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Harare Closes Unlicensed Food Outlets As Cholera Outbreak Hits 307 Cases

1 year agoTue, 23 May 2023 08:01:00 GMT
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Harare Closes Unlicensed Food Outlets As Cholera Outbreak Hits 307 Cases

The Harare Metropolitan provincial authorities have ordered the closure of all unlicensed and unclean food outlets in the four local authorities of Greater Harare as Harare reports 307 cases of cholera in various suburbs, ranging from overcrowded Mbare to leafy Mount Pleasant.

The metropolitan province now has the second-highest number of cholera cases since the outbreak began three months ago, with Manicaland reporting the highest number of cases. Other provinces that have reported cases include Matabeleland South, Mashonaland West, Mashonaland Central, and Masvingo. The province is implementing a range of prevention measures, including the closure of dubious food outlets. Harare Metropolitan Provincial and Devolution Permanent Secretary Mr Tafadzwa Muguti said:

During this outbreak all local authorities have been directed to stop all unlicenced shops and unclean food outlets from operating in open spaces.

All shops, restaurants and food outlets to have clean toilets with running water.

The local authorities are Harare City Council, Chitungwiza Municipality, Epworth Local Board and Ruwa Local Board.

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The Harare Metropolitan authorities have called on schools and office buildings to ensure that toilets have running water and soap. The area is facing two major problems related to water and sanitation.

The proliferation of unplanned and illegal settlements without sewers and piped water, and the run-down state of Harare City Council’s water purification plants, which operate at only half their capacity. The council is attempting to rectify these issues by closing down contaminated wells and distributing non-food items to prevent the spread of disease.

Cholera outbreaks continue to plague Zimbabwe. In Manicaland, village health workers are conducting disease surveillance and education, while officials are monitoring public gatherings to contain the spread. Mashonaland West is struggling to provide medical attention to a community rooted in religious belief, leading to resistance to scientific solutions.

Health experts are providing water samples, aqua tabs, and disinfection, and raising cholera awareness. The government has activated civil protection units, provided supplies, and offered refresher training for health workers. 

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Kule Kule · 1 year ago
busy buying helicopters when the country is still plagued with ancient diseases, woti parikushandiswa njere ipapa?
zozo · 1 year ago
zvekuti ndiyani ari kurara pabasa zanu pf or ccc hazvina basa izvo coz tiripskati pechorela zvekunakurirana live snake hazvishande ivo vavanhu tichipera kukita pakuda kuisa musoro pamwe sevana vesimbabwe kurwisa chirwere ichi nokuti tingapera.avovakuru vamunorwira avo vanonwa yekutenga havanwe yemupombi yekanzuru inetsina iyo saka guys we are alone on this one.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@Hokage Cricket update yakamira sei
Aj · 1 year ago
🏏🏏🏏🏏Zimbabwe Select won yeaaah 299runs - 3 batmen out. They chased the total of 295 with 15 balls to spare. Gumbie what a match he had
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
@Yes Gumbie posted 111 and Ervine posted 161 he was a beast. Brad Evans took 5 wickets he had Fifer.
Bius · 1 year ago
God bress pumura aripiko?
Hokage · 1 year ago
But sei tichiswera pa Pindula guys😳
Bubu or Bubi · 1 year ago
@Hokage 🤗 there is no zesa today so no Tv, I am watching a series called White collar on my laptop but battery rakutopera. I sell clothes pa flea market on Fridays and Saturdays only. During the week sales are low no customers zvakaoma.
NHUBU · 1 year ago
@hokage kkkkkk sei vabvunza kudaro
myself · 1 year ago
@hokage ,,, no zesa ,, laptop haina moto Handina data soo ndotoswera pano. 3pm ikachaya ndosenga staff yangu ndoenda kubusstop kunotengesera vanobva kumabasa.
myself · 1 year ago
@Hokage,,, ndoswera pano coz Handina magetsi ,, no data ,,no mvura aaah ndozosimuka kuma3 ndoenda kubusstop kunotengesera vanobva kumabasa,, maskati hakuna anotenga
Hokage · 1 year ago
kkkk , @Nhubu ndirikungoda kuona daily routine yevanhu 😂
Aj · 1 year ago
1)No Zesa, 2) laptop power off, 3) avoiding to take drugs and joining gangs. 4) Avoiding to bring a girl next door for se.x Jesus is telling me no don't do it.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Achiita farmer wekudii @Firimoni? Anotogara muHarare maanoswera ari paPindula achivukura Angataura zvesewage yemuHarare achirima kupi
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌Don't worry people ED bought Helicopters, they will carry people who are sick with cholera to Parirenyatwa kubva mu town. 👏👏👏 This is the 2nd republic, no more ambulances for cholera victims, Helicopters... chikopokopo era. Plus Health care system yakanzi ichanaka by 2030 saka for now chimborwarai muchapora muna 2030 hanti kaaa. 🚁🚁🚁🚁🚁 🚁🚁Chikopokopo #RESPECT!!!
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
Hanzi chikopokopo chichatakura vane cholera kubva mu town. Those helicopters anoswera ayitirwa many.oka iwe
myself · 1 year ago
@Bvu Kkkk kuchanakidza kuchipatara kwacho ,munhu achiksvika nechikopokopo poshaiywa maglooves ekubatisa murwere neSSS yekuti amwe. Dzimwe nhema dzeZanu soo ayisarend
Hokage · 1 year ago
cricket we are ok for now 99-1 , theres a good partnership going , 😂😂kkk as I was typing this some Pakistani fielder just dropped a ball now its 100-1 haaha atukwa mface iyeye .
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
city council yema ccc yakaora. harare yose angova marara apa makavharisa pomona deal. tingadayi tiri pari nane nhasi gutabrakachena. now ticharasikirwa nehupenyu nekuda kwema ccc asina focus
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁😁Saka nei CCC ine more support than Zanu yako. Nei vanhu vari kuda Chamisa? Do u remember GNU 2008 vanhu vakatanga kuti zvinhu zvanani coz Biti was minister of finance. Blame CCC for this cholera but who is encharge of the Health Sector? Ndiyani Minister of Health?
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
mapenzi anogona kuwanda kupfuura vanhu vari normal uye ati ccc ine more support ndiani
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ko ndiani muridzi we**** yazara d****bha.
VYBZ KARTEL · 1 year ago
Ngatibatanei tikunde chirwere ichi because tinopera tese takagarira chamber kufa ne kunya is not funny.
Zuze · 1 year ago
The first step to conquer cholera is to get rid of ZANU and ZANOIDS, starting with Numero Uno, VYBZ Ketero, patriot and Firimoni. The latter 3 spread cholera through their mouths- whatever they say surely comes from the infested posterior orifice infected with cholera germs.
Hokage · 1 year ago
😂😂😂 you right @Zuze
Register for Erections · 1 year ago
You on point Zuze
Pascaria Dodzo · 1 year ago
Cholera haingambotadzi kuno Kuwadzana 5 sewage since last week kuenda kucouncil hanzi hatina mota izvozvi tiri kutambura nayo apa tine vana vacheche
QQ · 1 year ago
Mukanzwa vachiti Havana mota vanenge vachida mari ye fuel neye muhomwe. l remember people collecting ma $1 per family kuti vauye. Same ne ZESA futi. It's a rotten country
Anonymous · 1 year ago
You can say that again

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