Police in Harare have arrested a man named Moses Chitara (36), who claims to be a prophet, for forcing his pregnant girlfriend to take three tablets that caused the termination of her pregnancy. In a statement seen by Pindula News, police said the incident happened at a house in Unit N, Seke, Chitungwiza on May 26, 2023. Reads the statement:
Police in Harare have arrested a self styled prophet, Moses Chitara (36) in connection with unlawful termination of pregnancy which occurred at a certain house in Unit N, Seke, Chitungwiza on 26/05/23. The suspect forced his pregnant girlfriend to take three tablets which resulted in the pregnancy being terminated.
It is not known how the forced abortion was discovered or how far along the pregnancy was at the time of termination.
Abortion in Zimbabwe:
Unlawfully causing the termination of a pregnancy is a criminal offence in Zimbabwe, punishable by law. The legal consequences depend on the circumstances, including the stage and method of termination, and harm caused to the woman. Offenders can face imprisonment for up to five years, a fine, or both.
In Zimbabwe, the Termination of Pregnancy Act (Chapter 15:10) allows pregnancy termination under specific circumstances, and only qualified healthcare professionals are authorized to conduct the procedure. These circumstances include cases where the continuation of pregnancy endangers the mother’s life or would cause permanent injury to her physical or mental health, rape or incest, and where there is a risk of fetal abnormality or serious disability that would affect the child’s quality of life. The procedure must be performed by a registered medical practitioner in a designated medical facility with the woman’s informed consent. Failure to comply with the regulations is a criminal offence punishable by imprisonment.
Hokage · 1 year ago
OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE!! let the facts flow into your mind , become one with logic , Ever heard of a Chinese pastor before? ever seen one healing people on stage like they do on Africa?? saying random words hee "rakataba batka mbata raka" saying hee I'm speaking in tongues 😂😂 seriously when the holy spirit came down on in people on the pentecost they were speaking in tongues meaning many languages (Hebrew, Mandarin , Zulu , Spanish ) not whatever rambling is being done nowadays 😂 heish a lot of people are lost guys I was also lost , speaking in tongues and what not , until the day I questioned what I was doing and did some research , Turnsout the word which was used on the original scroll actually translated to "speaking in many languages i.e tongues ) saying "rakaba shadaka warakakaka" does not mean anything, you might be speaking to demons perhaps, that pentecost speaking in many tongues was a sign that God's word would spread throughout every nation , wakaona pastor wako akati "ramara shabababa" wotoziya kuti pano paipa , kusaziva , christians nowadays believe in many falsehoods because of misinterpretation , do you research people don't wait to be fed falsehoods by men who claim to be God sent , once again I re establish that I've never seen an American pastor healing people on stage , does it mean God is only active in Africa ? ...THINK PEOPLE!! THINK!! OPEN YOUR EYES , satan will be soo convincing if you're not brave enough to question your beliefs you will stray away from God's path , and please people quit speaking in tongues , it isn't what you think it means ..
Bubu or Bubi · 1 year ago
@Hokage wakarasika wangu. Speaking in tongues continued, read Paul's letters about the gifts of the Holy Spirit... Speaking in Tongues is edifying your spirit to grow and also it can be translated to what God is saying. You are denying yourself growth and wisdom if you don't pray in tongues becoZ you will be praying in the Spirit kunamata nendimi
.... · 1 year ago
ndiko kupakurirwa sadza pa toilet kwarikuita iwe hokage