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HomeCrime and Courts

Al Jazeera Investigations To Expose "Astonishing" Plunder, Looting In Zimbabwe

2 years agoWed, 01 Mar 2023 14:24:21 GMT
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Al Jazeera Investigations To Expose "Astonishing" Plunder, Looting In Zimbabwe

International English-language news channel, Al Jazeera, is set to expose corrupt Zimbabwean politicians and their associates in a documentary set to be aired this March.

Posting on his social media pages, Zimbabwean award-winning journalist and filmmaker Hopewell Chin’ono said the film producers have shown the films to a select group of corruption experts and journalists to give their comments before the documentary is broadcasted.

Chin’ono said the documentary films will expose “astonishing looting, plunder and laundering in Zimbabwe” by ZANU PF officials and their associates. He wrote:

International news network, Aljazeera will be broadcasting mind-blowing documentary films in March showing astonishing looting, plunder and laundering in Zimbabwe.

The ZANU PF crooks and their surrogates were filmed undercover for 2 years, as they spoke about how they do it!

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The film producers have shown the films to a select group of corruption experts and journalists to look at, and give their comment on the exposures.

The documentary films were made by the Al Jazeera Investigative Journalism Directorate. They filmed them since 2021.

Businessman and social commentator Kuda Musasiwa said the Al Jazeera documentary should serve as a lesson to people not to talk too much. He tweeted:

The @AlJazeera Documentary is lesson 101 of NOT talking a span. Fish get caught by opening their mouth. It’s not a secret if anyone else knows. Don’t Talk a Span. Talking a span is bad.

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Ian Smith · 2 years ago
Ini I have been supporting Zanu PF but now it's time for a change. I think the documentary it's going to be bomb
@Vhedza · 2 years ago
Propaganda bomb yes, however it will not hurt any one. It is clear that chuff will be separated from real grain. Pretenders will be exposed.
pasi nemhandu · 2 years ago
Vazhinji Vadu vanobvuma kana zvarova hama Yako kana kuti iwe muridzi senge pakauya HIV neCovid vazhinji vedu vakazobvuma zviriko zvirwere izvi zvayendesa vehukama vepedyo kana usati wasangana nemaeffects evirus yecorruption unotofunga kuti zviri normal
Putin 🇷🇺🐊 · 2 years ago
winky D akaimba zvikashaya basa Jazeera news ichaukura ichingovukura zvigo shaya basa ,pamberi nekubatana pasi ne mhanduu, hallelujah 🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺✊✊✊✊✊✊✊
Daglous · 2 years ago
Still remember Al Jazeera exposing Namibian government officials on Fish route
Chams · 2 years ago
This is good. I can't wait for the documentary. Mbavha dzese dze ZANU PF must be exposed. Kwete kuti munhu anobatwa aine gold pa Airport zvonzi hanzi hapana Evidence. Sick. Ko kuzoti yambuya vsye va Prisca Mupfumira aaa zvakaoma shuwa.
Registered Voter · 2 years ago
Marketing campaign 101.. he is just advertising not no name drops for sure. Anofa and Qatar would not want that situation to happen so they can not cause chaos for pple becoz of a documentary havadaro i always watch their documentaries they give a picture iri public not something new or dangerous. Hopewell haana chaakaita.
myself · 2 years ago
@GF urikiti We,, kureva iwe nani? zvitaurire wega.. iti I
Ashley Scott · 2 years ago
what al jezeera is planning is very good outsiders have to see and know especially investors the time of people who they want to associate themselves with all thanks to all jezeera magonesa expose them shameless senseless clueless people chinogonekwa kuba kutadza kugadzira ma problem avakagadzira Ivo rubbish
at gf · 2 years ago
son of Lucifer go hang I don't have any thing to do with the son of Jezebel like you ...I feel sorry for you and your parents what a waste of night producing you... you're a disgrace to your poverty stricken family nhamo hurombe is your portion you're cursed you're possessed by the devil himself stink old dimwit clueless brainless idhiyoti mwana we..h.u.r.e kusakwana
Iwewe ndinokufarira good guy · 2 years ago
ramba uchidaro vachapatiza pano
Black Adam ⚡ · 2 years ago
Yes its good that there is a documentary like this coming out, the international community will see that no Zimbabwean outside Zanu will vote for ED to be president. He is a corrupt leader together with his party. There is no way in a fair election after a documentary like this is released when the international community will accept that the majority of zimbabweans voted for him and his government.
gf · 2 years ago
we will vote for Zanu pf for reasons best known to us .We can not dump our party due to a recommendation by an outsider.As for me I have been supporting Zanu almost my whole life and will continue to do so
Anonymous · 2 years ago
laugh emoji1
👹 · 2 years ago
@gf... becoz u are benefiting ....rumwe ruzhinji rurikutambura bcoz of this corrupt Zanu's
Anonymous · 2 years ago
And you have nothing nothing your broke busy watching news from a free web site zvinongooneka type nemunhu anenge iwewe hauna kuenda A level hauna brain dzaka zara ****
Comrade Tongogara · 2 years ago
😎😂😂kamh.ta aka @ GF
Ndimba Ndimba · 2 years ago
@gf iti I will vote for Zanu PF not WE. Keep that ****ity to yourself and don't involve others without their consent !!! !! !
Ratti Capone · 2 years ago
@GF uri bombo ndosaka uchisapota mbavha ungati vanhu vanotiti tiite 18 hours no electricity then you follow them dau Freddy akurova zvinorwadza uone kuti kuchipatara kwakadhakwiswa me PF yako
gf · 2 years ago
attack the good fighter as a pindula charecter no t me personally,as his charecter differ from my own
Lizz · 2 years ago
Once its out it's the rural populace that needs to be shown the content. In fact opposition doesn't have to do much campaign let the video do the damage first and they follow. Someone should also translate it to shona
Lizz · 2 years ago
Shona, Ndebele, Kalanga, Venda, Ndau, Tshangani, Kore kore. All languages
@Vhedza · 2 years ago
This pure campaign material. Pure propaganda aimed at decampaining the sitting President. We usually experience this during election period. Nothing new such documentaries
siyoyo · 2 years ago
chin'ono is just convincing people to see his latest produce only, I don't think he will do better like what he said. wait a moment 🔄...
Registered Voter · 2 years ago
true. he is just advertising nut no name drops for sure. Anofa and Qatar would not want that situation to happen so they can not cause chaos for pple becoz of a documentary havadaro i always watch their documentaries they give a picture iri public not something new or dangerous. Hopewell haana chaakaita.
Apana zvinombobuda · 2 years ago
Chinyonyo itsotsi hazie
Anonymous · 2 years ago
We should be told when its going to air, its a much watch. These corrupt people should be exposed.
Bluewhales · 2 years ago
@Vhedza · 2 years ago
What matters most is ; are the culprits arrested or it's a just political campaign to discredit the ruling elite? If no arrests are made then it's just propaganda. A report must be made and witnesses come forward to testify.
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
Anyone who is resident in Zimbabwe is aware of the level of corruption. I just don't know whether the documentary will change anything. Corruption is a public secret in Zimbabwe, everyone is involved in a certain level of corruption.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Don't confuse bribe and extortion such that you include everyone being involved in corruption.
gf · 2 years ago
who cares ???
sad emoji1
· 2 years ago
That's the problem when you don't care evil persist's. The future you desire is in your hands. You have to make it happen.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
I do @gf

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