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Stages Of Acquiring A House In Zimbabwe

1 week agoTue, 18 Mar 2025 11:33:17 GMT
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Stages Of Acquiring A House In Zimbabwe

The Ministry of National Housing and Social Amenities has outlined the stages involved in acquiring a house in Zimbabwe.

In a statement, the Ministry explained that the process of acquiring a house involves several steps, which may differ depending on whether the property is being purchased from an individual, local authority, company, or the government. The statement reads:


The process of acquiring a house in Zimbabwe involves several steps, which may vary depending on whether you are purchasing from an individual, local authority, a company, or the government. Below is a general guideline:

1. Identify the Property: Establish if the seller has title deeds for the property in their name. Also ascertain if the property has architectural drawings, engineering drawings and also check if the plans were approved by the local authority. Conduct due diligence to ensure the property meets your requirements in terms of location, price, and conditions of payment.

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2. Verify Ownership and Legal Status: Obtain a copy of the title deed. Conduct a title deeds search at the Deeds Registry Office to confirm ownership and check for any encumbrances (mortgages, disputes, or caveats). For properties without title deed, confirm with respective local authority for council land, respective government Ministry for Stateland.

3. Negotiate and Agree on Terms: Discuss the price, payment terms, and any conditions of the sale with the seller. Engage a lawyer or estate agent to facilitate negotiations.

4. Draft and Sign an Agreement of Sale: A lawyer or estate agent should prepare a formal Agreement of Sale outlining the price, payment method, and conditions. Both parties sign the agreement, and payment modalities are agreed.

5. Obtain Tax Clearance Certificate: The seller must obtain a Tax Clearance Certificate from the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) to confirm that all tax obligations related to the property sale have been met.

6. Transfer of Title: The seller’s conveyancer prepares transfer documents, which are lodged at the Deeds Registry Of- fice. The buyer will be required to pay stamp duty at the point of registration at the Deeds Registry office, calculated based on the property value once processed, the new title deed is issued in the buyer’s name.

7. Handover and Finalization: After all payments are completed and the title is transferred, the seller officially hands over posses- sion of the property to the buyer. Utility accounts (water, electricity, rates) should be updated to re- flect the new owner.



Führer · 1 week ago
Ukangoti Pamberi ZANU PF watowana stand yako
Bob Many · 3 hours ago
screwdriver · 1 week ago
Ndokumbirawo short code yebank rinonzi First Capital
Anonymous · 1 week ago
mosi yatunya · 1 week ago
stages of aquaring food on the table,hupfu machunks nezvibvuteki
Anonymous · 1 week ago
A mastages akarebesa aya havauye kwatiri one time tapedza, takaita mastages acho kare KKKKK. Land baron. Musadyire mari nema land barons follow these stages , imba haitengwi mu tuckshop kana pamusangano., tinoipwanya iri mumugwagwa.
Moyo · 1 week ago
Process yacho Inotemesa musoro unogona kuita gore uchitenga imba kutenga stand kurinani
SIR AFRICAN · 1 week ago
Pa six apo pane nyaya.,Mnangagwa gives free title deeds to residents without going through the required steps ,how does genuine are the title deeds he is throwing around,How does he know whether there are sales agreements between the parties, some owners passed away many years ago and the estate have not been registered and there several children from the former owner ,who now inherit the property since the owners have died intestate? vanhu varikuvarwa,especially those from Epworth
😎Tous l'est, jours · 1 week ago
I think deed ra Ed harisi transferable not until the end a specified term period of time, probably kwema generations
SIR AFRICAN · 1 week ago
@so what is its purpose?
Alphandega · 1 week ago
thus good but what we need are genuine stands and gvnt is failing that to provide middle income or low income stands with reasonable payment plan rhe dzimba tovaka tega
M23 🔥 · 1 week ago
Rabbish is this news.. Nekutambura kuti kuuta ruzhinji rwe Zimbabwe anowana Mari yekutenga inba ndiani yekudya, kuofeka, rent ichishungurudza.... Get real fulz
😄 · 1 week ago
usati munhu wese akutaura iwe..
QMan to Man · 1 week ago
you know
cronyist · 1 week ago

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