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Wheelchair-bound Zimbabwean Lawyer Obey Shava Has Filed A Report Of Assault

1 year agoSat, 08 Jul 2023 17:56:26 GMT
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Wheelchair-bound Zimbabwean Lawyer Obey Shava Has Filed A Report Of Assault

Zimbabwean human rights lawyer, Obey Shava, has filed a report of assault after at least four unidentified men attacked him and left him wheelchair-bound on Wednesday this week.

The Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) said they accompanied the lawyer to file a police report this Saturday. In a Twitter post seen by Pindula News, ZLHR said:

In Zim, they have left crusading human rights lawyer @obeyshava1 wheelchair-bound after assaulting him early this week. Today, we accompanied him to file a report at a @PoliceZimbabwe station.

Advocate Thabani Mpofu, who was briefed on the attack, stated that Shava’s legs were broken, and he was left fighting for his life. A witness reported that the attack was carried out by four men driving a green Mercedes Benz sedan and a Toyota GD6.

According to Mpofu, Shava received a phone call from a man who claimed to have an urgent legal matter and asked to meet him in the Belvedere area. Shava reportedly agreed to meet the individual and intended to drop off a lawyer colleague in the same area. The assailants attacked him as soon as he came out of his car, and they also took his phone.

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The motive behind the attack is yet to be determined, but it has sparked concerns about the safety of human rights defenders in Zimbabwe. The ZLHR has called for an immediate investigation into the attack and for the perpetrators to be held accountable. The opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) claims that Shava was assaulted by ZANU PF thugs.

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aaaas · 1 year ago
vanhu soo
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Aya ma funnies ma stunts chaiwo haana kurohwa vanovapa mari ndivo mapenzi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
This is typical a zanupf operation akin to Itai Dzamara's progressive investigations will be made....
Dzingai N · 1 year ago
why rush to point fingers @Zanupf , doesn't this guy has a life outside being a CCC lawyer??? vakadzi vevanhu vanokuvadzisa futi , kana kuvhara maclients mazuva ano ne hustling dzirikuitwa.... (2) broken legs no plaster , shining face (3) the whole story doesn't add up ,seems it's made up , whether phone yakatorwa the police will just check with the network provider
z8 · 1 year ago
Janjaweed, raamai vako.
cde che · 1 year ago
zimbos have reached another stage. I can say we have reached our lowest stage whereby we encourage violence. Was Tonderai Ndira's murder stage managed? Was Talent Mabika's death stage managed. How about gukurahundi? was that also stage managed? Violence should not be encouraged. peace begins with you and me
....... · 1 year ago
Zanupf Bootlicker's encourage and condone violence because that's what's in their DNA.
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
CCC bootlickers condone strategic ambiguity and poor planning by their leaders because they have a scapegoat in zanupf. Hauone zidanda riri muziso mako
Nimrod · 1 year ago
Zimbabweans! We are now all medical doctors. I have seen situations where some one is given a temporary plaster. The doctor just sets the bandages and after they are satisfied that the broken bones were set perfectly they can put the traditional plaster that we know. The hand appears to have a real plaster that we know.
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Story says legs are broken and from the picture it's the sheen bones the tibia and fibula. You don't need to be a doctor to know that Shava would not be able to sit in that position with those bones broken. He would be applying pressure on the fracture and that's not possible
chikanga · 1 year ago
inhema idzo tinovaziva hapana kutyoka apo
Duncan · 1 year ago
zvisinei hazvo munopora chakakangonaka Havana kukuuraya
Muzondi Maposvo · 1 year ago
Madiiko maisa plaster kana makumbo acho akadambuka muchanyepawo imi
Hokage · 1 year ago
there's no plaster in hospitalz
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
hakuna munhu akadimbuka makumbo akadayi. nfosaka tichizoti stage managed.
Hokage · 1 year ago
Huya ka pano Phillimon ndimbokuita staged attack , tobva tati I CCC haudi?
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
itai ikoko naShava wenyu, handiite zve drama. kana ndakudashura nfodashura zvema shuwa shuwa
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
hokage ngatisangane kuBelvedere tiite stage manage an attack😂😂
Hokage · 1 year ago
people who commit such atrocities surely have no fear , don't they know , sure maybe he can't do anything about it , but God will avenge .
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
hokage what if god is avenging to him for his wrongs or atrocities. after all you always say god has nothing to do with this planet earth anymore.
Atheist · 1 year ago
God does not exist.
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
While the attackers' can not be apportioned fully to ZANU PF and its government, 99.9%, DNA at least points to them . Obay Shava is a Human Rights defender whose team recently helped Joana Mamombe and Cecilia Chimbiri to be acqitted by the High Court in the case of giving a false report to Police. [ CITIZENS ARE ENCOURAGED NOT TO VOTE FOR GOLD MAFIA CRIMINALS AND MONEY LAUNDERERS ] . What else would you need to suspect that ZANU PF and/or its government did the hieneous crime. It is unfortunate that his phone was stolen by the same suspects. But Police still have enough information on the motor vehicles which the criminals were driving. This is my story and I stick to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
vakadzi wevanhu vanourayisa kana kudimburisa makumbo
civil servant · 1 year ago
voti mbiri yechigandanga votizve mbiri yekunyima nekutorera vashandi mari,vanaSatani,Gems fund yakazodii
gwereveche rekwa gwengwere · 1 year ago
bviswai sare hasha dzakanyanya idzi
gwereveche rekwa gwengwere · 1 year ago
tinodudzira hope nekubvisa masare
Tea Inonaka · 1 year ago
Vari rough
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
The number that called him is known and can easily lead to the culprits. They also took his phone which can be trakked if anyone is really interested. Broken legs and no plaster uuuhhmm ma1
Imika Imi Musatambe NaMwari · 1 year ago
🤕🤕🤕🚑🚑🚑 Obey Shava's story does not add up. Despite the sensetionalism & exaggeration by NGOs & the CCC, its clear that this is a charade - a ploy to fundraise by deceiving donors and put the CCC on the radar. When Tibias & Fibulas are genuinely broken/fractured, the patient goes through surgical operations to align the broken bones. Thereafter, the patient's legs are cast in Plaster of Paris. When the sheens are wrapped in gauze bandages, that means he sustained minor epidermal & subdermal bruises & not fractured bones. Kugara paWheelchair does not mean, "wheelchair bound". Wheelchair bound is when one sustains permanent paraplegic injuries that bind him to a wheelchair for life... Anyway. The Police will request a Medical Affidavit sworn to by a registered Medical Officer. Chokwadi ndipo pachinobuda ipapo. I remember one Kudzai Kadzere, a lawyer, lying that ZRP had broken his legs. It later turned out that he had jumped out of a moving vihicle while resisting arrest and no medical Affidavit was ever produced by ZLHR to prove that Kadzere's legs were indeed brocken because they were never broken in the first place. That's how they fundraise from donors and thats how they get scholarships to go the USA. Wakamboona kupi Lawyer rinofambira vanhu varisingazive kuenda kuBelvedere. Hanzi I thought they were clients. Handiti maClients anouya kuLaw Firm / Legal Chambers and they give the lawyer their details & present the nature of their case?
Imika Imi Musatambe NaMwari · 1 year ago
@Hokage. Granted. Things are bad for most Zimbabweans. I concede, Zanu Pf is terrible in many ways. However, my observation is confined to the loopholes in Obey Shava's story. You only need to think like a detective or investigating officer. Iyo victim yeAssault yakamboperekedzwa kuCharge Office nemaLawyers here? I was once of them you know. And I know the tricks we used to get funding from donors. The tricks include exaggeration, falsifying statistics & deliberately clashing with authorities in order to get foreign sympathy and funding. The idea is to portray a grim picture, eg; (Lawyers under attack) so that the EU, ICJ, OSISA, HIVOS, DFID, NED & many others would promptly provide funding support for our project proposals. Most of the money went into our pockets as we drove 4X4s while the masses we purported to represent got nothing. Obey Shava might have staged the attack. He will certainly be named Human Rights Defender of the Year, plus a bonus of up to US300K in award money. Next thing he buys a house in Arundale. All through deceit. Hongu Zanu Pf is terrible, but they are not responsible for ever cough, cold or stomach ache that afflicts members of the opposition & their NGOs.
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Zvimwe zvacho CCC inozozviwanzawo. Too much drama rinoita kuti patange kuita ma doubts. Munhu atyorwa makumbo in an assault anotanga ku mapurisa before the hospital. Doctors will request a police report before attending to an injured person. There are lots of loop holes in this report. ZANU yakaita ine mhondi and they even attack and kill each other within the party but iri drama re CCC ranyanya
Enerst Thuola · 1 year ago
problem yema Zimbabweans is you know all the fields. wamboona xray yacho here for you to conclude kuti ari kunyeba. makamboti mamombe ari kunyeba and the court aquited her.stay in your lanes

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