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Industry And Commerce Ministry Enforces Compliance In Reserved Sectors

1 month agoThu, 23 Jan 2025 13:01:35 GMT
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Industry And Commerce Ministry Enforces Compliance In Reserved Sectors

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce is conducting a national blitz on compliance with reserved sector regulations.

Certain sectors of the economy, such as pharmaceutical retailing and haulage and transport logistics, are reserved for local people.

However, nationals from countries like the DRC, Pakistan, and Nigeria dominate these sectors, often without the required operating licenses.

On Thursday, 23 January, the Ministry announced that the number of reserved sectors was increased from 12 to 17 through an amendment to the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Act. It said:

The Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Act was amended through Finance Act No. 2 of 2024. The amendment means an increase in the number of reserved sectors from 12 to 17.

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The added sectors include pharmaceutical retailing, haulage and transport logistics, borehole drilling, customs and clearing and shipping and forwarding.

Industry and Commerce Deputy Minister Raji Modi recently told Business Times that some retail outlets operated by foreign nationals in Zimbabwe violate the law. Said Modi:

We have a problem with foreign nationals from the region operating our local retail shops and it is not only them, there are the Chinese also who are in the retail sector because they are not supposed to be doing so, the retail sector is only reserved for Zimbabwean citizens.

Unfortunately, they are using our local Zimbabwean names or workers’ names to obtain licenses and they are doing it illegally.

Former ZANU PF Harare provincial political commissar who once served as Harare South MP Shadreck Mashayamombe claimed that at least 90% of tuckshops in Harare are owned by foreign nationals.



Anonymous · 1 month ago
The Chinese has dominated the retail sector yet they have the expertise to evade paying taxes and smuggling of the goods. They are draining the economy dry and now have gone a gear up to deny workers their wages and shoot them for demanding their salaries.
Best · 1 month ago
Zimbabweans don't have Capital to operate these Businessess, Money Problem kkkkkkkkk Local Currency kkkkkkk
😎 · 1 month ago
Foreigners must create partnership with indigenous people to create massive employment, Simple Even in SA foreigners are this nuisance but, employ largely Zimbabweans in a foreign land foreign country
Sir African · 1 month ago
Corruptmore looto and Dark African you are now employing double standards, we chased the whites and designated them as foreigners despite the fact that some had no other home than Zimbabwe and some of then had been in this country for many generations.
Sir African · 1 month ago
Modi is Asian and he claims he is indigenous yet he is in retail business. May be the defination of indigenous depends on the defination of whether one is a member of Zanupf or not.
Anonymous · 1 month ago
People born in China are regarded as indigenous. That is why the airport had Returning Resident in Chinese.
Corruptmore Looto · 1 month ago
Ahhh Sir African why are you now thinking like this, he is Zimbabwean isn't he, so he can start a retail business if he has the funds this has nothing to do with being Zanu PF or not.
Sir African · 1 month ago
You chased the whites who had more 100 years foreigners .You are employing double standards now .You select those who you want to be indigenous
Dark African · 1 month ago
Modi is a Zimbabwean citizen that is why he's in government if he was Zimbabwean resident he wouldn't have been employed government. Once you are a citizen you have all the privileges of an indigenous citizen in every country in world not because you are aligned to the ruling elites
BigBwana The Boss · 1 month ago
Modi is a Zimbabwean citizen.He is also a member of Parliament
Alibaba · 1 month ago
Foreigners must take 2nd place
Dark African · 1 month ago
Foreigners according to this Act don't apply that is the meaning of the word reserved
i · 1 month ago
the policy is 100% good by the problem is the business environment is not favorable to someone asina mari to purchase the commodity esp in retail groceries foreigners bought thier commoditys abroad in bulk feom e manufacturer while the locals lacks the capacity in transport talk of big names so the policy only apy on paper bt on practical avasundi like they do in mapurazi avakatora failed to use them and let them behind to the same white farmers
Ediots · 1 month ago
What happened to open 4 business
Mp · 1 month ago
Teacher · 1 month ago
112377 · 1 month ago
protect the local industry and create employment opportunities for the locals.
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Zanuphobia. kkkk

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