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What is a prepaid split meter?
A split meter is an advanced type of digital electricity meter that records how much electricity is consumed and deducts the amount consumed from a prepaid balance loaded by the customer into the existing Zesa prepaid meter. The split meter displays exactly what your electricity credit balance is and deducts that balance as you use electricity. • The split meter allows you to view real-time electricity usage over time and helps you manage your own consumption. The Split prepaid meters are set to a temper proof mode and it switches off the user if tampered with thereby safeguarding fellow tenants' credit. The split meter interrupts/cuts off your power supply when your prepaid account balance reaches zero, and reconnects supply once you have loaded credit.
1. Cost Saving Customers will be able to monitor and have control over their consumption and use their electricity more efficiently and sparingly
2. Fairness With the current escalating costs of electricity in Zimbabwe, it is only fair that one uses what they have bought
3. Saving. A property that has split meters is likely to use less electricity as tenants are mindful of their consumption unlike where bills are shared equally regardless of differences in consumption. The split meter fosters responsible consumption.
How to buy and load prepaid electricity
1. Buy your prepaid electricity from Zesa using your Zesa meter number in the same way you have been buying your electricity before split metering.
2. Load your zesa token into the prepaid Zesa meter. (Take particular note of the kW you have preloaded)
3. Send your Zesa receipt by sms or WhatsApp to *ONE* of our customer care numbers on every customer's user manual. Please make sure the section that shows KwH is clear. *Quote the meter number on your split meter on this same message.*
4. You will immediately get a message from us with your split meter token. This token will have the same KwH as is on your zesa receipt.
5. Punch your split meter token into the split meter and it will first display the KwH you have purchased and then adds that to any balance that was in the meter and finally displays your new balance.
Background *Herbmore Prepaid Zimbabwe* has embarked on an electricity split metering programme. The main objective of this initiative is to give landlords and co tenants independence to buy and use electricity thereby empowering them to control and manage their own consumption. *Herbmore Prepaid Zimbabwe* is currently selling and installing Split Prepaid Meters to willing property owners all over Zimbabwe specifically targeting residential customers and commercial customers *that are already on a Zesa meter*.