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HomeCrime and Courts

Mahere Plans To Appeal Conviction And Sentence

1 year agoSun, 09 Apr 2023 11:55:17 GMT
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Mahere Plans To Appeal Conviction And Sentence

Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere plans to appeal her conviction and sentence for communicating falsehoods prejudicial to the state following a two-year trial.

Mahere was on Wednesday ordered to pay a US$500 fine by Harare magistrate Taurai Manuwere or spend three months in jail.

Her lawyer David Drury told ZimLive that the appeal process will start as soon as they obtain a transcript of the judgment. Said Drury:

That process will be done in terms of the time limits provided by the rules and pragmatically, we await a transcript of the judgment which has been urgently requested but is not available today.

As soon as the appeal notice and grounds are settled and served, this will be shared given that the area of law is important, speaking as it does to freedom of expression which is a recognised constitutional right not only domestically but also in terms of international customary law instruments which ought to resonate and apply to our Law.

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Mahere was arrested in January 2021 for reposting on her Twitter handle, a video of a mother who was filmed tussling a uniformed police officer along Harare’s Second Street.

The unidentified woman was clinging to the police officer while holding a motionless baby with her other hand.

She was claiming that the cop had fatally struck her baby with his baton.

The police officer had been enforcing COVID-19 restrictions against pirate taxis at an illegal bus stop in Harare.

It later turned out that the child was not dead.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ko ngaangobhadhare 500 yacho zvipere zve kwete kutinyaudza achingoyedza kurevesa nyaya pfupi for political gains,anayoari uyo 500 is change money kwaari,I hate it when politicians manipulate vanhu vakapusa instead yekuvangwadza
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Of cause everything will go in her favour and that judgement will be flushed down the t.o.i.l.e.t because that's where it belongs. #RESPECT!!! 😂😂😂
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mahere= Mahu rhymes.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Samai vako
mahere · 1 year ago
waida kuinewe hre munhu anoshanda nepindula
Voter · 1 year ago
Vanhu veZanu Pf maDunderheads, the likes of Anonymous
as anonymous · 1 year ago
unongofunga zvema**** coz ndomumba mawakakurirazve hanti???
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Those two words only rhyme to dunderheads like you @Anoymous
Sinyo*ro Wenyo*ro · 1 year ago
Mahere = Mavhere*
Mazuva · 1 year ago
The police owes the public an explanation of what happened to the child. They have pointed out the falsehoods, now let them tell us the truth in the public interest.
t · 1 year ago
Dzingai N · 1 year ago
Let's not spread falsehoods.....
nm · 1 year ago
akazosungwa hre mahere nhy

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