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Unarmed Domestic Violence Suspect Shot Dead While Fleeing Arrest

2 years agoThu, 12 Jan 2023 05:34:43 GMT
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Unarmed Domestic Violence Suspect Shot Dead While Fleeing Arrest

A police officer based in Bulawayo on Monday shot and killed an unarmed man who was a suspect in a domestic violence case.

The man, Thembani Dube, was fleeing from the police when he was shot in the back of the head.

The incident took place in Bulawayo’s Phelandaba West suburb around 4 PM.

CITE reported eyewitnesses as saying the now-deceased had an altercation with his wife who resides in Cowdray Park.

The woman reported the matter to the police and the police tracked down Dube to Phelandaba West where he was said to be visiting a friend intending to arrest him.

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Assistant Inspector Zimbeva, who was armed, attempted to arrest Dube but he reportedly fled.

Zimbeva then reportedly opened fire and shot Dube in the back of his head.

Eyewitnesses said Dube staggered a few metres and collapsed next to a pile of bricks at a house under construction.

An ambulance was immediately summoned and Dube was pronounced dead at the scene.

ZRP national spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the incident saying investigations were underway. He said:

We are conducting investigations into the incident. We are told he was trying to effect an arrest then suddenly there was a shootout.

That is why I am saying we are conducting investigations with a view to finding the full circumstances behind the unfortunate incident.



Jah 🇿🇼 Tsvarie-07 · 2 years ago
Pana Zimbeva wandakanzwa nezvake kuti he is trouble some hope haasi...
gegeda · 2 years ago
according to the reporter there was a shootout meaning to say they exchanged fire and the man was shot , I think if it is true that he resisted arrest and fired at the police,he deserves what transpires
Kwana · 2 years ago
Exchanged fire with an unarmed person. This was an execution not a shoot out
frank · 2 years ago
people just rush to conclude without knowing the actual circumstances
frank · 2 years ago
Pamwe he resisted arrest by trying to injure the officer
· 2 years ago
Our policemen have no respect for citizens life, they are evil 😈 people.
a · 2 years ago
@retired uri right here anorwisa anotiza here or ano arwisa kwana
retired. · 2 years ago
kana munhu achitiza kusungwa zvinorewa kuti anogona kuuraya Officer varikudakumusunga. unotizeyi kana usina mhosva??. unoda kuwa ne freedom iwe uchishaisa mhuri freedom.
Tintin · 2 years ago
unprofessional conduct... trigger happy cop.... vakadzi vachatotya zve kumhan'ara domestic violence
tiana · 2 years ago
pakaipa it's overzealous
§§§ · 2 years ago
There was exchange of fire [shootout] between the police officer and the deceased resulting in the death of the culprit. Thus why Paul Nyati said the case is under investigation. It is allowed to shoot when you face death threat. Don't rush to conclusion without understanding the context of the whole paragraph
Wchemel · 2 years ago
Shootout ipi munhu akafurwa kugotsi and he was unarmed.zxangove zvekuda kuvhara nyaya zvee.the witness was there and the commissioner aitove kumba kwake
· 2 years ago
I. D. I. O. T... unarmed and shot in the back of his head while running away????
xxx · 2 years ago
ummmmm, anga aita violence yakakaita sei murume uyu , ko mukadzi wacho ari pai nehama dzemunhu. zvoda mai Chisamba
Big Boy · 2 years ago
Ngaapfurwe zvake, macriminal anosirwei
Members of the Security Services who carry firearms on duty or not must be properly trained. Zimbabwe has unnecessarily lost a valued citizen. This is where the officer was not even required to scare the citizens by brandishing the gun. I am happy that Police have already started investigations. Not preempting Police investigations, the Police Officer is likely going to be charged with Murder or Culpable Homicide. [ VA MATANGA DZIDZISAI VANA AVA BASA KANA KUTI IMI MBUNE NDIMI MOSIYA CHIBASA ICHI ]. [ PAMA HARMONISED ELECTIONS MHOMHO YESE NGAIVHOTERE GWETA NELSON CHAMISA]. Yours faithfully William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
skhumba · 2 years ago
it's so sad indeed kambe sungabulala umuntu ngokuhluphana lomkakhe, the kids r now fatherless laye lomama sengumfelokazi thanx to the police
chips · 2 years ago
akatogona officer zvichida blaz avo vaitogona kuzotonouraya mukadzi nevana naiye wacho obva acomitter suicide better akafa ari one . domestic violence can escalate kusvika kumaextreme ukuuraya mhuri yese .so you never know dai akapunyuka ainokonzeresa mberi saka bhoo
Terminator · 2 years ago
@goood move ukati dzirimo
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Ma2zvi ako wahwa? Dai, kufunga kwebenzi. Saka every suspect opfurwa mugotsi nekuti MAYBE anozonopara imwe mhosva? Ko kana mukadzi wacho akanyepa kuti ndarohwa nemurume?
Ttt · 2 years ago
Msoro bhangu , msoro unenge papaw
Ngondi · 2 years ago
Mapurisa Aya akabva kutraning hr kana kuti Zanu of yongotora vanhu patank nokuda kokuti anosapota zibato iri otopiwa pfuti kungofura fura vanhu,last yr, kuJerera pane akafurirwa mask.Vamtanga mapurisa enyu Aya akabva kuchikoro hr Aya,ummmm,hapana chikoro,zvose izvi corruption.
Eddy · 2 years ago
Officer ndavabatwe that's murder
justice masunda · 2 years ago
ummm office vakabhaiza
ZRP · 2 years ago
uyu mupirisa akabva neku green bomber not trained hasi wedu
MC Motors · 2 years ago
pfuti pa domestic violenc? asi ndizvo zvaako mazuvano
Doug · 2 years ago
How are the police being trained? We hear of those who are victims being arrested, people arrested before investigation, and, with this case, a person who had an altercation with his wife being arrested, given the death sentence and being executed, all done by just one police officer!
Anonymous · 2 years ago
To me this is murder. He deserves to be punished for his misconduct
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Mupurisa uyu akashandisa pfuti zvisizvo. Ungashandisa pfuti kune munhu anetsana nemkadzi aaaah I thought aita robbery
Anonymous · 2 years ago
ko idzo pfuti idzi dzinongoshandiswa pose pose here? When going out with guns, mu record book vanonyora kuti ndikunotsvaga munhu we domestic violence here nepfuti? mmmmm our police force has gone to the dogs.
· 2 years ago
These are not policemen but thugs in police uniform. They are a disgrace to the uniform.

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