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HomeCrime and Courts

Gold Mafia: Uebert Angel Says it Was All An Act, A Classified National Intelligence Operation

1 year agoSat, 15 Apr 2023 07:30:16 GMT
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Gold Mafia: Uebert Angel Says it Was All An Act, A Classified National Intelligence Operation

Self-proclaimed prophet Uebert Angel has denied allegations against him in the Al Jazeera Gold Mafia documentary.

Angel, who was appointed Ambassador at Large and Presidential Envoy to Europe and the Americas by President Emmerson Mnangagwa in 2021, said his words and actions filmed by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit (I-Unit), were staged and a classified national intelligence operation.

Addressing journalists in Harare on Friday soon after the final episode of the Gold Mafia documentary titled “Have The King With You”, Angel’s lawyer Lovemore Madhuku, said his client was working with national intelligence.

He said that after Angel was approached by the purported investors, he consulted the national intelligence to do security checks on them and was advised that something suspicious was going on. Madhuku was quoted by as saying:

This interaction led to what we are calling a classified national intelligence assignment which meant a decision was taken with intelligence authorities that he would play along and would not cancel his interactions with these persons, he would meet them as if he was going to make arrangements for them to meet the president and be able to do investments in Zimbabwe.

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So it was in the context of a national intelligence operation, Zimbabwe wanted to gain intelligence out of it, and wanted to see how far its enemies could go and what the agendas were.

Ordinarily, these things are not told to the world but because of the intensity and implications of the documentary on the integrity of the operations of governmental systems in this country, my client felt obliged that he has a moral obligation to at least give an indication of what was going on.

Madhuku also claimed that the purported calls to First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa and Zimbabwe Miners Federation president Henrietta Rushwaya as shown in the documentary were made to decoys. He said:

In that documentary, all the things that are said, no one was phoned, the first lady or Henrietta Rushwaya were decoys that were put in an intelligence operation. So even the statements that you hear are not real.

If you were to put it very boldly or mildly, they were acting along and it’s unfortunate that according to the version we are putting it is unfortunate that it is national security issues that are then played in public because of the agenda of these people which then forces issues that ordinarily would not be put on the table.

Last month Angel’s office, the Office of Presidential Envoy and Ambassador at Large (OPEAAL), responded to the Al Jazeera documentary and denied that he was involved in money laundering and gold smuggling.

In his press conference on Friday, Madhuku essentially repeated what the Chief Investment Officer at OPEAAL Sobona Mtisi said last month. Mtisi’s statement read in part:

The calls to the decoys were made in light of the leading questions asked by the “investors”.

They kept pushing to have the First Family in the discussion, especially the First Lady and the President.

They even threw in figures to help in the charity organisation which Ambassador Angel refused and even told them he had his own money; this part was omitted from the documentary.

It’s just amazing how people are made to believe what has been propagated as the gospel.

The best these people got are the audios from the decoys, they never got the chance to film the President or the First Lady because the Ambassador was already informed by the security agents prior to getting in the meeting that they didn’t have the money they claimed to have.

Angel’s assets were recently frozen by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s Financial Intelligence Unit.

Reports suggest Angel is likely to face money laundering charges and allegations of name-dropping.

More: Pindula News



Youths · 1 year ago
Hokage · 1 year ago
Hoooo..then you guys are some Verrey Good actors ...mmm..very convincing ..Your acting was soo good you got your accounts froze ....i.diot next time come up with a better lie damnit , whatyu think this is !.?? Pre school???..we don believe that **** cover up..
Pombiyadonha · 1 year ago
MDC Tsvangirai was formed and funded by proceeds from Gold and Diamond smuggling by Roy Bennet.Zimbabwe was colonised with funding from Gold smuggling by Rhodes with the blessing of the Queen.Europe was built from proceeds of Gold smuggling from Africa.Even Aljazeera,CNN,BBC,France24 are beneficiaries of Gold smuggling spearheaded by these white pigs.Wake Africa.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Uebert Angel can call it whatever he so wishes
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Miss Jessica, amoung other commentators on this platform, is paid to post comments fefending the impossible, defending the status quo. So beware!!!
Voter · 1 year ago
Same team naMadhuku, the world is watching
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Nobody can pay me what I'm worth, I'm just saying the truth. And zanu pf is the truth.
Me · 1 year ago
**** Miss Jessica, Zanu Pf is just satanic party. We are voting it out this time.
🆔️'DAILY SP⚽️RTS BLITZ' · 1 year ago
SATURDAY 15 APRIL 2023>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Daily Sports Blitz🏀⚾️⚽️🏀⚾️⚽️🏀⚾️⚽️🅾️》》 @Kgosi de_Ricch_____Socialbrite Proud of Hosting "THE DAILY SPORTS BLITZ" 🅾️🅾️🅾️🅾️🅾️ T🅾️P MAIN STORY_____________________________________________ 🅾️"ON THE PROFILE With the legendary @Dr Kgosi de_Ricch" SEASON 1- EP 1 | 📺Saturday Night Prime Show ⚽️🏀⚾️⚽️ | >>> 🅾️Kuda Chiwandire's BACK GROUND | LIFE CHALLENGES" #TAKE MONEY" 🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟👉 The top female boxer🅾️Kudakwashe Chiwandire born and breed in Mbare and later on moved to "High fields" in Harare. Raised in a family of six (6) children. Her mother played a big role in raising her along with her siblings. Kuda's mother was a hard working woman, who strived to put food on the table, pay school fees, bills. Kuda joined her mother's business at a tender age not so long her mother resigned from the work and left them running the "Fish business" Kwa Lusaka in High Fields Kuda's mother aimed at teaching her children on how to handle life situations and it's difficulties. 🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟 👉"WORK AT HOME" She did home chores like any other ordinary girl example woke up as early morning and starts cleaning the house,washing dishes, went to bush for wood and e.t.c. 🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟👉"WHAT SHE ATE" She ate as little and never demanded food that much at other time "She went on a bed with an empty stomach". Kuda mostly ate twice a day, when preparing to go to school or after school during "FISH BUSINESS">>time before supper meal. She battled with the enemy of human beings and overpowered it compared to a man of God from Mozambique Pastor Francisco Barajah who his soul and body were separated due to hunger confirmed by the doctor who commented that ; "pastor was diagnosed with acute anaemia and failure of his digestive organs due to hunger. << Pastor Francisco Barajah died in early March 2023 at a hospital in the city of Beira (Mozambique)🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟👉This is what Kuda had to say; 🗣 "With that life inini i'm strong handina life yekutambudzika yandinoudzwa ne mhunu ndotoshamisika vhanu vatotambudzika kutoswera handzi hatina kuchiga (Kudya) taswera ne ndzara inini ndogona kuswera ndogorara ndogo swera ndogorara ndisina kuchiga (Kudya) its nomal kwandiri inini i have been thought that life" 🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟👉"Academical level" Kuda did not full participate in school lessons. Sending Kuda to School was a just a waste of resources since she did not put more effort in any of her school work. In number of time Kuda skipped classes by convincing her mother that she was not feeling well while her is ok. Sports activities brought her close to school. Kuda participated in Athletics such as running high jump and soccer. Kuda perfomed well in sports and walked away with several awards. "Inini izvi zvechikoro hangu to be honest ndakange ndisingade because ndaito maker shuwa kuti ndinotorova ndarwara and kurwara kwacho ndokokutonyepera ndisingade kuita basa pamba otherwise kuchikoro ndaitohendera zve sport ndaimanya mai weee ndahimanya ndahijamba hakuna ahindikunda pa chikoro changu and inini ndakatopiwa (Ndakatopuwa) ^Best Student in Sports^ trophy yandakatopiwa kuchikoro without you ka tahisingambo zvizivi kuti kundze uko kunosvikika sei but inini ndahisvika."🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟👉"Pregnancy" It forced Kuda to drop out from school and focus in giving safe birth to her child. 🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟👉"Love & Marriage" She once been a married woman. Kuda enjoyed her marriage days like every married and divorced women on earth. Kuda was submissive also payed so much respect to her husband's decisions which pleased him the most. Her husband convinced her to join the kick boxing club which left her with no choice but to quit football the sport that she loved with all her heart. Kuda agreed that it was her husband's decision for her to join kick boxing. The following statement is inline with the above statement. "Pa bhora apo ndakazosiyahwo ndawana changu chibaba but bhora ndakambotamba ndikazopinda muma trials e National team and ndakazvitadza zvangu kuhenda kumberi because passport yangu yakanonoka kubuda tondzi ayiiiiwa no kana hapana kwamunohenda yaah so bhora ndakazongorisiya hangu kungoti you know mhunu uchinge hwamu marriage murume anogona kukuwudza kuti no inini handichade kuti uhite ndoda kuti uhite izvo so that man is the one who changed me kuva ku soccer ndichihenda ku karate." Definately love softened and made her a weaker woman at that time. Kuda was more like a prisoner in a marriage, a found guilt prisoner who had no lawyer to fight for her case. 🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟👉 "Factors which led to the decline of Kuda's marriage" 🅾️Kuda's husband controlled almost her entire life in that period. He did what pleased him , enjoyed every second of it while his wife Kuda was not happy with her career decisions which were taken up by her ex husband who also supported her so much in sports. He discovered a talent in Kuda and invested his time and resources on her. 🅾️Greediness overcame, gave him an effort to push harder on his wife, expected fruitful fruits at an early stage of Kuda's Karate career which he persuaded Kuda for it. It also spiced the separation of the ex lovers. #Weekend Mnand_Rish #Mnand!!! Ish 📺 📺Saturday Night Prime Show C.A.T 21.00hrs #Data free news #At no cost🎟🎟🎟🎟Premier Show brought to you by #Trends.C.A in conjuction with @I am That ICT Guy and @Kgosi de_Ricch #Data Free News #At no cost 🇿🇼 #econet zw
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Ndezve kumar mar
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Go Chanhaiwa Go Go .................. Go Complete the missing party's name and together we'll make it work... Yes it will definitely work
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
That documentary can't be diluted coz it's real life...
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Haaa complaining on social media is tantamount to nothing..if you can't beat them join them..pindaiwo mudhiri egold mozosangana pakuvhota
Twitter · 1 year ago
Social media is a powerful tool, wake up dude this is 2023
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Remember what Ubert said amati he is the least expected panyaya idzi using the cover of being a fake prophet leading a huge following people will fooled to believe he is telling the truth. This fake prophet is a money launderer at large. His gullible congregants are believing the fake prophet as he is lying through the teeth. Undercover operation ipi he thinks we are dunderheads like his confused flock
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ko kana yanga iri operation maassets Ari kufreezwa pakudii nhai? Y investigate Ur own operation?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Chamisa akatomboita lawyer ra ED..ndezve basa izviii..
Mainini zvavo isu tichifa nenzara😔 · 1 year ago
Madhuku apihwa mari haasisina basa nemhuri yeZimbabwe iri kubirwa kkkkkk.Vashoma vari kuguta
zozo · 1 year ago
nadhuku hapana chaatadza apa basa rake kumiririra vanhu kunyangwe apara mhosva kana asina,mhondi, mbavha,varepa inga wani paya kana biti akamiririra gono wani.malawyer havasarudze munhu wekumirira ava .kana wadyajena anotogona kutomirirwa nabiti hapana anomurambidza.chete hatigone kusiyanisa basa nepolitics.moreva here kuti biti anongomirira vanhu veccc chete here.mutemo welaw society lawyer rine mvumo yekumurira munhu wese awuya achida iubatsirwa isu tofunga kuti nhingi haafanirwe kumirirwa inga mhondi ayitogoni kutongwa isina kawyer wani kana asina anotopihwa nehurumende munodini kushora ipapo nokuti ndimadhuku saka zvayipa · 1 year ago
you are wasting your time following aljezera thinking that that ngel is going to suffersuffer that's all stories my dear friends ,woke up and feed your families.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Wake up not woke up
Me · 1 year ago
True its our time wastef, not yours why bother dunderhead
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Let's hope the gvt will issue a statement in support of that made by Angel
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Too much mahumbwe here. Why freeze the asserts if this was done with the full knowledge of the president and Cabinet. President could not have been kept in the dark on a matter of national security. All intelligence gathered will end up in the office of the president. Why has the office not issued a statement acknowledging this but instead ordered investigations and freezing of asserts. You can fool some people sometime but can't fool all the people all the time
MURAURO · 1 year ago
Tsomrade · 1 year ago
Anyone who believes these words is a five star turd
Hesi · 1 year ago
Madhuku s job is to make money. He joined POLAD and got a car and groceries from ED . Was appointed commissioner in the August shooting Monthlate Commission of inquiry and got thousands. Now he is representing Prophet Uebert Grilled Beef Angel and will be rewarded handsomely. Thumbs up to Madhuku he is feeding his family
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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kkkkkkk😂😂😂😂😂People are really being taken for g.o.o.n.s here A 'Classified National Intelligence Operation' Is the freezing of these guys' assets and the ongoing investigations also part of the operation? The good 'Professor' is also 'playing along' Is he doing it because he sincerely believes it or he is just a lawyer trying to make a living? Please tell us when you are done with the assignment which also seems to involve the Central Bank 'Roger I am done and out.!!!!'
buju · 1 year ago
@peace maker Saka urikuti varume ava ana hubheti havasikubuditsa goridhe renyika vachizvipfumisa here??
Peace maker · 1 year ago
Why didn't they film Roy Benet for snuggling Zimbabwe diamonds????????...for decades,well staged
Peaceful · 1 year ago
Dunderhead Peacemaker this is about Angel and company. Roy Bennet is dead go and wake him up if you can. If you had proof that Roy was stealing why dd nt you give it to the police. #Ziso Pamuroyi. Uebert Angel muroyi right now
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¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
@peace maker true!!!
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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ingano dzaunotaura idzo @Peace Maker When did Roy Bennett 'snuggle' diamonds and do you have any proof? Why are you saying that now?
CIO · 1 year ago
Haha true if you hear ma story how he said I want to build a dam and he took the soil he was digging to his farm Ano saiza vhanu that guy
Yogurt · 1 year ago
Next press conference he will be telling us tht it was his twin brother not him. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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· 1 year ago
... that is if he doesn't say it was his Double acting as Eubert Angle
Uebert Angel · 1 year ago
I see grilled beef and two tomatoes in your fridge 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Dispenser · 1 year ago
The fact that people who are responsible of championing the development of e country are e one who are destroying it is disappointing. Whoever there is something which I don't understand. Is Aljazera a journalist company or criminal intelligence company. My understanding is police have responsibility of making investigations then journalists reports. Is someone behind or central intelligence behind.
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Black Adam⚡ · 1 year ago
The police cannot investigate on the top guys starting with **** ED and Amai DR vanonhuwa Auxillia. Even ZACC cannot touch them. Uebert couldnt be touched by Zacc nor the police. So only the Al jazeera journalists could do this.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Journalists can take investigations coz they need the info to put on any tasks they can tackle be it crime or anythin🥱🤷
The Adjudicator · 1 year ago
Now that the president is sarounded by thieves can we just remove the thieves around him kkkkk
Aj · 1 year ago
Hey wena ED is their King, he is biggest thieves of them all. He doesn't live on his presidential salary but from selling all our minerals.
· 1 year ago
@Adjudicator, in Shona we say, "Dzinofura nzivani" (Thieves keep the company of thieves)
Hercules · 1 year ago
Uebert Angel is not the first politician to fall from grace. He must take it like a man. Accept that this thing is over you live by the sword you die by the sword. It's over for Prophet or Pastor or Papa. We have a lot of politician who fell from the top He should take it like a man and stop embarrassing himself
Zeus · 1 year ago
U said it right my son. One by one the mafia shall be judged
Sorojena · 1 year ago
Why is the RBZ freezing Angel's assets if it was a national Intel operation. Blue lies 🤥
Gred · 1 year ago
Good point at least we have people who think
Black Adam⚡ · 1 year ago
🤔🤔Well I think it's part of the Intelligence Unit as well🤣🤣🤣🤣. On a serious note, Uebert is trying clear his name as a Prophet but he is done man, he is finished. He better stay in UK coz if he stays in Zimbabwe he will go to prison.
Trent · 1 year ago
He won't be arrested the big men are involved. He may lose his ambassadorial position though
. · 1 year ago
"Intelligence" 😂 there is no intelligence just dunderheads 😂
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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Maybe freezing his assets @Sorojena is still part of the operation 😂😂😂😂Let's wait and see where this is going
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌What a fool, Uebert Angel has a small brain, he is delusional. Ajaira kuvhara vanhu from his church and he thinks all Zimbabweans will believe his pathetic lies. Kana ndimiwo, nhai nhai shuwa murume mukuru anoramba zvinhu zviri pachena. Ndiri kutonyarira vana vake and his wife coz Baba vemba vari kutozvinyadzisa even worse nyika yese yakatarira. 😲😲 if Uebert Angel is able to lie about stuff like this... then what more with the Gospel of Jesus? I hope no one will ever go to his church anymore kunze kwevaya maDumb Dumb who worship him vachiti Papa Papa. Mapostori atori nani vagara vari pachena nemuitiro yavo yatinoziva, the worst are the likes of Uebert--- Wolves in Sheep's clothing. I hope this is his downfall, anga akunyanya kubira vanhu and boasting about himself instead of praising Jesus and pointing people to Jesus. People should no longer succum to such liars, read the word and be led by Holy Spirit, Jesus is all u need and trust in him. The Holy Spirit reveal to you who true preachers are not maTsotsi aya. #RESPECT!!!
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
Yes wangu, Papa vari kuzvinyadzisa worse. He should have just stayed quiet. Repenting and admitting to his looting could had softened his judgement. Dai angoti it was the Devil who got into me and fell into sin hahhaahah
,, · 1 year ago
God created the devil and the kingdom of hell to punish those who disrespect him. God is watching.
0772408372 · 1 year ago
Madhuku aita Mari. 30 pieces of silver diving in his pockets.Representing such gold mafia guru means a fortune. but,but, but.... imajeni dai ari Chamisa kana kuti Biti amirira Hubeti Enjero ingadi iri noise mumapepa nhau ehurumende nekumisangano yeZanu nanaDuz bt alas its the constitutional lawyer and an opposition presidential aspirant LOVElittle Madhuku. ... And the silence is dead as a grave.
Gred · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣African politicians. It's like they are trying to convince children tht Santa Clause is Jesus s brother and Madhuku is the spokesperson of the CIO.Its just like saying Chinotimba is the president of the USA🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Uebert Angel takes the cup he is the comedian of the year
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Aj · 1 year ago
Dispenser · 1 year ago
Madhuku ravakusvaga chibanzi nedemo manje. Kudya zvevapfupi nekureba. Even though he knows that a crime was committed he have to at list defend in oder that he walk away with something.
. · 1 year ago
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 Is mad_huku so s_tupid that he thinks we the public will believe such rubbish. As a lawyer he is a disgrace and will lose respect from the public. When you defend thieves with lies you become a worthless piece of trash. Shame on you.
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0772408372 · 1 year ago
Yu can fool some sometimes not all, all the time. Hubeti Enjoro is just buying a Madhuku statement and it's not a secret with our courts, he will get away with it. we wonder why he went to the extent of calling the first lady and Rushwaya if he was simply dancing to the Al-Jazera tune. We also pray and hope the honourable eye of the public court of opinion will not be blinkered by such defensive trash. Only a zombie wld fall for such defensive hogwash.
· 1 year ago
Robert (Angel of Death) will get away with it, not because he is innocent, but because he is protected. Cry the Beloved Country
Selma hayek · 1 year ago
these guys think we're dunderheads
ptk · 1 year ago
Vanototi wona sema dunderhead vanhu ava
~jmp~ · 1 year ago
Am the first to comment
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
These documentaries leave many audited parts out, raising a lot of questions. Even Chin'ono is pushing that ccc take advantage of them, raising more concern. It's a smeer campaign. If aljazeera wanted to really expose gold operations they'd have reached episode 10 coz what they documented was just a tip of the iceberg. Gold is being exported from Africa and it hasn't started with Angel, nor patni, MacMillan or rudland. It was a waste of resources on the aljazeera team!
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Tsomrade · 1 year ago
The fact that you're okay with certain individuals looting gold says a lot about your character
Anonymous · 1 year ago
What a **** story Miss Jessica. You're just showing how foolish you're.
0772408372 · 1 year ago
a waste of whose resources? So Yu mean alluta the looting?
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
@Miss Jessica u are convinced young lady. What's your point? Are u defending Uebert or u believe that he was looting? The Mafia has been exposed and we are yet to see what the justice system will do.
pj · 1 year ago
wat nonsense a you saying this documentary served its purpose ...the journalists were juss pretending to be chinese criminals...they exposed the criminals thumps up to them ....only that its in zim ..if it were other countries Ubert was to be investigated until he names all his accomplices
mubhabhatidzi · 1 year ago
THIS THING WAS STAGED AND AM GLAD 😊 THAT THE CITIZENS SAW IT; [1] THE FIRST EPISODE GOT 1.8million views on YouTube [2] THE SECOND EPISODE 1.3million views [3] THE THIRD EPISODE GOT 164 thousand views [4] THE FOURTH EPISODE GOT 33thousand views. this projects kut we were fooled by these pipo,they only wanted to get attention as we move towards the elections, KUMWE KURIGGA KWAKADAI KONYADZISA CCC MUST LOOK FOR OTHER WAYS IF THEY WANT TO WIN OUR VOTES; ZIMBABWE YARAMBA
Anonymous · 1 year ago
What you're saying doesn't sense.
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
I keep saying this, from episode 1 upto the 4th what crime did Angel nor number 1 commit there and what was exposed? The reason why angel feels the need to issue statements is because he's a public figure with an international church and not that he's guilty. Aljazeera had to rope in known gold smugglers along with Angel to make it look real... If there was a real story, why has the views dropped? It's coz there's nothing there, it's a failed plot
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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Asi unopinda church yaUebert or kana kuti ndibaba vako🤣 Is he your papa?
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Anonymous · 1 year ago
They just keep repeating the same things from episode one.. Aljazeera was looking to make money on YouTube, and they did, they are the real looters 💸 💰
Dunderhead Jessica · 1 year ago
If the documentary is nothing why was Uebert Angel s account frozen by the Gvt. I have doubt about your thinking capacity
· 1 year ago
iwe wakafa pfungwa, account yakafreeziwa ndeyechii,those guys havaisi mari mumabanks
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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Hanzi assets mhani iwe bhangu
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Take note that those frozen bank accounts didnt mean anyone was found guilty, but to allow investigations to take place. And those accounts were the only ones RBZ had access to. Get it?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mukutaura zvinhu zvakadhakwa sisi, kuzoda chirungu. Zvikutaridza kuti pfungwa dzenyu dzinenenge dzakaunyana chete.
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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Guys if it was staged as he said why then is the fiu investigating why are his assets in Zimbabwe frozen guys dzimwe nguva ka let's not rush to defend mbavha idzi
What tha · 1 year ago
Vangade kuinvestigeta zvinhu zvavaka stager , @Jessica urikuzviforcer kusa ona the Will never admit kuti Zanu yatadza, chero vanhu vezanu vakauraya ur loved one , you would defend them, you were brainwashed,you cannot be saved ,
· 1 year ago
... to Miss Jessica... etc = End of Thinking Capacity
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Me · 1 year ago
Of course views matters, but due to expensive Internet data, we download and share via Bluetooth and shareit
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