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Norton Residents Resist Sunny Yi Feng's 210MW Coal Power Plant Plans

2 days agoFri, 21 Mar 2025 07:10:33 GMT
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Norton Residents Resist Sunny Yi Feng's 210MW Coal Power Plant Plans

Residents of Norton have expressed concerns about plans by Sunny Yi Feng, one of the largest tile manufacturers in Southern Africa, to build a 210MW thermal power station in their area.

Earlier this month, the Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA) announced that Sunny Yi Feng had applied to install a 20MW solar plant at its factory.

However, the company needs more power than the solar plant can provide, which is why it plans to build a much larger 210MW thermal power station. This plan has faced opposition from local residents.

Sunny Yi Feng produces over 35,000 square metres of tiles and 40,000 pieces of kitchenware daily, serving both local and international markets.

To address Zimbabwe’s unreliable power supply, the company wants to generate its own electricity.

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However, Sunny Yi Feng’s proposal has faced resistance in other areas as well, such as its plan to mine coal in the Sinamatella area of Hwange National Park. Zimbabwe’s Parks and Wildlife Management Authority has opposed the mining proposal.

A report by a consultant hired by Sunny Yi Feng found that Norton residents are concerned about the environmental impact, especially air pollution from burning coal.

They worry that emissions could lead to respiratory diseases, cancer, and other health issues. There’s also concern that pollution could affect nearby water bodies, including Lake Chivero and Darwendale Dam.

Sunny Yi Feng, through its energy arm Sunny Jin Long Energy, insists that it has the technology to manage these risks.

The company plans to use emission control systems, and dust filters, and repurpose fly ash from coal as a material for making cement.

Despite these assurances, local residents are questioning why the company is opting for coal instead of renewable energy sources.

Sunny Yi Feng says it doesn’t have enough space for a large solar plant because generating 210MW from solar would need around 1,000 hectares, but the company only has 29 hectares available.

The company also claims that hydropower isn’t a viable option due to a lack of water in the area. They argue that coal-fired power is a more reliable option because it can provide continuous power, unlike solar and wind, which depend on weather conditions.

More: newZWire



Jegera · 3 hours ago
Coal vagara varikungotora vachipisa at Sunny yifeng every day they taking coal from Hwange and zve air pollution zvamukutaura it's another story because coal yagara ikungotorwa but yatingatoti problem apa is corruption by these Chinese investors and our gvt... So far they are the best tiles manufacturering company in southern Africa they are peanuts to the workers.. Vashandi varikutambura pachi company ichi and no one has vowed to intervene, mushandi aka harraswa Ono reporter hapana kwainoenda bcoz havasungwi ma China, kurova vanhu and havadi kunzwa munhu anotaura zvekuti mari ishoma basa rinobva rapera... So coal Power plant izvo yes it's a good idea but a big risk to vanhu vachashanda ipapo
Anon · 1 day ago
Who let the chinese in our country? Who benefits more from these opaque deals? I suspect that there are huge kickbacks at play here,Zigananda is almost a billionare now if u know u know
꧁🅼🅤🅵🅐🆂🅐꧂ ☞︎𓃬☜︎ · 2 days ago
Hativade avo
Anonymous · 2 days ago
;)))))) Welcome to the best adult dating site --
tate · 2 days ago
hazvina dhiri zvima zhing zhong basa kuchera makomba.Hazvina nguva zviri muno
🦍 mukanya · 2 days ago
ngavagadzirire kuChina tozotenga maproducts avo as imported goods, why not putting a plant yekugadzira ma batteries elithium muno since the raw product tiinaro muno. vanhu ava vaonesesei nekuvaziva, kutipa zvisina, ma tiles anogadzirwa nemabhonzo emazondo ekunhongeredza, chrome, lithium, gold twuchiendesa kwatwo
Gegeja · 2 days ago
give them 1000 hectares dzacho we want renewable energy projects chete.
skun · 2 days ago
Zimbabwean people don't know how to react , thebest way to deal with this is by not buying their products, only that way they understand the seriousness of the people..
Anonymous · 2 days ago
That won't happen. Greed is a popular part of Zimbabwean culture now.
Anonymous · 1 day ago
True ndosaka tichirwira zvisina maturro pane kubatana in numbers there is power
Destro · 2 days ago
Sunny yi feng has given hundreds of hungry zimbos jobs ,please Nortonians let sunny yi feng be..Your gvt only thinks of 2030 they don't have any solution to joblessness in this country
Murambwi · 3 hours ago
Vachivabhadhara nzungu havo... Hat ubhadhare tuvanhu utwu.. Shame... Endai munobvunza vanoshandapo ku chema kwega kwega ivo maChina achihoresana mari svinu..
Gaffer · 2 days ago
the best option is for the government to come in as a mediator let the company develop then force them to give back to the community through job creation prioritizing the unemployed locals, etc and giving surplus energy to Norton households that could be a win win because if they don't build that plant what do you want them to do. Zesa is a sick man.
chombo · 2 days ago
ma china arikudya nehukuru. please liberate zim.
🦅 🐆 🦁 ɢᴀᴍᴇ-ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇʀ · 2 days ago
Let's put our resources to work, if coal can provide us with electricity, let it be. After all it's cheaper. The power station they would build would be a Norton legacy. You want to consume power from Hwange? ...what if Hwange residents protest against pollution, would those power stations be banned?
Anonymous · 2 days ago
Good point,sometimes i think,nhamo dzedu muzimbabwe dzakuita tingo opposer zvinu zvese,even something benefiacial to us,we now have minds conditioned to oppose
SIR AFRICAN · 2 days ago
Chitungwiza has diesel fired power station built by Chivhayo a few years ago against the wishes of the people.When they tried to use it there was heavy smoke that made Chitungwiza snd outlaying areas pitch black during the day.You would not see the tip of your nose.Since then it was never operational.
🦅 🐆 🦁 ɢᴀᴍᴇ-ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇʀ · 2 days ago
That was a bad idea indeed, why didn't he install a Giant Diesel Power generator instead?
Anonymous · 2 days ago
Do you believe this blatant lie?
chief svosve · 2 days ago
iwe usajaire kunyepera vanhu the reason why Chitungwiza diesel plant yakamiswa inyaya yekuti it was expensive to run, the amount of diesel yaidyiwa nemagetsi aibuda zvaisaenderana ,also it is in Dema kwaMurape Sec School not muChi Town chaimo. Saka dzidzai kunyora zvamunoziva coz vamwe they rely on your comments vachiti munoreva chokwadi also payaibatidzwa of course noise yaiitwa but not sterek even zve pollution izvo kunyepa paibuda hutsi asi kwete zvrkunzi surrounding areas paiita black. ini ndokwandinogara I witnessed it kwete zvekuudzwa. Iri nyaya yeMagetsi e Coal kuNorton I think gvt inofanira kuona kuti is it true kuti maChina anokwanisa kuita magetsi asina pollution kuEnvironment if it's OK 👍 fine.Asi if it's a hazard to the environment it's a 🙅‍♂️ no coz maChina ndeekutongwarira they are just after mass production zveVanhu vachazosara munyika havanei nazvo. ndatenda chief wenyu Svosveldo
Chinyama Stephen · 2 days ago
First thing is who will benefit most from this coal deal. Whose trucks will carry the coal. Hwange National Park will be destroyed by uncaring Chinese who are out to destroy anything Zimbabwe. Its not just about jobs. Chinee don't care for anyone including our most precious Nation. No. Norton people dont budge.
SIR AFRICAN · 2 days ago
Chitungwiza has a diesel fired power station built by Chivhayo a few years ago
Oncemore · 2 days ago
Ma China are evil, they violent the labor act, all they want is profit
General valerio Sibanda · 2 days ago
glessed beza · 2 days ago
That's more power to the grid, but then it's the Chinese
mosi yatunys · 2 days ago
dont trust chinese they dont care about people tinofa neutsi hwecoal
SIR AFRICAN · 2 days ago
Ndambakuudzwa · 2 days ago
endai munotaura kumatare kwete pano
War vet · 2 days ago
Kuzvida , kusazvida hapana chinoshanduka .

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