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Nurses At Mater-Dei Hospital Down Tools Over US$10 Bonus

2 years agoWed, 07 Dec 2022 17:33:53 GMT
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Nurses At Mater-Dei Hospital Down Tools Over US$10 Bonus

Nurses at the Roman Catholic Church-run Mater-Dei Hospital in Bulawayo are reported to be on strike after they received an annual bonus of US$10.

CITE’s Senzeni Ncube reported sources as saying some nurses are not coming to work while those who report for duty are not working. Said the source:

The situation is dire at Mater Dei due to meagre salaries, registered general nurses got US$10 on top of bond salaries which is ZWL$83 000.

Some nurses are not reporting for duty while those who are reporting are staging seat-in demonstrations.

A general worker or nurse aide earns more than nurses because they are related to the administration.

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The nurses appealed to the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) to intervene and also to Zimbabweans to boycott the private hospital. Said a nurse:

We are appealing for the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) to conduct an immediate audit and encourage all lovely Zimbabweans to shun getting treatment at Mater Dei as it is a center of traumatizing employees.

How can one get treated at a hospital where staff is demoralised?

Meals are hectic, cabbage and chunks on a daily basis, and boiled stuff which even a pig cannot consume.

Even though the food is highly subsidized, it’s not a proper meal.

Contacted for a comment, the Mater Dei administrator, Sister Maureen Jameson told CITE that they don’t discuss internal affairs, such as salaries, with outsiders.



great wonders academy · 2 years ago
howmuch do nurses earn in US dollars
Tateguru · 2 years ago
Ohh! You know what? The Catholic setup is actually refueling tempers in the Zimbabwean situation. They are just telling people what to do and the nurses are doing it. That's guerrilla warfare tactics if my reading is correct.
christian · 2 years ago
shoko raMwari rinoti nyengeterera nyika yaugere kuti ive nerugare newevo ugova nerugare.please fellow Zimbabweans including you Pindulans let's pray for our country Zimbabwe,God will remember us one day.The shift shall be to our advantage,favour shall be granted.Can someone shout Amen.take a half a minute or a minute praying for your country and your life as well
Zelensky · 2 years ago
meaning to say in Zimbabwe everyone doesn't want to pay workers living wage
Mike😲 · 2 years ago
Imi manurse kwanai imi, cabbage rakanaka wani morida pamariro chete?
tindo · 2 years ago
@ chin chu yaaaa kkkkk
Job Sikhala · 2 years ago
muri m...h....a...t....a.....h manzwa saka mukuda kt ED apindire muma private sector kt zvidii he can't gazette a school fees for a private school
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Iwe ndiwe benzi iwe Ataura zveschool panyaya iyi ndiyani? Enda pazvirikutaura Ndimi maid-o-f-ora kuchikoro muchienda off-topic imi
M · 2 years ago
Good point, I think people already have automatic response to criticize too much that they didn't notice pakanzi 'private hospital'
chin chu · 2 years ago
Chunks not good, me buy chunks wife not happy, me buy beans wife she farts in bed me faints, me buy chicken wife gives me s*x....
Mufaro · 2 years ago
Bho here @chin chu 😂
Guka · 2 years ago
Aah aah aah
Gb · 2 years ago
Self knighting sir Zimbabwe your prayer must turn to your self president anotonga tinomunamatira kunyange chamisa akaitawo mukanwa tichamunamatirawo hatimushuvire rufu chose chaunoita unozviitira iwe remember Mwari ndiye anogadza uye ndiye anobvisa nguva ichakwana murikumanya vakomana. Zvino chamisa anga Tonga Ed achitonga here? HAKUNA MAZUVA ANOBUDA MAVIRI PANGUVA IMWE CHETE
gabon_viper · 2 years ago
apa ukubva kudya machunks izvezvi
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Gb · 2 years ago
Nhai vaYupi asi munoti ino I platform yemabhinya kani wamunoda kuti auraye ndiyani zvinounza sadza kumba kwaani VaYupi shandai musafunga kuti zvenyu zvakamiswa nemunhu asi pfungwa dzakafa dzamunadzo dzinogona kukushupai Dai waiva Mwari manje zvaunongovawo kayupi kanongfunga kuuraya usaita semwana wemuro..i wanzwa tendeukaiwe🖕
@Gb · 2 years ago
Hutongi wepasi pano ndewaSatan, hawuzi waMwari Jehovah. The Almighty Jehovah has nothing to do with earthly kingdoms...But only when the Kingdom comes all these diabolic kingdoms shall be defeated and Jesus Christ shall emerge as the King, the earth shall be restored to the Adamic era.
Sir Zimbabwe · 2 years ago
I wish a painful death for mnangagwa nxaaa
Fred · 2 years ago
Careful wht you wish for. Especially the subject of death. You might just die while wishing tht on someone
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Indeed be very careful NdezvaMwari zvawave kutaura izvo
True Prist · 2 years ago
ED wanyangadza everywhere, Dai zvikafamba zvakanaka vatobva b4 ma elections acho. Kutungamirwa nevanhu vane hutsinye kunorwadza
yupi · 2 years ago
pasi na President weZanu pf ED pasi nezanu pf mukuru ngaaurawe kana zvichikodzera
Sorojena · 2 years ago
Nehanda statue siphoned the fiscus millions at the expence of the health of the nation...what leadership is that. Zim has resources but they are not fairly deployed where they are supposed to be. What is the importance of a Nehanda statue?
mpaaaaaaambeeeeeeeriiiii nhe eeeeeeee Zanuuuuuuuuu pfffffffff
Grandpa Rick · 2 years ago
Zimbabwe is something else Resources are really distributed unfairly

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