money left after paying the fines due to their having hiked the fares. The fines get into government coffers. So what happens during the operations is that unbudgeted for money moves from homes to government, which should make government happy. If zupco had been capitalised as was projected, by now most of those driving pirate taxis and mushikashikas would be employed by the zupco as drivers and conductors.
Black Adam ⚡ · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣 The stúpidity ya ED and his stuggies ndeye kuti haasi kuona here the reason why vanhu vachiita mushikashika. Hakuna mamwe mabasa available for this people and some of them are family men vane mhuri that survives on salary yemushikashika. ED must know he is to blame for the traffic jungle and lack of more roads to reduce it. Hanzi vision 2030 hapana hapana
@Black adam · 1 year ago
iwewe ndiwe sichupeti yemunhu pachokwadi mushikashika is utter lawlessness and you support the crime?ngavaende kunorima fodya uko vane minda ikurarira kumusha vachingosweroti town town nemakamwa ane achinhuwa kusageza.hunhu hapana rough yega yega mutoriro uzere mu system yemunhu everyday achingoita drunk driving chete ma accidents haasi kupera bcoz of reckless driving.down with mushikashika pasi nemhandu.
maparamuro · 1 year ago
motor dzinoita mshika shika ndedzemapurisa they are on the road right now
Mdara Odza · 1 year ago
Imagine being a Hwindi4ED before elections and the getting arrested after the elections because ED wants to punish urbanites for rejecting him at polls.
@mdara odza · 1 year ago
bcoz ED wants to punish urbanites for rejecting him at polls?nhaiwe saka lawlessness yoenderera mberi hayo nekut kune hwindi 4ed???mutemo haunei ne politics wena inonzi without fear or favor iyi lady justice pamberi.
Zelensky · 1 year ago
Sungai vanhu , Vanhu ngavasungwe . ASI mari musaise muhomwe dzenyu porisi.

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