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CCC's Losing Candidate For Chirumhanzu Constituency Granted Bail

1 year agoSun, 17 Sep 2023 07:07:26 GMT
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CCC's Losing Candidate For Chirumhanzu Constituency Granted Bail

Patrick Cheza, the losing Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) candidate for the Chirumhanzu parliamentary constituency, has been granted bail by Masvingo High Court judge Garainesu Mawadze.

Cheza, along with four other party members, was arrested for allegedly assaulting his ZANU PF rival, Barbra Rwodzi, who eventually won the seat. After spending over two weeks in prison, all the suspects were released.

Cheza is charged with inciting public violence, while Elias Maduveko, Magmaster Chidyawuye, Delight Zinyemba and Courage Mugova are all facing public violence charges.

Some Context:

The assault allegations arose after a road traffic accident on August 24 involving Cheza and Rwodzi’s vehicles, leading to a confrontation. After a road accident, the rivals encountered each other at the scene, leading to a misunderstanding. According to the state, Cheza instigated his supporters to assault Rwodzi.

In court, it was stated that Chidyawuye intentionally tripped the government minister and attempted to stab her in the face with a knife. Prosecutors claim that while she was on the ground, other CCC supporters joined in, indiscriminately kicking her multiple times.

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CCC asserts that its supporters face state persecution due to their opposition affiliation. Following the August 23-24, 2023 elections, several party members, including Members of Parliament (MPs), were arrested on different charges. Some are on the run, while others have been released. Some analysts argue that ZANU PF, falling short of a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly by four MPs, aims to remove CCC members to secure the majority. The ruling party denies these claims, asserting that the police are simply performing their duties.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Open persecution of Opposition members by ZANUPF.....
chiurai · 1 year ago
kana Zambia yati pfee inenge ichirwisa ZANU imi muchisiiwa. Farirai stereki. But pa Fair Zambia inozviziva. iyo ingato deepisa kuti mumwe mu...... adyiwa
chips · 1 year ago
ndege dzehondo 3 pfeee paZambia plus 8 zvamvari mota dzehondo futi uuuum kut ndezva Haikinde hameno lets see and wait
Hunzvi · 1 year ago
Agoita sei? Hapana zvarichaita dzvinyu iro. Ndezvekumaammaa izvo. Zambia haife yakamirisana nesu.
Joza · 1 year ago
@Hunzvi unotaura sokuti masoja eZimbabwe marobot. Vakanga vasina kutariswa namashef voted CCC. So don't expect them to protect a fraud. Zambia inotowana vakomana vapedza maspots kuno. Mira uone.
Lion · 1 year ago
Haiwawo Nyika ndeya Mwari .Saka why don't you declare one party state. zvekuti Nkomo , Tsvangirai this and that hazvina basa izvo. Free and fair election can only be won by Nero vamwe vose hapana hapana but chisngaperi chinoshura.Pane vamwe vaimbonzi vachatonga from Heroes acre but up to now hatisati tavaona kumuka kwavo vachititonga.
Dladla · 1 year ago
one day is one day....Edgar Lunga sengutitisi kwamphelela
stay positive you opposition supporters remain upbeat that Nero has a masterstroke of genius up his sleeve to dislodge ZANU PF and see how we will respond. Remember Joshua Nkomo tried it akapfeka dhirezi akamhanya paBotswana Tsvangirai akaedza akamhanya paBotswana kutiza Biti akaedza akamhanya paZambia Lungu akamukavira mumakumbo edu tikamunzwira tsitsi imi itai handiti signalling maiona jobho Ka small small example chikurubi hotel is waiting for you handei tione left right left right takatoshingiswa kuMoza munguva yehondo tichiranga vatengesi nema bayonet nekuti vaizotipedzera mabara edu
Zuze · 1 year ago
He'll not commit such a crime again. Adzidza
Supercop · 1 year ago
"attempted to stab her in the face with a knife", what made him fail? I suppose Rwodzi anotova namavanga okubaiwa mumaoko achivharidzira face ari pasi. Be serious. Give us credible lies.
🔥 · 1 year ago
bvu bvuu unondinakidaza yo comments soo kkkkkkk
analyser · 1 year ago
mota yababra Rwodzi yakarovera sei mumota yacheza? mmmmm pane nyaya apa
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
zanu inopinda papi pane apara mhosva
chibwechitedza · 1 year ago
we fear fokol
jane · 1 year ago
we fear fokol.

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