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Three Armed Men Storm NewsDay Journalist's Office

3 weeks agoMon, 17 Feb 2025 14:30:39 GMT
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Three Armed Men Storm NewsDay Journalist's Office

Alpha Media Holdings (AMH) senior journalist Blessed Mhlanga has revealed that three individuals armed with pistols visited his office on Monday morning, searching for him.

Mhlanga, who was not at the office at the time, also received a call from the ZRP Law and Order Section, inviting him to discuss an undisclosed matter. He posted on X:

It’s not a laughing matter at all. Three persons armed with pistols came to my office this morning looking for me. They did not say why they needed me. Then minutes later, I got a call inviting me to Law and Order. I will be presenting myself to the police with my lawyers tomorrow.

Earlier this month, Mhlanga was summoned to Harare Central Police Station by the ZRP Law and Order Section.

Concerned about the police’s intentions, Mhlanga attended the station accompanied by MISA Zimbabwe’s External Legal Counsel, Chris Mhike.

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It was later revealed that the police wanted to discuss the status of a six-year-old case involving former Deputy Finance Minister Terrence Mukupe.

The summons followed Mhlanga’s interview with ZANU PF Central Committee member and war veteran Blessed Geza, who had been making critical remarks about President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

In the interview, Geza accused Mnangagwa of corruption, nepotism, tribalism, and failing to address the country’s economic challenges, while calling for his resignation.

On Saturday, HStv, part of the AMH group and run by Mhlanga, posted a statement on X, quoting Geza as saying that he was safe, not arrested, nor in hiding. Geza was quoted as saying:

We are ready to bring change and no amount of threats and lies will derail the struggle. The signal is coming.



zola · 3 weeks ago
expose them show us sum cctv footage,surely such a large media company has cameras allover the work place...
Chigananda chematama · 3 weeks ago
aah nxxx so as a journo they are not allowed to inform the nation of both bad and good news.isnt that infringement to right to expression.hmmm blessed and protected where u r mhlanga
fugu pfeee · 3 weeks ago
stage managed
Skopp Dhonoro · 3 weeks ago
His protection is assured, Zimbabwe is a constitutional democracy. So far we are doing well in terms of promoting freedom of speech and expression
Q · 3 weeks ago
Urikugara nyika ipi
Joe Brownn · 3 weeks ago
Mhlanga is doing excellent job
jaa · 3 weeks ago
why did you interview that rogue? zvimwe munongo zviparira.
HiLLBiLLIES VOLkSWAGEN 0774857233 · 3 weeks ago
Prophet of Doom · 3 weeks ago
Dzamara disappeared without a trace
Sir African · 3 weeks ago
@Prophet of Doom we know the people behind the forced disappearance of Dzamara and the chief culprit is Vene because he was the acting president during the time Dzamara was abducted.
fugu pfeee · 3 weeks ago
saka uri kudii kupa security or dzamara family information yese yaunayo.
African Observer · 3 weeks ago
HSTV 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Ediots · 3 weeks ago
The threats do not help in this instance. Zanu tactics are worn out and people are now resistant to them. i believe the journalist will not give up his source nor disclose any meaningful information. it is crucial for his credibility which i do not doubt. they dont want Geza to keep talking to the nation. They want to silence even the channels that are disseminating communication from Geza
Private Investigator · 3 weeks ago
Ukatamba nengwena zvakaita Cde vasingaGEZE uchafira mafufu segonzo. Even as a journalist ziva pekutangira nepekugumira. Kwawave kutambira uku unenyura. USAID haisisina time or mari yekupa ma useless local journalists anenge iwewe. Eron Musk akataura wanhi kuti YUWESI haichaita izvozvo..
Corruptmore Looto · 3 weeks ago
Ohhh please, the guy knows the risks pretty well so don't show your fake sympathy for him he doesn't need it. Journalists the world over risks their lives time and time again, even going directly into combat zones, so don't think they will ever stop no matter the consequences.
Sir African · 3 weeks ago
@C.L You are spot on.Journalism is the fourth estate which keeps the nation well informed. The person who goes by the handle Privated Investigator should go back to school and demand his school fees.
mwenewazvo · 3 weeks ago
@PI vanhu vanenge imi vanondisvota zvekurevesa kuda kutyisa zvenhema
z-edrp .. Porice4ED · 3 weeks ago
zanu republic porice
@vhedza · 3 weeks ago
Mhlanga be aware your station maybe used to launch an uprising installing a militant who Geza want installed.

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