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Counterfeit Degrees And Ph.D.s Threaten Zimbabwe’s Education System - ZIMCHE

3 days agoSun, 23 Mar 2025 12:54:55 GMT
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Counterfeit Degrees And Ph.D.s Threaten Zimbabwe’s Education System - ZIMCHE

The Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education (ZIMCHE) has raised concern over the growing number of unregistered institutions operating illegally and awarding fraudulent undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications, including bogus earned and honorary Ph.Ds.

As the national regulatory and quality assurance body for higher education, ZIMCHE is responsible for overseeing the accreditation, registration, and evaluation of higher learning institutions to ensure they meet the required standards.

In a statement, ZIMCHE lamented that these unlawful activities undermine the integrity and quality of Zimbabwe’s higher education system, posing significant risks to the public. The statement reads:

Conferment and Use of Fake/Fraudulent Degrees

The Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education (ZIMCHE) has noted with grave concern the proliferation of unregistered institutions operating unlawfully and conferring fraudulent undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications, including purportedly earned and honourary Ph.Ds.

These activities undermine the integrity and quality of Zimbabwe’s higher education system and pose significant risks to the public.

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The ZIMCHE has identified several unregistered institutions engaged in these illegal practices and has issued closure orders to curb their operations.

Unfortunately, some institutions persist in defying the law, continuing to enrol students and issuing fraudulent degrees.

Of particular concern is also the use of these fraudulent qualifications and false titles such as “Professor” or “Doctor” by officials from these unregistered institutions as well as recipients of the qualifications.

In the case of the latter, recipients include unsuspecting members of the public who are duped out of their hard-earned money, while in some cases the recipients are willing accomplices to academic and qualifications fraud.

As the regulatory authority mandated under The ZIMCHE Act [Chapter 25:27], the ZIMCHE is committed to safeguarding the standards, quality, and credibility of Zimbabwe’s Higher Education System.

In this regard, unregistered institutions are unequivocally warned to cease operations immediately, withdraw all fraudulent qualifications, and desist from issuing or conferring any degrees including purportedly earned and honourary Ph.Ds.

Recipients of fraudulent qualifications and false titles are strongly advised to stop using these credentials or risk legal consequences, including civil and criminal prosecution.

To protect stakeholders including students, employers, and the public, the ZIMCHE has initiated investigations into these unlawful activities.

Appropriate legal measures will be taken against both unregistered institutions and individuals found complicit in academic fraud.

Members of the public are urged to exercise vigilance by verifying the accreditation status of such institutions with the ZIMCHE before enrolling in any programmes.

Similarly, employers are encouraged to thoroughly authenticate qualifications presented by prospective employees with the ZIMCHE.

Members of the public should always be on the lookout for unregistered institutions, that in some cases frequently change their locations to evade detection.

Some of these institutions are not owned by Zimbabweans, while others claim affiliation with dubious “international” universities that are not even registered and accredited in their countries of origin.

The ZIMCHE remains resolute in its mission to uphold the integrity and quality of Zimbabwe’s higher education system and is intensifying efforts to ensure that only accredited institutions operate within our borders, maintaining the integrity and high-quality standards that have been built over decades.



Hapana minister ane true and authentic PhD degree kunze kwalate Dr Edison Zvobgo chete , Cde Phillip Chiyangwa akariwanepi degree ? Cde Constantino Chiwenga vakariwanepi PhD degree ? gore rino tichanyara , dzidzai kubva Kuna Prophet Walter Magaya kuti chikoro chinotangira paO- level
Anonymous · 2 days ago
Amana Degree haridi zvekurikara kudaro soo. Kookungopasa ma subjects hako pa A Level woenda ku University pasina chipomerwa ,munhu unobveiko? Kana wabatwa kumberi uko wozotii manje ne fake iroro? Amana sooka?
gumlaz · 2 days ago
ko asi hazvitenderwi here kuita presdent okuita pastor usina degree racho ???
Zvishamiso · 2 days ago
Pindula your news are good but you take so long to update latest news on the platform please dzimwe dzacho you are better than Herald but keep on improving
Patz · 2 days ago
Kare even usinga support Mugabe vaigona kuongoendera ku rally kundonzwa achitaura because he was charismatic. Manje team remazuvano wakangotanga kubudikira pa Zanu BC unonzwa vana vese vakutoti good night mom and dad. There is only one charismatic and confident Minister in ED gvt and that is Amon Murwira
· 2 days ago
Kungotaura basi hakuna zvakunobatsira ,40 years achigona kutaura chii chakabuda . kutaura kusvika yapfugama zvnobatsirei izvozvo. Tnoda vatungamiri vanovaka zvipatara vanoganzira maroads , vanopa vashandi Mari, vanokoshesa kodzero dzevanhu, kwete vane simba rakawandora kumuromo seapinjisi.
Patz · 2 days ago
Vanonzi vana Dr for nothing. Ana Dr Muswere vanoto struggler kuverenga mavhoko avanonyorerwa vanenge vachitomboda 2 weeks dzekupractiza kuverenga mavhoko. Vafana vano researcher nekunyora ma speech vanenge vachitomuitisa
@Man to Man · 2 days ago
rasta · 3 days ago
tipei ka mazita acho
Walter Magaya · 3 days ago
*Renowned Journalist Geoff Nyarota Dies Aged 74* E Gufu VETERAN Zimbabwean journalist Geoff Nyarota has died. He was aged 74. The celebrated scribe famous for exposing the Willowgate vehicle scandal involving ministers and top government officials, passed on in Mutare after a long illness. Nyarota, the founding editor of Daily News, had taken to publishing, having authored a book titled ‘The Honourable Minister’, which is an anatomy of endemic corruption in the country. He also wrote other books, Against the Grain and The Graceless Fall of Mugabe.
sir banda · 3 days ago
tangatanawo tiripamabasa takato pihwa promotion nekugona basa
The Miller · 3 days ago
👍 · 2 days ago
asifuni bubhulu sesidiniwe
ponesai · 3 days ago
close them if you the powers,so you are sleeping on duty what are duties.musatinzwewo pliz..
skolla · 3 days ago
PHD yakangofanana neECD
SIR AFRICAN · 3 days ago
SIR AFRICAN · 3 days ago
So what is the purpose of this article if it hides the names of the institutions involved in false degree. Isu vamwe takaita ma degree a Transworld University kuma 80s tikaudzwa ne hurumende kuti haana basa as tatombo maturika mumadziro 😅😅😅
Ndombas · 3 days ago
.Nxaa what will happen to iron if gold rust
Gossip Machine · 3 days ago
Academic is academic. It is extremely worrying that even our local universities are donating degrees and diplomas to those in high offices. As a nation we wonder why in government qualifications are not vetted. This is for obvious reason. Even if a qualification is red flagged officials just ignore and move on.
Jao Zemin · 3 days ago
Saka in other words you're saying Hi Doctor hwa Ed I fake he
African Observer · 3 days ago
31 March Ed buda mu office by Ginya 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾
Moyo · 3 days ago
Vakada kuita dig deep nezve olevel you will be shocked many people vainyorerwa maths science English munhu aitoita dhiri kuti anyorerwe subject coz kuleaker kwemapaper this country is full of danderheads
De Bwoy of Substance · 3 days ago
Auxilia received a philanthropic Degree from a Uni in India whilst in zim there are many varsities
De Bwoy of Substance · 3 days ago
i heard even Mnangagwa holds a false LLB Law degree from UNZA Hichilema should investigate
꧁🅼🅤🅵🅐🆂🅐꧂ ☞︎𓃬☜︎ · 3 days ago
Kkk Pakaipa,
ROB · 3 days ago
grace mgabe dexta nduna magaya Walter nechimwe chi mp chezanu holders of fake documents
coni · 3 days ago
some of these institution belongs to zanu pf elites and also most of those fake PhD ndeevanhu vezanu
Alby. · 3 days ago
Dexter Nduna chimupaiwo anzwa nekufoira
Patz · 2 days ago
Anoridii. If u cant pass it means there no need for the degree. Incompetence is a result of these fake degrees
African Observer · 3 days ago
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Tatenda Mavetera PhD ministries
sir banda · 3 days ago
Mavetera waKenge wemasvosve kuface🤔
mosi yatunya · 3 days ago
ndo zvazara muuzimbabwe,saka muchiona maminister achitadza kuverenga nemaDocters achirapa zvisirizvo,ndokutochipa kwe education yemuzimbabwe,ichaita kunge madagga boy eku DRC vanenge vaine madegrees,gone are the days when zimbabwe was recognized with a highest Literace rate in Africa,only drug loads of Guka and Skanki will be recognised in future,mexico,colombia,combodia, yaaa ED pfeee ,madegree 4ED,kutonga nyika kusvika kusisina mastadium,mayouth éese dzava mboko,kusvika vasikana vechikoro vakuenda kubhawa,CBD yatena kuita shabeen ahhhh hameno Geza
Cde · 3 days ago
UZ and MSU
🗣️𝓥𝓪𝓻𝓲 𝓡𝓲𝓷𝓰 · 3 days ago
Yes, mafake degrees and PhDs held by O level graduates, but surprisingly they perform quite well if ever they get employed in gvt, which means some jobs are overrated. Zimbabwe needs an in-service training conducted by gvt entities. Each gvt entity must have a staff institute for skills upgrade in their respective departments
SIR AFRICAN · 3 days ago
It appears you do not know the chancellor of all state Unis.Its none other Vene.
Qualified Driver · 3 days ago
Good afternoon brethren,i want to take this opportunity on this platform to look for a kombi (highway) or 10 tonne truck in need of a driver..Im in Harare.Thank you 0719495208
Destro · 3 days ago
Chingotaurai kut Tatenda Mavetera ,ko zvine basa rei
Satan 👹 · 3 days ago
Dexter Nduna vakatombodawo kupinda muzheti racho vakabatwa naMagaya
Patz · 3 days ago
Tiudzeika maInstitutions acho arikuita illegally issue ma degree acho. Makuita kunge Traffic Safety Council inongoti takavharisa ma illegal driving schools musingataure kuti api apo. You are not assisting anyone
🧑‍🎓phd · 3 days ago
nyaya yezviowoko muhomwe ndozvauraya nyika
Anonymous · 3 days ago
Can you name and shame them now. Don't hide them. Soon they will pay bribe and go away with it
· 3 days ago
magaya I **** ne team roenda ku church kwake
Anonymous · 3 days ago
What really happened to Zim?Anyone can be a holder of anything. And no one can dare investigate them because of the system.
· 3 days ago
corruption is our countries special trait

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