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Mnangagwa Urges Indigenous Church Members To Get Their Children Immunised

2 years agoSat, 22 Oct 2022 06:52:37 GMT
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Mnangagwa Urges Indigenous Church Members To Get Their Children Immunised

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has urged churches to ensure that all their members get their children vaccinated against diseases such as measles and polio.

He made the call while addressing ZANU PF supporters at Beaulieu Primary School in Mutasa South last week on Saturday. The President said:

There are so many churches in the country and we work very well with them, especially the indigenous ones which preach the gospel of unity and love.

There is no church that we say is bigger than the other, even those with foreign origins.

While we work well with the indigenous churches, we tend to disagree with them over the issue of seeking medical attention for their children.

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Tinozongopesana kana vati havajungwi, tinoti kwavari ah-ah, jungwai. We want lives to be saved regardless of our religious beliefs.

A measles outbreak hit Mutasa District early this year and the virus has spread across the country.

The Ministry of Health and Child Care has since rolled out a nationwide measles vaccination programme targeting 95 percent of all children between the ages of six months and five years. | The Manica Post



Tkt says · 2 years ago
Your Excellency Sir, you need to understand that life comes from GOD, & so is death too! You just lost Your grand child who was 5, I think he/she had all the vaccines you talk of, & was at a local hospital for the elite yet death still came! I'm not laughing but simply saying don't you castigate those that feel don't want to get vaccines A lot got the covid vaccine but hmm the kinds of coughs dziri kungoitwa nnevanhu ma1 you wonder what's really happening isu vamwe tisina tingori free zvedu
Chokwadi · 2 years ago
Thanks for the advice which we don't deserve. We urge you to advise those in your proximity to stop using drugs.
Takudzwa Chikomo · 2 years ago
sure iyoyo ngatijungwe
mukmeric · 2 years ago
haiwa jungwai kudii
Vesto · 2 years ago
jungwai ne Chinhu ChaDaddy 🙈🙈🙈
Marange · 2 years ago
Ngei mabviro buditse ngano dzakare

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