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Mnangagwa's Third-Term Bid Faces Major Hurdles - Madhuku

1 month agoWed, 15 Jan 2025 07:26:44 GMT
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Mnangagwa's Third-Term Bid Faces Major Hurdles - Madhuku

Constitutional law expert Lovemore Madhuku has said a third-term bid by President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s loyalists is highly unlikely and will face challenges.

In a recent interview with Open Parly, Madhuku described the effort to secure a third term for Mnangagwa as a formidable task, fraught with numerous obstacles. Said Madhuku:

I think I can say that it is almost impossible. Legally yes you can go through the steps, but once you know what those steps are, you realise that it’s almost impossible.

Madhuku said the steps would require a publication of the first Bill where they seek to amend the Constitution. He added:

Ordinary people will have to debate it within a 90-day period. Thereafter, take it to Parliament. It must get a two-thirds majority both in the National Assembly and in the Senate and thereafter, there must be a referendum.

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We should then vote yes with a majority. Now, that alone tells you that it will be very difficult because I know that in the 90 days for debate and so on, it will come out very clearly that most Zimbabweans don’t support it and when it goes to Parliament, we’re not sure how they will vote.

It cannot be assumed that since ZANU PF has a two-thirds majority they’ll obtain the two-thirds majority. They may not obtain a two-thirds majority. But if they get it, they have to go to a referendum.

That is in respect of the first Bill and then, with a referendum voting yes or no, it will just be a referendum on President Mnangagwa and I don’t think that he wants it. It doesn’t matter how you couch the Bill.

When you then go to the stage of voting yes or no, it will be very simple. Do you want the President to continue or you would want the President to serve 10 years?

So most people who respect the President would simply want him to rest after 10 years. So when you say possible, I think it might be a very loose word.

In 2024, the ZANU PF Annual People’s Conference in Bulawayo passed a resolution calling for an extension of Mnangagwa’s term beyond 2028.

Mnangagwa, however, has rejected the proposal, reaffirming his commitment to abide by the constitutional term limits.

On Sunday, Mnangagwa hosted legislators from ZANU PF, along with a few members of a splinter faction of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) led by self-appointed secretary-general Sengezo Tshabangu, at his Pricabe Farm in Kwekwe.

The gathering is believed to be part of ZANU PF’s broader strategy to push for constitutional amendments, utilising Tshabangu’s splinter CCC faction to help ratify the changes and mobilize grassroots support for the referendum necessary to finalize the process.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 month ago
Zanu is a cancer to Zimbabwe you don't need to be told
Patz · 1 month ago
Bvunzai Robert Mugabe kuti pa referendum panobudika here
Adazhi · 1 month ago
Hapana chisingapere ikozvino Dr stop it Grace akuita kunge asimo mu Zim
Patz · 1 month ago
Akuita kunge akatofawo na Bob
kkkkk · 1 month ago
tshabangu ku zanupf side chiwenga at citizen side handeyi pakaoma apo
kkkkk · 1 month ago
chiwenga is at opposition side saka handwi tione kuti third term inobudirira here
Anonymous · 1 month ago
This will not be a challenge. Zanu PF is Parliament. Tshabangu is Senate. The currency to buy-in will be cars.
ED Lite · 1 month ago
nemaomero akaiita life yevana vevhu hazvibude
Account Holder · 1 month ago
think I can say that it is almost impossible
dck · 1 month ago
but the constitution also states that even if it is successfully amended the sitting president does not benefit meaning Mnangagwa here is constitutionally out on this one
srt · 1 month ago
that's why it is being said it's not easy unless that clause is amended.the process isn't easy
Patz · 1 month ago
Yes he should not benefit from an ammendment he makes coz every President will change the Constitution to suit himself saana Mugabe wakatozobviswa ne violence kuda kutoita firapo
Patz · 1 month ago
Ka life kekuwa former President kanenge kanotonakidza . Hazvidi kumirira kukupurwa kana ku looser election just leave after 2 terms unenge uri exemplary. Kana ma international assignments unoawana from reputable organisations like UN, Commonwealth, AU, SADC etc. Manje ukaita history yekurambira pachigaro you wont be a Statesman
Pfeeee · 1 month ago
Hakuna iyoyo makatonga zvakakwana hatichadi zvemaOppresser its enough naTshabangu anofunga ne**** enjere
Patz · 1 month ago
Dai aenda zvake kunokwikwidza ku Zifa presidency izvi zva 2030 kupedza nguva yake. Remember Mugabe akazokupurwa nevanhu vaimufurira kurambira pachigaro
Patz · 1 month ago
Those calling for ED2030 are dunderheads coz they are not foreseeing kuti zvofira pareferendum. I doubt if even 1% of the population will say Yes. Even those Zanoids who are conversant of the law like Ziyambi, Chinamasa, Paul Mangwana etc know that its not achievable but coz of politics of patronage and bootlicking they cant outrightly say it. Referendum is the decider and Zimbos in their millions cant extent corruption and lack of rule of law
Corruptmore Looto · 1 month ago
A referendum is very tricky, someone who thought he was untouchable lost it in 2000 😂😂.
Jongwe · 1 month ago
kana achida 3rd term ndaaitire kumba kwake neshamwari dzake driri kuda2033
Patz · 1 month ago
Ordinary Zimbabweans or the general public know very well that extending the term is simply extending corruption, poverty, abuse of gvt systems. Zim needs to be reset as soon as possible
Cîroc 🍸 (🇺🇦🇵🇸) · 1 month ago
zvidiki izvo tosvika chete 2030 . Ed huchi 🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯
Ediots · 1 month ago
Only way for ED to continue until 2030 is to step down or else he will catch a bullet in his brains before 2028
dok25 · 1 month ago
If those calling for the extension know the law and the Constitution, the president and the people should know that they are lying, or they are very ignorant people who are lazy and do not want to work but live on handouts. In their ignorance they want the laws and the Constitution to be broken.
dok25 · 1 month ago
The Botswana president was telling his ministers about how the law works and saying that a minister should not just sign without his/her applying the mind when the permanent secretary presents a document for their signature. They were doing team building under Ministers To Learn the Ropes to Enhance Efficiency. It is very interesting to note how many of our respectable people ignore or break the law wilfully and in ignorance.
coni · 1 month ago
nhaimi Hazvie sakarombe aripiko
pasi negarwe pasi pasi naro · 1 month ago
pasi nezanu pasi pasi nayo
kkkkk · 1 month ago
ndo downfall yake iyoyo regai vaite tione
pm · 1 month ago
hapana chakaona apa vanoda kutiita mubikira chete ramba kutyityidzirwa.

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