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Nick Mangwana Calls For Regulation Of Churches In Zimbabwe

3 days agoThu, 20 Mar 2025 22:41:12 GMT
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Nick Mangwana Calls For Regulation Of Churches In Zimbabwe

Ndavaningi “Nick” Mangwana, the Permanent Secretary for Information, Publicity, and Broadcasting Services, has said the government should regulate churches due to the rise of religious scams disguised as Christianity.

Mangwana, who has openly declared that he is not religious, argued that while religion is intended to provide comfort, guidance, and a sense of community, some churches in Zimbabwe have strayed from these noble principles. He said:

[Churches] have become breeding grounds for political pronouncements aimed at causing instability, child marriages, sexual deviance, financial abuse, and cultist behaviour.

The recent events at Madzibaba Ishmael’s farm, where cultist behaviour was on full display, are a stark reminder of the dangers of unregulated religious practices.

The sight of individuals being coerced into parting with their hard-earned cash, or worse still, their children, is a clear indication that something is amiss.

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It is alarming to note that anyone can simply wake up one morning, find a rock in the bush, declare it a shrine, plant a banner, and voilà! A new church is born.

Mangwana asserted that there is a lack of accountability and oversight in the establishment of churches in Zimbabwe, creating an environment where charlatans and con artists can pose as men and women of God, exploiting the vulnerable and gullible. He said:

It is imperative that we take a closer look at the regulation of churches in Zimbabwe.

We cannot continue to allow religion to be used as a cloak for nefarious activities.

The time has come for us to demand greater accountability and transparency from our religious leaders.

Mangwana further argued that regulating churches, especially the new evangelical, apostolic, and Pentecostal movements, is essential to ensure transparency and accountability. He said:

These churches often have a charismatic leader who is revered as a spiritual authority, and sometimes even as a demi-god. 

This can create a power dynamic where the leader has absolute control over the church’s finances, operations, and members.

Often this comes with some nepotistic succession plan, where gifts and callings are sexually transmitted. Husband professes the gift of prophecy and presto, wife is now a prophetess!

The whole financial matrix becomes opaque and nobody but those belonging to this family will be anywhere near the purse strings.

Without regulation, it can be challenging to track the flow of funds, identify potential financial mismanagement, and protect members from exploitation.

Mangwana suggested that to regulate churches effectively, the government needs to create a clear framework that addresses the specific characteristics of new evangelical, Mapostori, and Pentecostal movements. 

This could include requirements like financial transparency, such as submitting audited accounts and detailed budgets.

He also proposed that the government establish guidelines for church governance, including the creation of independent boards or oversight committees to prevent the church from being controlled solely by its founder or leader.

Mangwana pointed out that in countries like South Africa, Kenya, the UK, and Australia, churches are regulated. 

For example, in South Africa, churches must register with the National Register of Non-Profit Organisations, submitting financial statements, constitutions, and other documents. Registered churches must also follow accounting and auditing standards.

In Zimbabwe, Mangwana recommended that churches register with relevant authorities, such as the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) and the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, as a step toward improving transparency and accountability.

 Churches should be required to submit their constitutions, financial reports, lists of office bearers, and governance systems. 

He also posited that leaders should undergo vetting to ensure they have no history of financial misconduct or sexual offences, arguing that such people should not be allowed near the pulpit.

More: The Herald



Patz · 1 day ago
These so called churches should be taxed because they are now businesses. Anyone found akaunganidza vanhu without a certificate should be arrested. These so called churches are now used to further interests of individual politicians by coercing congregants during election time. A church is designed to accommodate indivuduals from various political backgrounds for the purpose of worshipping God but the church leaders have since abdicated their mandate but are now being bought by politicians to lure congregants to vote and support politicians. Most of these so called churches are now corruption institution. Im imagining Makandiwa telling congregants that they should not worry about this earthly life because there are houses build for them in heaven. Saka kana vasati vaenda kudenga vanenge vachigarepi. Ko iye Makandiwa zimba rake akarivakireyi. Ko mari dze zvipo dzobhadharwa hadzisi che kupa nherera, vakaremara ne old people here. Toona wafundisi wakudziita ndekuendesa vana vawo kuzvikoro zvinodhura, kutenga motokari dzodhura nekuzviwakira dzimba dzinodhura
yum yum feed me · 2 days ago
big mouth to feed there, see the size of the mouth ! takes a lot to feed it ! , thats why singing for supper again here !!
laugh emoji1
Widzo-Miles · 2 days ago
😆😆😆vamangwana vakabigwa chegumi napapa
Widzo-Miles · 2 days ago
It is alarming to note that anyone can simply wake up one morning, find a rock in the bush, declare it a shrine, plant a banner, and voilà! A new church is born.
Anonymous · 2 days ago
Render to Caesar what belong to Caesar and to God what belong to God. That way it’s better
Anonymous · 2 days ago
:)))))) Welcome to the best adult dating site --
Blue🌀 · 2 days ago
imi.kawitbh your laws so apana izvozvo we need freedom of worship
PROPHETIC VERSE · 2 days ago
Muzviise pasi pamasimba ose akagadzwa pakati penyu navanhu nokuda kwaIshe: angava mambo, saiye mutongi mukuru, kana vabati, vakatumwa naye kuti vazoranga vaya vanoita zvakaipa uye kuti varumbidze vaya vanoita zvakanaka. Nokuti kuda kwaMwari kuti, nokuita zvakanaka, muchanyaradza kusaziva kwamapenzi. Garai savanhu vakasununguka, asi musingaiti kuti kusununguka kwenyu kuve chifukidzo chezvakaipa; garai savaranda vaMwari. Kudzai vanhu vose norukudzo chairwo: Idai hama dzose, ityai Mwari, kudzai mambo. 1 Petro 2:13-17
FBI · 2 days ago
Optimus · 2 days ago
Looking to dip our hands into some of that church money are we? 😂😂😂
🦍 mukanya · 2 days ago
Geza arikuti Bull****
🦍 mukanya · 2 days ago
let's say you are right, Mr 2moro but let your government start with that apostolic sect where you rely with your electorate, kwaMarange uko, kune madhara atoziva vane 20, 15, 12, 8 vakadzi ma14 yrs, 15yrs. Geza another that's BULLSHIT
laugh emoji1
man · 2 days ago
taura zvauziva kwete zvekunzwa
The zebras · 2 days ago
Mukanya taurai zvamuneidi nazvo kwete kutaura kwamusana kuswera kuita vakadzi vakawanda hazvireve kti ma under age uuummmm holololo zvimwe zvinhu nyaraiwo kungopomera vanhu mhosva dzisipo
Joe · 4 hours ago
Iwe unonzi mkanya asi Wakambopenga hre.
Joe · 4 hours ago
okay tell me nhasi president wakanzi washanya pamba pako une right yekuwadzinga.mind your on business.Remember you are using buddie zviri easy kuti tiziwane.usafarise nezvinhu zvemahara izvi
kruschev · 3 days ago
siyanai ne ma church
· 3 days ago
Rongai henyu vana Nick but space yenyu yava doko
Patz · 3 days ago
Nick kana wakavharwa bag kuchurch dzenhema taura. Vanhu vakabvira kubirwa kare vani memuripi kuzotaura nhasi
Evangelist · 3 days ago
The anointing upon my life is directly from the Lord Almighty. It's not offered at bible school. It's not through primary elections. One is not anointed by a Phd in Theology. Scripture, the Word of God is a complete guide of God's church. The government of Zimbabwe is least qualified to give any guidance to the church because it is the seat of raw satanism, the very opposite of what God's church stands for. They want to appoint their satanists, masvikiro and witchdoctors to thwart God's church. My ministry will not be run the Zanu evil way. It will not be run the way Zanu Pf has rundown Zimbabwe. The one who called me decides how His body is run and it's centered on the Holy Spirit. Why are your eyes on money, money, money? Thieves! You want us to make people pay for God's free gift so that the devil can benefit. Ndabaningi and all your bosses need to be delivered from very big demons.
pat · 3 days ago
It is unfortunate that we live in a world where religion is used to achieve political, financial and all sorts of nefarious desires by man.i believe religion should indeed be regulated to some extent.some who claim to be religious leaders are in fact wolves in sheep's clothing .today it's difficult to tell some churches from cults apart and when you listen to some of these (men of God's) sermons you are left to wonder.their congregants are no different from political zealots who blindly follow their leaders.
Ediots · 3 days ago
Zanu-PF is in bed with cultists, fake prophets, religious scam artists and ****ual preditors donning Church cloth. Ediots have been to these people's homes, churches, shrines, place of worship. Zanu has gone out of its way to defend this scum as long as they attend political rallies and cheer zanu pf on without any input of wit.
Corruptmore Looto · 3 days ago
Well I doubt it will help, as long as there are desperate poor people, charlatans will always be available to trick them by abusing Christ. Just look at the poor countries, that's where all these shenanigans take place.
gumlaz · 3 days ago
ingotii makuda mutero kumachurch chete kuwanda kwawo kwebasa rei ko munehutsinye uye hamuna moyo nxaaaa
Oncemore · 3 days ago
Leave churches alone
Wrong password · 3 days ago
"Touch not not my anointed" Ndavaningi tamba nezvimwe.
Sir African · 3 days ago
makandiwa world of betting. this week kune marii tiuye
musona · 3 days ago
i am more gifted than god kkkkkkkk.vanoendawo ikoko munazvowo imi.
12345 · 3 days ago
Urimurwere wepfungwa Iwe mangwana, unoda kuti machurch ave transparent pamari, imi sehurumende are you transparent panyaya dzemari
Gaddafi · 3 days ago
isu venguwo chena tinokubatira munamato ukachema ngeshoko Ako awakutaura
Moyo · 3 days ago
Makandiwa kuti hakuna vanhu vane power zvekudaro 95percent of religious powers are fake
million · 3 days ago
ndodzimwe mhàťa idzi
Nero · 3 days ago
Mangwana akapoya mu kondomu uyo
Patz · 3 days ago
Achiri ma church here ayo akungoshandiswa to coerce congregants to vote for particular politicians vakuru vacho vachi bribiwa
Destro · 3 days ago
apa benz i rataurawo zvine huro..
Nero · 3 days ago
Hapana chine musoro chataurwa apa, zanu kuda kupinda muma structure ema church kuti ibe mari, chete nguva yaana mangwana yakwana, expiry date rasvika march 31
Patz · 3 days ago
Ko n'anga sei usiri kutaura nezvadzo
The High Priest · 3 days ago
just for the first time in life's history, nick has outspoken what I find out to be the truth, people have turned out to be the blasphemers if I'm to look at what unconditional church must look like. Kagame a Rwandan president once declared that for one to open up a religion church must be a holder of a degree in theology. sure munhu anongoenda padombo ototi ndavhura sangano rechurch yet is a criminal.
Hwesa · 3 days ago
Zvimwe hazvide chikoro pesepese. Uporofita hautevere fundo.
Anonymous · 3 days ago
As he said he doesn't care about churches. This is only because the churches have spoken out about corruption. Whilst the surface principle is honourable, who will enforce it. An atheist? This is just a governmental instrument brought in to punish any criticism. I don't see them looking at Magaya or Passion Java. He is a wolf trying to play the sheep dog.
Geza · 3 days ago
Ma**** chete anoona chokwadi chinotaurwa nemhATa dze zanu
srt · 3 days ago
in short, he is saying we want tax from these churches.I think it's a hard rock to crack as they have failed before.You cannot force people into submission when it comes to their beliefs, same with their financial status.How will you track every dollar collected?
theLastAntKing · 3 days ago
yes mari ndoyanyanya kudiwa on both sides governmrnt through zimra & Church leaders. Anga ari right panyaya yake but paazongoti zimra chete zvabva zvadhakwa.
Geza · 3 days ago
Hazvina kudhakwa pa ati zimra, zvadhakwa paavhura zimuromo rake, mese muri mafuza, murikuona chokwadi panyaya iyi
SIR AFRICAN · 3 days ago
Churches self regulate themselves you ediot.You want to create another dark age where the Roman Catholic churches cause chaos in the seven century haikona
· 3 days ago
why do people always have to mention the Catholic church 🤔🤔
Ndambakuudzwa · 3 days ago
Catholic church have a terrible history my dear I was at one time the only church allowed anyone who was not a Catholic the priests and cadi also will kill them
Cyrus the Virus · 3 days ago
i don't usually take anything from this guy seriously but this time around he is spot on
Geza · 3 days ago
Bviswa virus yaunayo iyo,

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