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Mnangagwa And Chiwenga Supporters Clash At National Heroes Acre

1 month agoTue, 28 Jan 2025 15:21:37 GMT
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Mnangagwa And Chiwenga Supporters Clash At National Heroes Acre

ZANU PF’s factional disputes came to the forefront on Monday as supporters of President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his deputy, Constantino Chiwenga, clashed at the National Heroes Acre, reported ZimLive.

Chiwenga, acting as president during Mnangagwa’s annual leave, presided over the burial of Justin Mupamhanga, who was honoured as a national hero.

In the stands, Information Technology Minister Tatenda Mavetera, leading a group called Young Women 4 ED, rallied Mnangagwa’s supporters in song and dance, openly targeting Chiwenga.

They chanted, “mupanduki mupanduki chera mwena nguva yakwana (sellout sellout dig a hole, the time has come),” a direct jab at Chiwenga for his refusal to support Mnangagwa loyalists’ efforts to extend his presidency beyond 2028, the end of his second and final term.

Chiwenga’s supporters also made their voices heard, singing, “Siyanai naye Chiwenga munomuvengerei, siyanai naye Chiwenga (leave Chiwenga alone, why do you hate him, leave Chiwenga alone).”

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They further chanted, “2030 tonosangana, tonosangana kuWedza (in 2030 we will meet in Wedza),” referencing Chiwenga’s rural home in Mashonaland East.

Chiwenga’s supporters argue that the push against him is fueled by the greed of Mnangagwa’s faction, who have allegedly enriched themselves by looting state resources and are reluctant to relinquish power.

In his address, Chiwenga reiterated his commitment to tackling corruption, as he has in previous speeches. He said:

Zimbabwe belongs to all of us. We must share its God-given bounty, share its bounty equally so no one – not even the weak, the widowed or the orphaned are displaced or elbowed out by the strong in a mad rat race to grab unmerited privileges. Corruption has to end.

Our Vision 2030 is for all of us, not those that you call mbinga (corrupt tenderpreneurs). During the war, we referred to them as zvigananda (leeches): those who grow big tummies through ill-gotten wealth and questionable morals!

Mnangagwa became President in late 2017 and completed Mugabe’s term in 2018, after which he was elected for his first full term.

He won his second five-year term in the elections held in August 2023. Now, his supporters are urging him to seek a third term in office.



Chokunaka · 1 month ago
Chigaro chousheee china Mnangagwa naChiwenga......
Mp · 1 month ago
isu ma G40 zii watching fro from Terrence
mastermind · 1 month ago
haaaaa rimwe rino baiwa chete apa, but jenarari ndowatyira kuti wanogona kumedzwa
mwenewazvo · 1 month ago
ehe imbiranai ikoko,kana mapedza mozoita sei.hatisi kuda drama isu tiri kuda change, instead of bringing change makutoita maskits kurufu
Pasi Pamera Ziso · 1 month ago
Drama, drama, drama.... there is nothing real pazvese zvaiitika. Zimbabwe intelligence services have choreographed everything that we have witnessed in the past 7 days and it is working well for the continuity of ED's rulership. There is no bad blood between the two seemingly antagonistic forces in our party, we just play around your wildest expectations and make you relax as you watch thriller after thriller while we move on with our plans without any disturbances.... until 2030.
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Death sentence should only be reserved to punish corrupt politicians
coni · 1 month ago
jenarari vakapusa zvinobhowa
Pasi Pamera Ziso · 1 month ago
Exactly what we intended. You say things that make us proud of our intelligence goons. The general knows his place and his boundaries. He will never cross the line, not in his wildest dreams or imagination.
Zozo · 1 month ago
Ngavamboma.misana tione tozopindira kana chimwe chikomba chatsamira churu
🤔 · 1 month ago
I think what chiwenga is doing is nothing that is in favor of the majority. I see as if this guy is campaigning for president. Zanu always trick pple with this method and it's working bcoz some ar now thinking that Chiwenga is the real deal but he is the devil in disguise too. Where was he all the past yrs when we suffered in the hands of Ed and his Zanu pple.
wemarengenya haajambe moto · 1 month ago
ichokwadi Ichocho
Blue movement · 1 month ago
Manje Chivayo leak yetsamba yakanyorera Ecobank achida max $20m cash withdrawal yamunyudza naMatevere wake wakamupa tender ye$100m vachanyarara kuti ziii mbavha dzevanhu
Testing 1_2 · 1 month ago
Y'all remember after the coup ED pretended to be Mr nice. Same here, this guy Chiwewe akuda kutsvaga dzvene mumaziso evanhu. Mwana wenyoka inyoka haazomboite hwai kunyange zuva rikabuda nekupi
huchi.com · 1 month ago
shaking big smelly asses m.h.a.ta kurufu.sure.taneka nema beaches awa .funerals should be respected
Sir African · 1 month ago
Is Mary Mbaiwa included in the jenarari's speech?
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 1 month ago
We've saying Zimbabwe has no opposition party little did we know that it also has no ruling party, and anarchy is the order of the day as the masses try to organize themselves.
Nhare · 1 month ago
Zanu pf must give other parties a chance to rule, not what they are doing, holding on to power even though, people have voted you out, we can not have only 2 presidents for the past 45 years
Makatukura · 1 month ago
Next time muvape zvekushandosa varovane Vega pa chikomo ipapo
skye · 1 month ago
General i think now you have learnt a lesson....ukaita imwe coup usazope nyika vasina maturo
mono · 1 month ago
Dr Ian ndlovhu vaka chiporofita muna2022 achiti Ed should not be tempted to go way beyond his term it will create a problem for the country akati constitution ichachinjwa
gumlaz · 1 month ago
zvamutsana mutsana tsuro nembwa kkk fokoro
Chamisa · 1 month ago
Vic venom ariku faction ipi kkk
tacks · 1 month ago
maakut urayira part yedu manje
. · 1 month ago
Chiedza "💋chichy🫦" Makaya · 1 month ago
We rally behind ze general Chiwenga woyeeeeeeeeeeeeee
cde razor wire · 1 month ago
Garwe 2030 mumvura ndokumba kwaro garidzokere chte
jojo · 1 month ago
garwe ngarizive kuti mvuwu irimo mumvura imomo, zvatarisana, garwe peta muswe.
Ric Renom · 1 month ago
Zimbabwe political field is turning ugly with the on going struggles of who assumes power in 2028...
The Curator · 1 month ago
Power struggles IN Zanu Pf are not new They have always existed since 1965. But one thing is that power struggles never destroy the party.
Corruptmore Looto · 1 month ago
Corruption has destroyed this country, such an ugly vice that thing. I'm not a supporter of the death penalty by any measure but I just might support it when it comes to it being allowed back just to exclusively deal with those who engage in corruption as in regards to public funds. In my opinion such people who swindle national resources are worse than murderers they deserve the noose, just imagine how much they have disadvantaged this Nation since 1980, probably billions upon billions of misappropiated funds which could have put us at another level.
jivaschihwehwete@gmail.com · 1 month ago
You are on point, I subscribe to your point.
Syphilis · 1 month ago
these young women 4 ED vane m*h*a*t*a dzinonhuhwa
dhimbare yangu mhayi · 1 month ago
pakashata apa nama supporters kkkk
kkkkk · 1 month ago
hamheno rega tione

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