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HomeCrime and Courts

Police Officer Who Stole Solar Panels From Mnangagwa's Farm Denied Bail

1 year agoFri, 22 Sep 2023 06:06:32 GMT
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Police Officer Who Stole Solar Panels From Mnangagwa's Farm Denied Bail

A Gweru-based police officer, Musa Mukuli, who allegedly stole copper cables from President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Precabe Farm in Sherwood, Kwekwe, has been denied bail, reported NewsDay.

Mukuli is a constable at Nehanda Police Station in Gweru.

He appeared before Kwekwe magistrate Samkelisiwe Gumbo on Wednesday facing a charge of theft and another of contravening the Electricity Act.

Gumbo denied Mukuli bail before postponing the matter to 05 October.

Allegations were that Mukuli and three other accomplices who are on the run stole copper cables from the two neighbouring farms in the Sherwood Block.

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The suspects pounced on Precabe Farm and stole copper cables but Mukuli was nabbed by alert security details when the gang tried to steal the solar panels from Brownland Farm.

Prosecuting, Michelle Daraja said that on 07 September, Mukuli and three accomplices, Brandon Ncube, William Wurayayi and one Jameson went to Precabe Farm where they stole copper cables from a water pump house near Munyati River.

While in the act, they were interrupted by a water pump attendant, Liberty Zunga, who was conducting perimeter checks but three others managed to escape.

Mukuli was apprehended but he wrestled with a water pump attendant at Precabe Farm, Liberty Zunga,  and overpowered him and managed to escape.

On 14 September at around 11 PM, the gang connived to steal solar panels from Brownland Estate Farm. Said Daraja:

The four accused persons went to the mentioned farm and removed and took 3×335 watts solar panels supplying power to the borehole. They hid the panels in a nearby bush.

They were, however, spotted by the security details from neighbouring Precabe Farm who tracked them down.

The court also heard that as the suspects attempted to board their getaway Honda Fit vehicle, the security details pounced and managed to apprehend Mukuli while three others escaped.

Mukuli indicated that they had hidden the solar panels in a bush near the scene and this linked them to the copper cables theft.

The security details handed over Mukuli to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in Kwekwe leading to his subsequent appearance in court.

More: Pindula News



Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ka kechi 2 ndichiti dai Mupurisa uyo akangouraya ED. kungomupfura musoro wake uyo
Mkoma Dhimba · 1 year ago
Chaanokuvarira ndechekuti munhu anoziva mutemo zvaakatoita izvozvo ngaamborangwa azive kuti kuba kwakaipa.
Netsai · 1 year ago
mukoma dhimba wenaiza boom ,,,how are you
wetsitsi ED · 1 year ago
munozodii iye Muridzo ED obva aregerera hake vanhu Ava in obva aita generosity hake munoita sei ndiyeyu ED akakushamisai Pana Khupe
Togo · 1 year ago
ED huchiii,he is merciful
@Vhedza · 1 year ago
It's rare that thieves stole things to use for themselves. In most cases they steal for resale and squander the money .
gumlaz · 1 year ago
apa hapana chimwe kunze kwemumhu mkati wakatoguma panze musi wawakasungwa skt kubira mnhu agara achingosungisa vanhu vasna mhosva apa wabva waipara hmmmn dai vakasakuita kafira mberi hako
KG · 1 year ago
Freezit machines · 1 year ago
only political prisoners are denied bail in Zimbabwe so thus one same as his comrades

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