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"Zimbabwe Government’s Newly Issued 'Title deeds' Unbankable And Worthless"

1 month agoMon, 20 Jan 2025 07:11:10 GMT
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"Zimbabwe Government’s Newly Issued 'Title deeds' Unbankable And Worthless"

Statement by Ben Freeth, Spokesperson for SADC Tribunal Rights Watch, Zimbabwe, regarding the Zimbabwean government’s issuance of title deeds to holders of land expropriated from white commercial farmers:

SADC Tribunal Rights Watch is concerned about the Zimbabwe government’s current plans, overseen by the highly controversial and US-sanctioned businessman, Kudakwashe Tagwirei, to issue “title deeds” for farms that already have legally issued title deeds owned by former white commercial farmers, small holders, members of the Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Army (ZIPRA) whose properties were seized, and others.

These title deed owners have not been compensated for their land, despite having final and binding court judgments which confirm that such original title deeds are still bona fide.

At an event on President Mnangagwa’s Precabe farm near Kwekwe on Friday 20 December 2024, a handful of farmers, including Mnangagwa, received “title deeds” to the farms they are currently on.”

Such deeds fly in the face of international law and the Southern African Development Community’s SADC Treaty of 1992.

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The final and binding judgement of the Southern African Development Community’s SADC Tribunal in the Campbell case, will render these new “title deeds” unbankable and, in the final analysis, worthless unless there is first a full and fair settlement with the owners of the original title deeds.

In 2008, the tribunal found for a group of Zimbabwean farmers on the basis that they were deprived of their land without the right of access to the courts and the right to a fair hearing, both of which are essential human rights.

In this way, the tribunal held that the Zimbabwe government breached the provisions in the SADC Treaty: Mike Campbell (Pvt) Ltd and Others v Republic of Zimbabwe (28 November 2008).

As is the case with the various and numerous attempts to issue new currencies in the Zimbabwean economy — there have been six attempts in 15 years to replace the US dollar as the primary currency — these new “title deeds” will become worthless.

We fully support any initiative to issue bona fide title deeds on farms that have been authentically bought by the Zimbabwe Government and in communal areas where Zimbabweans have never enjoyed the benefits that freehold title deeds accrue to their owners.

We applaud governments like the Rwandan government and others for their bold move to issue many millions of bona fide freehold title deeds to their people and thereby emancipate those people, creating wealth for them and the country from “thin air”.

We are convinced that this, along with the firm establishment of the rule of law, is the fundamental game changer which will allow Africa to overcome poverty.

As the president of the African Development Bank, Dr Akinwumi Adesina pointed out in November 2023, “Our governments must realise their responsibility to lift people out of poverty and into wealth as quickly as possible.”

The current move by the Zimbabwe government to issue what have been described by some as “counterfeit title” will only create more confusion and stagnation in the agricultural economy and in Zimbabwe generally.

The Zimbabwe Government needs to return to the rule of law, re-establish justice systems, obey final and binding judgments such as the Campbell judgement in SADC Tribunal, and allow its people the freedom to develop by ensuring freehold title deeds are fully bankable and transferable to all Zimbabweans, irrespective of their political allegiance, tribe or race.

If this is done, the economy will grow exponentially in a dramatic and exciting way and investment will pour into the land of Zimbabwe, securing our status as a great African success story.



Sir African · 1 month ago
Title deeds do not grow on trees.They are a legal document and cannot be manufactured in the president's office. One may ask ,where are we going as a country ,we have a fake currency, fake title deeds,fake elections,a fake president,fake Ph D degrees.
Anonymous · 1 month ago
@Sir African You are AMASHONA ENTABENI mos. Nothing surprising here!
KwaMeda kune Huchi · 1 month ago
To hell with your tribal utterances
Anonymous · 1 month ago
What a joke 🙄 😒 😑
Patz · 1 month ago
The beneficiary of the land reform should be alert coz ana Tagwirei awo itora mari united. Those with land shall pay an exorbitant fee per hectare to obtain the useless title deeds since they will not be having any borrowing strength. If you are told that you have a title deed of land which still belong to the State it means you dont have a title deed in real sense- it will be an immitation of a title deed. The whites still have title deeds to their land until they are compensated and the land cannot have double title deeds
Rhodesian Statecraft · 1 month ago
This land question will never be resolved amicably until Mr Joggerbeans,,Mr Brown and Mr Sugar loaf are compensated and reparations paid to them for feeding the black population for years with the credit going to the foolish Mugabe. You cannot attribute Rhodesian farming ingenuity and and great strength of personality in managing the land to a roving band of bandits politely referred to as the freedom fighters
Ediots · 1 month ago
ED is surrounded by ****s. esp the min of justice has poor appreciation of the law
laugh emoji1
tapera.phinza · 1 month ago
kovaya.vane 5mapurazi
dok25 · 1 month ago
It is those who put the borders to make Rhodesia and Zimbabwe how it is shaped who divided the country into different areas and brought out the issue of title deeds. At least between us and Zambia there is a clear demarcation by the Zambezi River, and between us and South Africa the Limpopo River. Does anyone know why our borders with Mozambique and Botswana are where they are, or soon we will be fighting them to move our borders to the Indian Ocean and past Botswana and Namibia to the Atlantic Ocean
Vebgwo · 1 month ago
The current borders are a figment of imagination and practically means nothing. Mozambique claims that their actual border is as far as Rusape while Zimbabwe claims that its border is just northwards of Pretoria. Zambia is the opinion that its border is deep in Zimbabwe. Perhaps another conference to come up new borders this time not in Brrlin but in Ethiopia and the participants being wholly African is overdue.
Charles Horton Cooley · 1 month ago
the boarders are at that homestead of a person with a Zimbabwean id the rest is an imagination. just as you know where your farm ends, so is the boarder. this is. ot a communal society with no actual boundaries
Generation 2030 · 1 month ago
Ma whites ngavanyarare havo, vakatenga kupi land iyoyo uye ne marii. Ye land havahwine ngavataure zvimwezvo zvema rights, economy, corruption etc
Anonymous · 1 month ago
tintin · 1 month ago
its surprising! you actually admit to corruption, human rights violation? however they should sort out the previous agreement that was made irregardless with the white farmers. So Wich means no Title deed is safe ? kana Government ikachinga totongoita void matittle deads e the previous regime hanty? Makapedza maresources akasiiwa nevarungu maakuda kutengesa mapraz Acho kuita mastands! Ma**** evanhu. Hubenzi hwacho last chaiyo !
dandaheads · 1 month ago
6 currencies in 15 years, thats an average of a new currency every 2.5 years (every 30 months new strongest regional currency .. kkkk) , wow ... what an record-breaking achievement from this bunch of dunderheads indeed !
tabablas · 1 month ago
Skillibeng · 1 month ago
mhaaataaa dzavoo
Zudza · 1 month ago
unozviziva her kuti ndakada kuita nezvako ndinoswera ndakubata inini tisina kukanda kuwanika kwako i2mns unopusa wakuroveka nemashoko ako aya wakaswera usina kutuka unombonzwei uchaivenga Pindila ndoda kumbokufambira uchapera dzungu.
Zudzaaaaa Zudza · 1 month ago
ko unovhundutsira munhu ndiwe watukwa here?hapana zvaunomuita..dzatokwana 12 minutes chiita kwacho.
Zudza · 1 month ago
yuuu asi une nharo nezvandataura Kani???
d.z · 1 month ago
@zudza iwe unotopenga zvako iwe kana uchivhundutsira vanhu tanga waziva platform yauri chimusunga tikurovere maoko Chipurisa maichida baba asi u**** maybe ndihwo hwakazoita muve hwindi pari sei padoor recombi mazuva ano

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