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High Court Overturns Law Protecting Tenants From Eviction

2 years agoWed, 08 Feb 2023 09:05:37 GMT
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High Court Overturns Law Protecting Tenants From Eviction

The High Court has overturned the law which protected tenants renting commercial properties from being evicted from premises after the expiry of their contracts.

Sections 22 and 23 of the Commercial Premises (Rent) Regulations, 1983 authorised them to continue staying or using premises despite the expiry of their contracts.

The owner of the building was prevented from evicting the tenants as long as they were abiding by the terms and conditions of the expired leases.

High Court judge Justice Webster Chinamhora, however, ordered tenants to immediately vacate the premises after the expiry of their contracts noting that sections of that law were unlawful and unfair, NewZimbabwe reported. Chinamhora said:

 A cumulative reading of section 22 and 23 shows that these provisions unfairly limit the powers of a court in ordering eviction and heavily restrict the lessor’s rights to terminate occupancy or seek eviction and possession of the premises after the lease expires.

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The regulations create a forced relationship between the lessee and the lessor known as statutory tenancy. My view is that sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) of section 22 (2) effectively preclude the lessor from increasing rentals or leasing out the property to another person once the statutory tenancy protection applies.

I would add that section 23 fortifies the protection accorded under section 22 of the Regulations and entitles the lessor to all the other benefits arising from the original contract.

It is precisely for these reasons that section 22 and 23 of the Regulations are ultra vires the Commercial Premises (Lease Control) Act and set them aside.

The ruling followed a legal dispute between a Harare-based company, Elnour United Engineering Group Private Limited and Industry and Commerce minister, Dr Sekai Nzenza.

Elnour United owns Gulf Complex and Sunshine Bazaar in Harare’s central business district (CBD) and Mbare, respectively.

The company argued that the regulations went beyond the powers of the Commercial Premises Act.

Elnour United sought an order directing minister Nzenza to make regulations that address the interests of both the lessor and lessee.

Nzenza had argued there was nothing discriminatory in the said provisions since section 23 of the Rent regulations deals with the rights and duties of the lessee.

The minister further submitted that the company had failed to exhaust local remedies before asking the court to intervene.

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Tateguru · 2 years ago
Iye aiva aisa mutemo iwoyo aizama kudii chaizvo?
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Kkkkk Wakambochinzwepiko chirungu chekuti 'pressure group' chaunongotaura @pk Zvarinotova basa chairo Pito yakanhongwa nebenzi
Patriot · 2 years ago
@zungu. Uhmmm ana zungu Kani tibvirei apo. Basa rekungopiwa zvi T shirt nezvi kepisi zve yellow asi musina minda nema claims ema gold mines.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Tichaitora minda yese yamuinayo iyo yoita yehurumende kana wausina kumusha inva watoenda kumusha kwamai nxaaa
pk · 2 years ago
ndozvinoita mudyiwe maelection zvekuda kudzorera nyika kumas****. zim haitongwe nepressure group.
Zimfacts · 2 years ago
Musudhu wema landlord ese they rely on tenants money tunutambura tuvanhu tuya tongoti kushata kwatwo
Tkt · 2 years ago
This has been done carefully to protect the Assets of NRZ, which is gradually shifting from being a Freight Services Company to being an Estate Guru- renting out almost 80% of it's properties!
Raymond Gunda · 2 years ago
Tell your Zanu government to create a conducive political and business environment for businesses to thrive thereby creating more employment More buildings will be built and this will create a competitive environment resultantly rentals will go down
Patriot · 2 years ago
Handisi roja asi kutoitira kuti imi vanhu ve CCC murerukirwe wo coz minda chaiyo hamutorina apo ma elections arikuuya murikudyiwa futi coz rural vote hakuna chenyu.
Zungu · 2 years ago
Minda yekuchera makurwe
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Ndiwe unovavhotesa here vanhu vacho ukwane iwe
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Urikungokwangwaya wani nenhamo uchiswero wawata kuti minda minda basa kuteya mariva mumunda uchitadza kurima
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Wakazotanga kuita sympathy nemaCCC riini iwe @Patriot? Nhema dzako uriroja uchingoti Zanu Zanu
Patriot · 2 years ago
Gvt ngaiise ma maximum cap fares pama rentals according to type of residents and premise coz mamwe ma rent aku chargwa ne vanhu so kaaaa. Ndeekupenga sure
Anonymous · 2 years ago
You should be ullulating handiti ihurumende yako here nhai patriot. Nhasi wakurwadziwa nemarentals
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Govt. unogona kuisa ma caps pazvivakwa zvayo. Vane ma buildings kana dzimba havana kupuwa mahara sezvakaita vamwe vakapiwa minda pachena.
Zuze · 2 years ago
Obviously Patriot ndiLodger. If you don't want to pay high rent, please buy or build your own premises where you don't have to pay rent. Landlords are entitled to maximising income from their properties. Period
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Rinenge roja reZanu Pf @Patriot hawuwoni kupengera yemarentals edzimba Parikutaurwa zvemabusiness apa
Zuze · 2 years ago
Taura hako. Zvivanhu zveZANU zvajaira zvemahara kana zvakachipa. Mapurazi vakapihwa mahara. Vamwe vakanva gators furniture, tractors zveganyavhu. Fertiliser nembeu vanopihwa zvemahara. Vatadza kurima kwacho votambiriswa chibahwe, nyemba nebeans zvemahara futi. Mabhazi vanotomirira enahara kuenda kuRally. Getaway @patriot

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