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Abducted Gokwe Girl (16) Found In Kadoma

1 year agoSat, 01 Apr 2023 09:13:47 GMT
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Abducted Gokwe Girl (16) Found In Kadoma

A 16-year-old girl from Gokwe who was allegedly abducted by suspected ZANU PF supporters was dumped in Kadoma.

Chairmaine Chiremba, a learner at Njelele High School, was kidnapped in the early hours of Wednesday according to her father Christopher.

Christopher told the Southern Eye that Chairmaine was at Kadoma Police Station. He said:

I am currently getting information that she is housed at Kadoma police and is safe.

She was dumped along the highway by a black (Toyota) Wish car with no number plates.

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She is still in custody at Kadoma Police Station and they said they are making arrangements to ferry her to Gokwe centre.

He said they realised Charmaine was missing when her mother went to wake her up to prepare for school. 

Her mother found blood stains on the veranda of their bedroom and a note written ‘usivhotela ZANU PF mwana tatora’.

The note was written in a Shona dialect spoken in Gokwe, translated to “you should vote for ZANU PF, we have taken the child”.

Chiremba suspects his child was targeted because, in 2013, his wife contested for councillor under the MDC-T banner and lost. He added:

Ever since then, we have stayed away from politics. We even voted in the recent ZANU PF primary elections. I am not sure why they would target my family.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
our politics are poor they is no democrats in this country
Mablazo · 1 year ago
Dai matanga maona mwana kwete zvekunzwa kuti awanikwa
i am Izogie · 1 year ago
That is not a problem right now… My problem is my sister left her twins with me. I was feeding one while reading this post. Now I don't know which one has eaten😭
laugh emoji1
CLEVER TAKAWIRA · 1 year ago
ndo zvakashata izvezvi Hazvitarisirwi kuitika muno munyika yezimbabwe izvi Tokumbirisa ma purisa aite tsvakurudzo zvionekwe kt chokwadi chokwadi chakaitika nde chipi apa Nokta startment acho awo Akaite KUSHONYOROKA POLICE MUST COME UP WITH THE TRUTH TO US ALL TODAWO KUGUTSIKANA TAKAMIRIRA NDAPEDZA HANGU INI KHULE MUYANANISI
Führer · 1 year ago
Kanga katizira kana kukechesa kumakorokoza vabereki vakati mukana wekuita Mari nema NGO vachisvibisa zita rakanaka re ZANU PF
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ko kana vari vanhu veCCC vakuda kisvibisa Zita reZanu there is no proof kut it's zanu of supporters h

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