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HomeCrime and Courts

"Zimbabwean Jails Have 60 Political Prisoners" - Makomborero Haruzivishe

2 years agoWed, 12 Oct 2022 06:17:15 GMT
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"Zimbabwean Jails Have 60 Political Prisoners" - Makomborero Haruzivishe

Pro-democracy campaigner, Makomborero Haruzivishe has said Zimbabwean jails have 60 political prisoners who are victims of the ruling ZANU PF’s capture of the judiciary.

In Twitter posts seen by Pindula News, Haruzivishe who himself has in the past been detained for a prolonged period of time says the ruling party was weaponising the law. He said:

60 Zimbabweans are in jail not because they are criminals, they are imprisoned because they are political activists. They are in jail because ZanuPf weaponized the law against them. They are in bondage because of a captured justice system.

Haruzivishe who is a member of the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) had earlier posted on the same platform demanding the release of them all and an end to judicial capture. Read his initial post:

#MRP9 were convicted to 36 months for protesting #NoToPoliceBrutality. 34 apostolic sect members have over 4 months in pretrial detention for protesting #NoToPoverty. #Nyatsime17 have spent 119 days in pretrial incarceration for demanding #JusticeForMoreblessingAli. 

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The ruling ZANU PF party, however, denies allegations that it influences court decisions saying the judiciary is independent of the executive.

Zengeza West Member of Parliament (MP), Job Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole (Chitungwiza North MP) are among the people arrested and detained allegedly for political reasons.

They were arrested in June over the 14 June Nyatsime violence which erupted during the funeral wake of slain CCC activist, Moreblessing Ali. They were accused of inciting public violence after they demanded justice for the murdered activist.

Pindula News



0775670257 · 2 years ago
only 60. In zionist jails there are more than 1 million political detainees being palestnes. In guatamo bay ther are thousands
JOJO · 2 years ago
citizen · 2 years ago
shamwari politics it's a dirty game bcoz I nyaya dzekudya ka idzi. Ku opposer zvoreva kuti murikudawo state power , Saka aripo haambo kusekereri ba uchida kumubvisa pa basa esp mu Africa muno.
Any layman in law, but has dealt with the law at one point or the other does not need to put on magnifying glasses to conclude that this Judiciary is in a state of capture. The Republic of Zimbabwe captured the judiciary when it favoured and returned to active duty, a Chief Justice who had earlier on been confirmed retired by the High Court. Once the judiciary is captured, political activism is naturally neutralised. [ ALL CITIZENS MUST NOT ALLOW POLITICAL ACTIVISM TO BE ILLEGALLY NEUTRALISED]. Zimbabweans want a government which is: [ FOR THE COUNTRY, FOR THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE LAW ]. [ ALL CITIZENS ARE URGED TO REGISTER TO VOTE AND VOTE FOR CCC POLITICAL PARTY FOR REAL CHANGE ]. Yours faithfully William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
Stay Safe like Chamisa · 2 years ago
If you are into politics stay away from all illegal activities.Ndookwaunobatirwa ikoko.Do politics the Chamisa way.No inflammatory speeches and you will never find him anywhere near a demonstration.
clueless · 2 years ago
guy's law is at it's best bcse criminal is a criminal doesn't matter weather you're a politician
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
shandisa Shona language shamwari.
,,, Dott · 2 years ago
They deserve it,, we need law & order
Any person who has dealt with the law at ONE point and time, does not have to engage a magnifying glass to conclude that this Judiciary is in a state of capture. The Republic of Zimbabwe captured the judiciary when it favoured and returned to duty the Chief Justice who had earlier on been retired by the High Court
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
advice of the day think b4 u comment.

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