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HomeCrime and Courts

Gold Mafia: I Told Mnangagwa To Fix Mangudya And He Did, Says Macmillan

1 year agoFri, 14 Apr 2023 12:46:01 GMT
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Gold Mafia: I Told Mnangagwa To Fix Mangudya And He Did, Says Macmillan

Ewan Macmillan, (aka Mr. Gold) a Zimbabwean gold dealer, businessman, and suspected gold smuggler, claims he has President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ear and does whatever he tells him to do.

In the fourth and final episode of the “Gold Mafia” documentary titled “Have The King With You,” Macmillan spoke to undercover Al Jazeera journalists who posed as gangsters who wanted to clean US$1OO million dirty cash through gold smuggling.

Speaking to the reporters, Macmillan boasted that when he was in trouble, Mnangagwa intervened on his behalf. He said:

I sat with him three months ago. Sitting with him, chatting to him… The good news is whatever I told him, he did.

Do you know that? When I was getting hurt, I said “You’ve got to stop it here, here, here, here”. And he did it, he did it. Within two weeks, he fixed everything.

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He also claimed Mnangagwa came to his aid when he had a dispute with Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) Governor John Mangudya. It is not clear what the dispute was all about. He said:

You know Mangudya’s problem. I said to him [E.D.], “Mangudya, I think he’s dirty. You need to find him out”. E.D. went and fixed him.

Macmillan however, admitted that maintaining relationships with high-profile people comes at a high price. He said:

You pay a guy money every month. You just get a partner and pay so much money a month and he just sits back. He’s happy and doesn’t care. That’s what happens.

According to Al Jazeera, Macmillan was first jailed for gold smuggling in the early 1990s, when he was just 21 years old.

He is allegedly among a set of smugglers who work with Zimbabwe’s state-run refinery, Fidelity Printers and Refineries. He was quoted as saying:

There is an opportunity, a hell of a big opportunity to wash money here. I can give my partner gold in Dubai and he can just pay you anywhere in the world.

Macmillan did not respond to Al Jazeera’s request for a formal comment about the investigation.

A 2020 report by the International Crisis Group (ICG) said gold worth US$1.5 billion was smuggled out of Zimbabwe every year by syndicates linked to political elites.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
This country sucks kwamuri kune magetsiwo here amana
5 · 1 year ago
Ukaona tikaita vanhu 20 vakaita sa PD nyika inoparara vakomana coz mimusoro inongova mvura yega. Of concern hama haisi timing asi corruption and looting yemaresources enyika nevacho vanofanira kuchengetena hupfumi hwacho
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mamboona kuti nyaya ye ku freezer ma assets vango freezer varungu avo but ma zimbo like ed, mangudya nana rushwaya hapana kana chavari kuvaita saka zvorevei manje, this gvt always protect each other
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ko Nero uyu zvaasisina repa muromo nhai apa akumirira Ruud futi Chapman ngaango tora hake chimuti icho ndopaanga pinde hake machena
King · 1 year ago
just as Zuma was captured by the Guptas, ED is captured by the Gold Mafia. wotonzwa rimwe gudo richiti opposition inoda kudzosa varungu, fried brains.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ngatimbo chinjai gvt iripo timbo tryer zvimwe guyz vana vedu vanogona kukura ari marombe nekuda kwe harahwa dza zanu sure change is needed my beloved zimbabweans
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
The big question is where does His Excellency Advocate President ED Mnangagwa stand after the release of the fourth episode ? [ CHAMISA CHETE CHETE ]. Can we say he is wobbling in his long trousers ? MacMillan drags His Excellency into the gold smuggling by saying he reported Mangudya to President and Mangudya was strengthened. I have known the MacMillan family since the late 1980s. They used to farm 26 kilometres before KAROI from Harare. They were known as good and efficient gold smugglers. [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
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Aj · 1 year ago
@Chawabvunza pliz join the parliament you have seen a lot and you know how the youths are suffering. Timirirei mudhara
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Anonymous · 1 year ago
True yes I know the farm used used to fill up amatura ega ega eku Lions den the father but the farm was abandoned so much lime was into soil so it become production less never heard they existed then until this cricket guy
Pits · 1 year ago
pamberi ne Aljazeera taive takavarairwa tisingazive zvirikuitika now tave ne vision
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PD · 1 year ago
Timing of these documentaries why now tiri towards elections kkkkk CCC are to blame for all this ndivo vakonzeresa
Sorojena · 1 year ago
🤔Saka Mnangagwa is handled by the Macmillans? He's taking orders from our former colonial masters.
Reply · 1 year ago
he also takes orders from the Russians and chinese.the Chinese companies were also implicated in money looting/externalisin list 2018 if you still remember and nothing was done.
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
The truth will always come out. Thanks to Al jeezera, we saw it not zviya zvema rumours. Rumours of Ophir kkkk. Zvakutowedzera pressure on Zanu coz they know hapana munhu kwaye achaivhotera nehumbavha hwavo.
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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ko kana ndikapiwa tshirt🤔
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Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
Ukapihwa T-shirt haisweri ne the same colour ino fader. T shirt haikupe a better economy nemaGetsi. If u have relatives unoswera uchikumbirwa mari nekuti vanenge vachitambura. Mbavha dzawanda ende ndiana baba vari kuba kuti vakwanisa kuwana mari dze school fees and rent.
good fighter · 1 year ago
al Jazeera ndeyeku Qatar.paivakwa ma Stadium e world cup, they had no adquate lobour so they brought different workers across asia, because they had money.Their passports were confiscated.The workers worked long hours and they were ill treated . Thousand of them died . They're the Godfathers of human trafficking.Out of all the evil things they do they found it fit to report about corruption in Zimbabwe . Vanhu vemu Africa tamirira kuchipedzisa zvehutongi hwenarudzi ekudze ayo akaunza rufu ,dai tachibatana cde chinx
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Chi documentary chaka ma ma ichi. Ko Mai ed vavachinzi vachabuda vachitaura pa fone pa episode four varipi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Madaro makazviwanepi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
😂😂😂 like watching a batman or spiderman movie isina batman or spiderman,bhowha
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Al Jazero · 1 year ago
Has anyone noticed that our friends at the American Embassy have not commented on the Al Jazeera firimu? The reason is simple, we consider Al Jazeera ad a credible news agency but the Americans consider Al Jazeera as a foreign agent with links to terror groups particularly in the Middle East.
Sorojena · 1 year ago
They'll comment after studying and fact checking the details. They don't comment zvekumanya sanaCharamba.
Observer · 1 year ago
America is playing its game in stealth mode,Nyoka msango, asi hauna kuona the FBI agent in the documentaries here, amerika is all over aljazera documentary, but its purpose is to target people and their emotions, so they act the way they want, vaiti jazera haisi in bed with US,ask yoself what the FBI was duing in the investigation of zim,vasingazive FBI please google, I'll just say it does some of the worst things like racial profiling
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
🤔🤔 I HAVE A QUESTION : So if Chamisa had been appointed president of Zimbabwe in 2018, would the country had developed and people living better lives by now? Taidei tichitambira mari yakawanda tisiri kungwava ngwava here? Mabasa adei akawanda here and would the University students be receiving payout sezvaitwa kuma 90s?
Hokage · 1 year ago
Yes VaBomba...Yes..
Democracy · 1 year ago
Zvinhu zviyedwza. Dai akazvitadza,chamisa wacho takumukika butsu pa ma next elections
Haul · 1 year ago
Mozoisa Ani, Chapman?
pk · 1 year ago
hapana chaibuda naChamisawoo. ayingorota train inomanya samare. taitamba gwengwerere nachamisa.
Democracy · 1 year ago
@pk You never know until you try
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Hapana chaibuda nemupfanha nekuti aingonzi bvumira chingochni or sanctions,vanhu vezimbabwe vomuti iiiweka, obva ati ndanzi nditi no saka isai masanctions hobho
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
We definitely need new lies and new thieves
Black Adam ⚡ · 1 year ago
Hanzi heeee muri kuda kupa nyika kuvarungu 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Akapa nyika kuvarungu and the Chinese is ED. Macmillan haasungwe as long as ED is in power. Apa ED was tourchered by the Rhodesians and yet anotopfumisa Macmillan
Anonymous · 1 year ago

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