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"Mnangagwa's Promise To Retire In 2028 A Tactic To Buy Time And Adjust His Strategy"

3 weeks agoMon, 17 Feb 2025 14:55:19 GMT
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"Mnangagwa's Promise To Retire In 2028 A Tactic To Buy Time And Adjust His Strategy"

A political activist has dismissed President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s recent declaration that he will retire at the end of his second term in 2028, arguing that it should not be taken seriously.

During an interactive meeting with selected editors from both public and private media at State House on Monday, 17 February, Mnangagwa said he would not be persuaded to remain in power beyond 2028.

However, in a Facebook post, Hon. Learnmore K Magorimbo, president of the Zimbabwe Youth Alliance (ZYA), suggested that Mnangagwa’s statement was merely a tactic to buy time and not a reflection of the actual situation. Wrote Magorimbo:

Today, in a carefully staged meeting at State House, Mnangagwa once again played the role of a constitutionalist, claiming that he will operate “within the confines of the constitution” and that he has no intention of clinging to power. But history has shown that when Mnangagwa speaks of legality, he is only justifying his next move.

This is the same man who promised economic reform, democracy, and an end to corruption—yet all Zimbabweans have seen is worsening poverty, political repression, and a looting frenzy by his inner circle. His words are never a reflection of reality but a tool to buy time.

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Magorimbo warned Mnangagwa’s opponents that the ZANU PF leader needs more time, not to transition power, but to further consolidate it. He said:

If he were truly sincere about stepping down, he would do so now. But his real intention is clear—he needs more time, not to transition power, but to consolidate it.

He is not preparing for retirement; he is restrategizing. His past actions speak louder than today’s empty words.

The ZYA leader argued that Mnangagwa’s assurances were not genuine signs of good faith, but rather a calculated move to ease pressure and adjust his strategy.

He further warned that the longer Mnangagwa remains in power, the more ruthless his tactics are likely to become. Said Magorimbo:

His grip on the state is not about leadership—it is about securing a life presidency by any means necessary.

Believing his promises now is not just naïve; it is a direct betrayal of history. Mnangagwa has no intention of stepping down willingly.

He is simply playing for time, ensuring that when he makes his final move, there will be no one left to challenge him.



jiji · 2 weeks ago
Udza baba vako va retire uda kut a retire ndiwe waka mu employer ere only time can tell
tito · 2 weeks ago
itai zvinhu zvenyu one one
Shumba Murambwi · 3 weeks ago
Vanhu tine dambudziko chose, Mukuru wotaura kuti 2028 acharegedza basa motizve yowee unonyepa. Munoda zvipi chaizvo. The so called Legislature ndivo vane nhamo kuti President vagara varipo kusvika 2030.Vazhinji vanoziva kuti Mukuru akasiya, naivo mabasa havachina. Kana Mukuru ati ndinosiya, ngatizvitende nkt ndizvo vanenge vataura zve nhai. Dai zvkadaro makumbavha ese akaure
Anonymous · 3 weeks ago
I am as soft as wool tarisai ma genarari kufa kunge nhunzi beware 🤣🤣 haa Genarari vakazorora vakamirira 2028 vairasa...
walle · 3 weeks ago
*Definition of Probity* *Probity* refers to the quality of having strong moral principles, integrity, and honesty. It is often associated with ethical behavior and adherence to professional standards. *Characteristics of Someone Lacking Probity* A person who lacks probity may exhibit several negative traits, including: - *Dishonesty*: They may engage in deceitful behavior, such as lying or misrepresenting facts. - *Corruption*: This individual might be involved in unethical practices, such as bribery or fraud. - *Irresponsibility*: They may fail to take accountability for their actions or decisions. - *Manipulativeness*: Such a person might exploit others for personal gain, showing a lack of respect for ethical boundaries. In summary, someone who lacks probity is often seen as untrustworthy and unethical, which can lead to negative consequences in both personal and professional relationships.
Anonymous · 3 weeks ago
Keep dreaming nana Magorimbo venyu ivavo. The worst people trying to swerve peoples minds are journalists and analysts who try to twist simple statements to mean other things. Rambai muchirota. All you say is on EDs advantage.
Tipe · 3 weeks ago
Tinoda news dzanhasi timbonzwa kuti ba Sean vamuka sei pamwe na madhara Geza vatinongonzwa kuti vari kudya remubarrack Mamuka seiko Garwe nhasi,ko mudhara Geza muriko here
Dee · 3 weeks ago
let him rule nhai he's the perfect candidate I love ED ini akambotishanyira kumaraini kwedu and gave a speech you guys don't know him siyayi arule no one can do better than him
Anonymous · 3 weeks ago
The current economic disaster is entirely of his making.
😎 · 3 weeks ago
President has come out clean that he's a constitutionalist and RESPECTS CONSTITUTIONALISM, simple and straight to the quim, why is it so, Most of us we live up to these guys and RESPECT is a key nom, and we know "constitution" is our manual and step by step booklet to be adhered to by everyone cause it governs a state and it republic Saka it a done deal case when he says He's term ends 2028 Trump's term is supposed to be Americas 46th President since he's bounced but counting goes on, and he now the 47th a newer one being altogether, that's Constitutionalism followed
Muchatibhuuu · 3 weeks ago
ED woyee 2030 anenge achimomu office pfee pfeee pfeee,Achingotonga imi muchingovukura kusvika Mati bhuuu.Mungamudii hamuna Simba kungovukura ****a chekuita dhololo hapana.Achatonga Garwe kusvika madhongi amera nyanga Saka ****a ingomimirayi mungamudii.Anesimba ngaati bufu uti bhuu.
🥂🤭🤭🤭🤭 · 3 weeks ago
🤣 · 3 weeks ago
ungatoti iwewe unechaunoziva about politics.🤔
🤣🤣🤣🤭🤭🤭🥂 · 3 weeks ago
handina basa nadzo nekuti hadzindipi sadza ini ndonakirwa nemusic kwete politics 🤣🤣🤣🤣 kana anouya vacho akauya haasi baba vanku kkkk achauya nekudyawo
The High Priest · 3 weeks ago
kana usina basa nepolitics urikutaurei, whatever you're smoking or drinking is very dangerous. what a **** fool! team remutoriro
hoyooo · 3 weeks ago
toudza imi mune hasha nePindula kunge ndoichachinja life asi mukuudzwa zvakataurwa zvikapera kkkkkkk comment haidzoseri journalist ikoko futi 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Skopp Dhonoro · 3 weeks ago
ED gets advice to do the right thing but people are very free to dream and even actualise them
Patz · 3 weeks ago
Ku retire 2028 kwese uko. Ko ku retire izvezvi
teamleader · 3 weeks ago
😂😂😂 ini zvangu ini
skye · 3 weeks ago
i think Chiwenga is aware of this guy's plans after eliminating all the generals who helped him to be where he is today... Chiwenga pedza basa rawakatanga siyana netwinyay twe nhem twataurwa na mukuru awa
Gandanga · 3 weeks ago
This only makes those who are against him angrier. He thinks that he is the smartest tactician alive. If the General, Geza and their team don't get this man out of office according to their original plan, he will wipe them out very ruthlessly. He is very insincere and fails to do the obvious.
Anonymous · 3 weeks ago
"ZZANU PF Secretary for War Veterans, Douglas Mahiya, warned war veterans opposing President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s extended rule that they could be silenced indefinitely"
Anonymous · 3 weeks ago
Zanu has to go since 1980 self centered party nothing for the people, only thinking to rule, end up creating fake opposition imposing Conman tshbangu, now they don't hide anymore, zanu is a cancer to Zimbabwe
Third Dimension · 3 weeks ago
Those silly enough to accept these insincere words from ED should watch out ,its more of a game of exposing his really enemies and now that he has known them he will go after them one by one ,eliminating them and by the time 2028 comes he will have cleared all those trying to obstruct his 2030 vision as he has plans to leave his son in office and another one as the Zna Commander, mark my words pachafiwa neavo varikutaura zvekuti ED abve pachigaro izvezvi nekuti plan yake ndeyekuda kusiya vana vake vavakutonga Nyika Ino.
Congo · 3 weeks ago
Kna wabva utore zvese nevana wako wawakaisa muhurumende namadam zvese todawo zvinyowani coach anouya nema asstent ake
😎 · 3 weeks ago
Micheal Nees haana kudaroingawani
sinyo · 3 weeks ago
Pane warikuziva kuti akabva pawo paperawo so wanototi ngaarambe aripo for their benefit...
coni · 3 weeks ago
uyu wataura chokwadi chiwenga akasangwara ne team rake vakufa gore rino they should be clever enough voburitsa garwe mumvura voriisa paruware voribhura rife
The High Priest · 3 weeks ago
Smile ya ED iri papic inondipedza Magura,kunge arikutoti mukufiller sey maZimbabweans, 🤣🤣🤣
The High Priest · 3 weeks ago
blaze · 3 weeks ago
If His Excellency is true to his word then he must openly rebuke those who are who are working on amending the constitution for his term extension
The Curator · 3 weeks ago
He has just don't so. pane kumwe kutsiurwa kunokunda izvi here?
Patz · 3 weeks ago
Hapana tactic apa. Hapana chinombomurambidza kutaura kuti achirikuda office beyond 2028 kana achiri kuda. Now we expect an end of that slogan ED2030 by those criminals masquerading as Zanu Pf members. Hokoyoyi zvigananda
WOOD DOCTOR · 3 weeks ago
makarokoto Shumba endai munodya Mari makazorora zvenyu munenge magona batai dhara
Xxx · 3 weeks ago
what has he done in the past pliz state,hapana Chataurwa chino batika apa
😎 · 3 weeks ago
Ma reporters edu wo futi awa,they like sifting a story in order to have those stories have a lustre through peddling and lies
skye · 3 weeks ago
i think ryt now mukuru is busy thinking of Uncle Bob if he was alive amupanga mazano ..mutambo watsvuka ropa ...Chivhayo haakombi nyika oga
ZimSketch · 3 weeks ago
waiting for checkmate.... mamanje so
Anonymous · 3 weeks ago
- Hot girls are waiting for you on -- Fun4.top
bounty hunter · 3 weeks ago
satanic group iro
chaka · 3 weeks ago
wise interpretation , he is saying he wants to retire, at e sametime those who are advocating for his retirement are said to have committed an offence. Instead those who are preaching fr his stay are going against his wishes and are supposed to be arrested
AAA · 3 weeks ago
must not retire, but finish his term in 2028 then popinda umwe . those are his words. those who say he must retire are wrong, and those who say 2030 are too ambitious
The High Priest · 3 weeks ago
Good observation, you are a legend, to finish his term and retiring are 2 different things
Ediots · 3 weeks ago
The man wishes to save his head. The fear is palpable in the smell of his sweat. the odor is unmistakable it resembles that exuded when he was sacked back in 2017 and had to go into hiding
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 3 weeks ago
Ko akaita life president we Zanu pf, zvinei ne ruzhinzhi rweZimbabwe, that's their own baby to carry, chinhu chavo chawora, ngavazvibvisire voga, tisaitisve.
Mudhibhisi · 3 weeks ago
If the river is flooded and the current strong enough,the Crocodile has no chance,it will will be swept away.Only torrential rains from a Cyclone can do that.The clouds are gathering.We are all waiting for the Cyclone , the very Cyclone that will sweep away the crocodile and bury it forever in the dustbin made fr those who dared murder and plunder the resources of our sacred nation. We all wait, waiting for the revered signal.....
shadows · 3 weeks ago
poor journalism iyi. Seiko kungorotomoka zvaunofunga iwe woda kuti nyika yese ikuteerere. ED agara achingotaura kuti 2028 arikusiya, y vanhu vasinganzwe. his loyalists are pushing for 2030 bt iye arikut noooo. ska zvekut arikunyepa wazviwanepi iwe mbwaaa.
tit for tat · 3 weeks ago
Asi uyu anenge anotaura chokwadi, this is time buying
Private Investigator · 3 weeks ago
Kkkkk nonsense yemunhu. Saka political activist thinks iye ndiye ane nonsense yake which we should believe. Kana ED ati he is retiring at the end of his term we have no reason not to believe him. Saka political activist ndiye akapinda mu brain ma ED akabudamo achiti ndaona what ED really thinks NONSENSE YEMUNHU 😂😂😂
Dladla · 3 weeks ago
Thats his opinion and he is entitled to wena ungenaphi? Come with your own analysis.
Mosi-Tunya · 3 weeks ago
zvinoda kutangira mumba kuti stop 2030 nuasanse,tozoenda kuZaire toti stop the war ,zvinonzwisisika nekuti tagona kumisa shoko,tozoita vhala ngebhechu Gidi paCongo vanotiterera charity begins at home
mugurameno · 3 weeks ago
Kune party irikuda kutonga Zimbabwe ngaigadzirise imba yayo nokuti pamurikunetsana nevarikuti 2030 murikurongerwa chimove kuti paanosiya hakuna party inenge iri strong chero candidate yezanu pf inenge yapinda inongobva yawinner
Scara · 3 weeks ago
@anonimous - why doesn't he just say, "Stop it!!!!," to those saying they will move a motion to extend his term, simple. the party is nevoming divided be ause of his failure to silence the 2030 anenge achipo agendists!!! failure to put a stop to it (which he can easily do) means he is complacent!!!
Mudhibhisi · 3 weeks ago
The Gvt of National Looters and it's Looter In Chief protecting them must GOOOOOOOOO
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 3 weeks ago
Poor journalism and it shows that this reporter has a predetermined agenda against ED. How can you cook your own narratives different from what ED said. Saka chiendaka unonwza kune vacho vaunotenda kuti ndivo vanotaura chokwadi. Maudzwa na ED point blank kuti haasi kuzowedzera term yake ende agara achizvitaura but you come out and say heee arikunyepa. Why dou you want twist straight forward answers dzamapihwa. ED cannot step down now because he still has to finish his second term which he was voted. Like it or not.
Jangabvororo · 3 weeks ago
kana asingadi kuwedzera anodii kunyararidza vese vari kuti Ed 2030 anenge ari muoffice..statement rekuti ndosiya haana kutanga kuritaura nhasi iri. even last year kuConference Byo akzvitaura asi nhasi vanuu vakuti 2030 Ed pfee.. takumuizva he needs to stay in power and kill more people..
collins · 3 weeks ago
haa vamwe vanhu misoro inotema, makambodarika nekuchikoro here? ayo mashoko ayo mashoko ndea Magorimbo mukuru we ZYA haasi a journalist aaaaaa verengai apa kwete kungomhanya
The High Priest · 3 weeks ago
@collins, thank you tell the dandahead who rushes to the comment section b4 reading the article perfectly, ED must just stop his loyalists who push for 2030 agenda if he is serious period, failure to do that speculations will never sease. People have a worldview that centrally places conspiracy theories of the unfolding history. No one trust him.
👿🔥 · 3 weeks ago
Trusting ED or not trusting him he will continue with his mission period 2030 ED pfeee pfeee pfeee muoffice
Tango · 3 weeks ago
How is it poor journalism? Was it written by pindula reporter or he just took Facebook post from the political activist.

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