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When Being Different Becomes Dangerous: Plight Of Journalism In Zimbabwe

3 days agoFri, 21 Mar 2025 10:16:37 GMT
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When Being Different Becomes Dangerous: Plight Of Journalism In Zimbabwe

Most of us are aware of Mr. Blessed Mhlanga who is charged with two counts of contravening Section 136 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:09]. This charge pertains to the transmission of data messages that incite violence or damage to property.

The arrest of Blessed Mhlanga is a prima facie case of unlawful detention, as it ostensibly contravenes the sacrosanct provisions of the Zimbabwean Constitution.

A combination of international human rights agreements and Zimbabwe’s constitution support the necessity of granting journalists unrestricted freedom to voice their opinions.

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), ratified by Zimbabwe in 1991, safeguards the right to freedom of expression in Article 19, which provides that “everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference” and “to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds.

The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, to which Zimbabwe is a signatory, explicitly protects the right to freedom of expression in Article 9, which states that “every individual shall have the right to receive information” and “to express and disseminate his opinions within the law.”

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Section 61 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act 2013 unequivocally guarantees the right to freedom of expression, stating that “every person has the right to freedom of expression, which includes… freedom to seek, receive and communicate ideas and opinions”

Does it then follow that journalists are safe, and why then are there rampant arrests of journalists in Zimbabwe? The legal framework governing journalism in Zimbabwe includes several laws that ostensibly protect press freedom but are often misused to suppress dissent.

Some borrowed aspects of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA) and the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act contain provisions that can be interpreted broadly to criminalize journalistic activities deemed unfavourable by authorities. These laws create an environment where journalists operate under constant threat of legal repercussions.

The Zimbabwean government’s penchant for utilizing specious allegations, such as “publishing false information” or “inciting violence,” to effect the wrongful and arbitrary detention of journalists has been a pervasive phenomenon over the past decade.

This pernicious practice constitutes a blatant infringement of the rights to freedom of expression and opinion, as well as the right to liberty and security of the person, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

The case of Hopewell Chin’ono, who was repeatedly detained on spurious charges of communicating falsehoods prejudicial to the State for exposing government corruption, exemplifies the measures employed to stifle critical reporting and dissenting voices.

The widespread condemnation of Chin’ono’s detentions by human rights organizations globally underscores the grave risks faced by journalists who dare to challenge official narratives.

For the past two decades, the lexicon of treason, sedition, incitement to violence, and dissemination of false information has been ubiquitously invoked to stifle journalistic freedom and dissenting voices.

It is axiomatic that every journalist must be cognisant of the perilous landscape they navigate, wherein deviation from the norm is oftentimes conflated with perfidy.

The chilling effect of this paradigm is exemplified by the myriad of journalists who, despite their desire to provide comprehensive coverage of the Geza issue, are intimidated into self-censorship.

The spectre of prosecution for putative offences such as “supporting insurrection” or “subversion” hangs precariously over their heads, effectively muzzling their freedom of expression and quashing their journalistic integrity.

In a putative democracy such as Zimbabwe, where the sacrosanct provisions of the Constitution guarantee the inviolability of fundamental rights and freedoms, the liberty of journalists to articulate their sentiments and opine on pertinent issues ought to be untrammelled by the machinations of censorship and the panopticon-esque surveillance apparatus, which insidiously seeks to extort conformity and submission.

By Gaylord Munemo (Emergency Response Specialist)



gaza · 2 days ago
chese chiri mu zim ndeche zanu pf chero geza wacho parikutobatwa hon'on'o ipapa
Cute · 2 days ago
Never study journalism with the intention to work in Zimbabwe or in countries such as Ukraine,Gaza , Lebanon and Sudan....
Anonymous · 2 days ago
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Zvishamiso · 2 days ago
Pindula please urge your fans kti vasatukane,pa comment apo kungopawo mafungiro nemaonero ako ,uye kutaura zvinyadzi ngatis**** chivanhu chedu,,,,Shuwa zviitiko zvemunyika zvakutiremei asi hatingatukane
Anonymous · 2 days ago
Yes ngavaremekedze president wavo wavakavhora tovaka nyika zvisina makaro. Atibvei paruchiva zvagonekwa ngazvitendwe. Zvaresva zvogadziriswa murunyararo. Musaise Chiwengwa pasipo haana kumboti ed aipa. Uye he is not greedy.
Those draconic laws are things of the past, people need freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom to criticize those in power , Zimbabwe is not Russia, people must held accountable those in position of power without fear , Zvimutemo zvese zvakashata izvo hazvivake nyika please taneta
Destro · 3 days ago
ED never learned from Bob,that's why his fownfall is very nigh
😎Tous l'est, jours · 3 days ago
Hapango mirwa mirwa paya paye Unonyura, ma journalists ivayiwo neutral
anon · 3 days ago
Ma journalist ari neutral ndosaka vachiita cover both ruling voices and opposing voices munomboonawo SABC here nhai diro,they cover every party,muno ZBC is partisan its not a neutral national broadcaster..why muchida kungopa tuma advice tiri biased..kumhaaaaataaaa mhani
M23 Tactical Instructor🐾 · 3 days ago
zvirikuitika zvikaramba zvichiitika pane zvichaitika
Führer · 3 days ago
Musati kana maguta nyemba mofemerwa nemadzimai enyu munzeve kuti baba ndarota opposition ichitonga nyika ino zviroto zviroto ngazviperere mudzimba.
😔 · 3 days ago
Va Gaylord Munemo mukaisa mumutauro weShona ne ndebele, isu tisingahwi chingezi tingabatsirikewo
Joe Cool · 3 days ago
Zimbabwe persistently breaches every international treaty and declaration it has ratified and the UN and foreign States persistently pretend not to notice.
Aviel · 3 days ago
we don't have freedom in Zimbabwe
Ediots · 3 days ago
Thats truth.

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